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Iran says U.S., Israel ordered September 11 attacks

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posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 09:25 PM
To the OP, this doesn't sound to far off target to me. I certainly think they did.

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 09:30 PM
Congratulations Spawwwn, you just took my personal award for the single worst post that I've seen on ATS. Though I must give you credit, you managed to get a couple of capitals in the second and third paragraph of your rant. Other grammatical and spelling issues aside, you clearly have zero concept on what fighting a war means. It's nothing like a playground, and you have obviously been watching too many movies or playing too many computer games that your sense of perspective and reality has been totally distorted. Ahmadinejad obviously doesn't have a monopoly in talking "antagonistic smack", because your post is a shining beacon to all as to why not everyone's opinion in life should matter. Ahmadinejad is an idiot, but advocating the deaths of thousands of innocent people by nuking them suggest you have some issues of your own. Especially seeing as he has only verbalised what is an extention on what the majority of people on ATS think - that the US Government was involved in some way in 9/11.

My advice: Take the time to consider what you are writing and what the implications are of your suggested actions. Oh, and a spelling and grammar check will help your posts look a little less like a the ramblings of a leet-gamer wannabe.

Now, to the topic at hand. Ahmadinejad, despite being a bona-fide idiot, doesn't say things just for fun. The question I have is who was the target audience for these comments? Internal domestic consumption, US, or broader world? My gut feel is option one, maybe in an attempt to shore up support at home against US claims concerning nuclear developments. Or maybe it is a smokescreen to divert attention from other areas?

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust
Franklin D. Roosevelt and Adolf Hitler worked together to start WWII with the goal of furthering the New Order of the World.

George Bush and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are working together to start WWIII with the goal of completing the New Order of the World.

did roosevelt and hitler leave notes behind or are we to assume that Bush and Ahmadinejad are not following a script? This NWO thing is really starting to take a long time.

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by Spawwwn
Drop the bomb on him already, it'll teach him some respect...and he wont be able to talk smack because he's lips wont be anywhere near his body.

Please explain to me how "nuking" someone will teach him " some respect" ?

Just think about what you posted there...

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by Crakeur

Originally posted by In nothing we trust
Franklin D. Roosevelt and Adolf Hitler worked together to start WWII with the goal of furthering the New Order of the World.

George Bush and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are working together to start WWIII with the goal of completing the New Order of the World.

did roosevelt and hitler leave notes behind or are we to assume that Bush and Ahmadinejad are not following a script? This NWO thing is really starting to take a long time.

According to this source WWII was the brainchild of Roosevelt and Churchill, not Hitler. It goes on to say that Hitler didn't even want to go to war with England because everyone would lose, even if they won the war.

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 10:17 AM
I didn't see any reference to Hitler and Roosevelt plotting on behalf of the NWO. The NWO is a joke. If it were real, the plotters are the dumbest collection of people to ever congregate and plan anything. It has taken hundreds of years to get farther and farther from their supposed goal. The plotters are not going to enjoy the fruits of their labors because their labors started several hundred years ago and they have been dead for centuries so please, tell me, how Roosevelt and Hitler and Ahmenalonglastname and Bush can possibly all be tied to this ages old myth.

I don't doubt that the country needed a good war and a chance to show everyone what we were capable of but were Hitler and Roosevelt working towards a common goal? Doubt it. If so, why was Hitler not alive at the end of the war? Why was he dead or in hiding? Saddam Hussein was allowed to live thru two wars and he wasn't involved in any NWO plot so why would Hitler, apparently and integral cog in the giant 1000 year NWO machine, not allowed to live?

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 10:51 AM
I dislike this move by Iran and both encourage it. If they fully feel something happened, great more support.


On the other hand...THIS is a PERFECT weapon for Bush to use. "If you support what Iran supports Re: Conspiracy of 9/11 - then you are a terrerist (Bush pronounciation)." Which you can obviously see bad for many reasons.. and not just him but other people will view this as well in a negative light.

Kind of sketchy but.. oh well :-/

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by Spawwwn
but think about it people, all this guy does is talk loads and loads of horsesmack. saying crap lie "oh iran will answer the resolution becuase we have BIG SURPRISE for these infedels, we hate isreal, death to america, who wont be pushed around, u better not stop us from getting peaceful nuclear suplies!" seriously give me a break someone like that DESERVES AND NEEDS to be nuke or at least have a bomb droped on his country to severly to teach him a lesson not to talk antagonistic smack.

he reminds me of that annoying kid in the playground who would be like "you better not make me mad my daddy can do bad things to u!". It's the same bull. The only difference is that kid got the living nightmare kicked out of him, apparently Aj didnt recive that butt kicking yet.

you know i dont neccecarily condone war, but i condone less, straight up XXXX talking! iran if u so bad attack someone then, put u amunition where u mouth is. Stop making empty threats it makes you look WEAK and nobody takes your country seriously. furthermore, that hot talkin breath is about to get you a serious smack down by the US to teach u it's not funny to taunt people and act like an idiot...

my advice: dont make accusations like that without substational proof. dont run your mouth and make empty threats if you arent going to have the gall to actually do something. dont start a war that u cant finish (dont forget how many nukes usa has) and dont cry when we invade your country and take all your oil and be like "hey wait, we were just kiddin!"

THIS....this type of post is what makes people all across the world look at the USA, Americans and American foreign policy and think "oh my god...arrogant stupid bastards... why the hell don't they just shut up?".

Iran hasn't attacked anyone. Its not talked about attacking anyone. Yes there was some religious rhetoric about Israel, but hell, on the basis of rhetoric alone the US is the most dangerous country in the world.

So the Iranian president thinks that the CIA and Mossad were involved in 9/11. So do a large number of Americans - tell me Spawwn, are you going to nuke yourselves on the same basis?

Its the kind of rhetoric you spout in your post that MAKES Iran want nuclear weapons, because if you and the logic you present are a shining example of your countrymen, your leadership and your perceived way of doing business then the world is in one hell of a lot of trouble, because the worlds "only superpower" is inhabited by rabid maniacs who are beyond any form of logic and reasoning, and who would rather massacre millions of people and condemn others to a slow death from radioactive posioning to solve their problems.

The really scary thought that living the "American Dream" means that you could be President one day.

I just hope I'm dead before that happens

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by kuhl
The Iranian government also deny the holocaust or at least their president does,this should be taken with an extremely large pinch of salt.

Oh and on a sidenote Iran also want nuclear technoogy...for power not weapons....yeah right.
Next they'll be claiming santa doesn't exist

Mod Edit: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 6/9/2006 by Mirthful Me]

Denying the holocaust to many means that someone questions even one detail of the official story and thus this is considered to be a crime against a sacred part of western history. It is like a christian questioning their religion for example.

but back to the thread...

Iran is correct this is what happened based upon logic and evidence but they forgot the LONDON connection to all of this too.

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
Denying the holocaust to many means that someone questions even one detail of the official story and thus this is considered to be a crime against a sacred part of western history. It is like a christian questioning their religion for example.

I'd hardly say their questioning the details?
More of a full on denial.

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by kuhl
I'd hardly say their questioning the details?
More of a full on denial.

To the mod: am I required to edit this small quote?
because I am shown ZERO leniency in quoting posts on this site all the time. Even if it is mere words, furthermore, I thought that less than one line posts were not legitimate here?

Now back to the post: A full-on denial would not be correct re: the holocaust.

But If I am not incorrect it has not been proven either that the NAZI's had a plan in place to kill all jews eg. extermination of their subgroup. Not saying it was not so but I'm not aware of objective proof that exists.

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 06:09 PM
whats sad is that there were other exterminations going on and yet they are ignored today by the judeo-facists in israel , real followers of judaism acknowledge the other gruops that germany tried to eradicate , and don`t try and belittle it.

btw a grandfather of bush and hitler were actually friends.

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by Harlequin
whats sad is that there were other exterminations going on and yet they are ignored today by the judeo-facists in israel , real followers of judaism acknowledge the other gruops that germany tried to eradicate , and don`t try and belittle it.

true and those groups would have been easy to eradicate due to their small numbers and insular nature. But the powerful are only concerned with themselves and their own interests are they not?

But we can remember the fairy tale of the boy that cried wolf and one day he cries out and nobody comes to save him.

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by pstiffy

The Supreme Commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps accused the Bush Administration and the Israeli security service Mossad of ordering the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York and Washington, DC.

Inching closer to the truth!! Great post pstiffy.. Don't mind all the disinfo haters out there. It's normal. It's merely denial: Psycologically normal since they elected a thief. They can't fathom this. Soon they will have to wake up to the truth, as hardcore as it is. Notice the timing. Iran announces, CNN has UBL link. It's always the same. Whether or not UBL had a hand in it, Gorge Bush let it happened. And KNEW it was going to happen. In fact, he made CERTAIN it was going to happen.

[edit on 7-9-2006 by La Balance]

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 07:31 PM
Don't ever tell me a bunch knife wielding kids terrorized the USA.

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by La Balance
Don't ever tell me a bunch knife wielding kids terrorized the USA.

Well that's the government story.

Be very afraid.

A gang of knife wielding thugs doesn't like you.

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 08:14 PM
Yea buddy trust me that story is definetly a load of crap. Only five years ago when I was fifteen I had to defend myself against some individuals of a rival social group in an alley a few block from school. I picked up the a piece of board or plywood thingy and smacked the first guy that ran at me in the head with it, than took his knife after he hit the floor unconcious. I threw the knife at one of them and ran after them with the board, but they ran.

Now I was fifteen years old, your telling me dozens of grown adult men had absolutley no experience fighting and could not stand up for themselves against a bunch of skinnies armed with blades?! WTF is that crap. I mean take off your damn belt or use the luggage in the overhead compartment, ANYTHING!

I refuse to believe the story of planes being hijacked by blade wielding punks. pssshh, if that is fact, than the passengers were cowards in the purest sense and deserve no respect or dignity IMO. Your telling me some war vet, former police officers, or even a damn school teacher would sit there and allow hundreds of peoples lives at risk from blades? Anyone who believes that must be a coward themselves.

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by DYepes
your telling me dozens of grown adult men had absolutley no experience fighting and could not stand up for themselves against a bunch of skinnies armed with blades?! WTF is that crap. I mean take off your damn belt or use the luggage in the overhead compartment, ANYTHING!

Well, the terrorist did say they have a bomb. Now would you want to be the person that challenges that bluff? Also, previous hi-jackings the hi-jackers never used the plane as weapons. The plane usually landed somewhere and there were demands. Now the people on the planes decide to listen and hope this happens. Those on flight 93 received enough information from relatives of what was happening and reacted to the bomb bluff.

I think it's too simple to say "what you would do in the situation" because in the situation people change based on their emotions. And it is hard to say what you would do in such a situation with these conflicting emotions of fear, anxiety, confusion. But that's just my belief. I do think if one keeps himself vigilant and alert there is a greater chance that they can act heroicly in such situations.

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 11:16 PM
Well I know what I have done in situations in the past where I have been attacked by armed assailants. I have been shot at but escaped. I know what I have done. I doubt I would have believed the bomb crap because well I see what does and does not get passed airport security. I do apologize though, I take my own experiences for granted and act as if everyone should naturally know how to defend themselves.

I just suppose that is a trait humanity has lost from its primitive ancestors of course...

posted on Sep, 8 2006 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by Spawwwn
You know what i'm tired of that idiot Ajigqgbpqb02 running his daggone mouth. we should nuke his country off the face of the earth. All he does is try to pull the US into a war with iran by dissing us, and talking loads of ---- that isnt even backed up by any FACTS

Drop the bomb on him already, it'll teach him some respect...and he wont be able to talk smack because he's lips wont be anywhere near his body.

Great idea...
I love the understanding of people in todays world.

We get accused of attacking ourselves to domainte the Middle east.. So... we go and attack the middleast, and dominate it.
that'll show him how WRONG he is.

Wonder if this statement has anything to do with the latest osama tape being released.

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