From glp
an excerpt
Chicago's Target Dates: 9/7, 9/9, 9/11
Coded dates gives them a secret calendar of time lines and deadlines for staging terror events. They use numbers as their blueprint, like masons
building a temple of great detail and size, and they consider it an art form. They choose what they consider to be powerful numbers, and their
patterns are not at all coincidental.
9/7 is the most likely date for a Chicago 9/11 attack. They've already prepared the exercise for that target date, and say they are ready for
anything. Note that the number of the date is a descending odd-number code: 9, 7. This may match up with the numbers in the Bush hats, with Bush
"43" meaning 4+3 or 7; and Bush "41" meaning 4+1 or 5. Thus the exercise date, 9, 7 is part of sequence that also contains the Bush numbers, 7,
9/9 is dangerous, too. Remember how they used the date 7/7 (London) as a link to 7/11 (Mumbai). Using the same coding, they may want to link a 9/9
(Chicago) to 9/11 (NY/DC). Just as 7x11 (Mumbai) = 77 (London), so 9x11 (NY/DC) = 99 (Chicago). The 9/9 date is rich with code possibilities.
9/11 is quite an important date this year, since it's the 5th anniversary of the original 9/11. It has a frightening symmetry, too, when you examine
the full date of 9/11/06 and remove the zero, as they do. Notice that the resulting 9/11/6 gives a most rare number, which, if you flipped it over,
would give you a 6/11/9. It's a sort of mirror number, their sort of number, which means nothing to the unaware but screams out its significance to
those who understand the number code. Finally, this year's 9/11 may be a hidden "5/11," since it's the "5th" anniversary of the original "11"
of 9/11. If we have a 5/11 "secret date" for "the fifth 9/11" then it would complete their major attacks coded date sequence:
9/11 (NY/DC)
7/11 (Mumbai)
5/11 (Chicago)
3/11 (Madrid)
More Details of a Terror Plot
They originally said Al Qaeda would attack the Sears Tower back on 9/11, when reported that the Sears Tower (Chicago) and the Library Tower (Los
Angeles) were on the original Al Qaeda target list. They've been preparing the attack since then. Larry Silverstein, who has close connections to
Israel, runs the Sears Tower, and made his bid to purchase the Sears Tower on the very day of the 2004 Madrid: 3/11. He's the same Larry Silverstein
who was the owner of the Twin Towers on 9/11.
The Sears Tower has 110 floors, as did each of the Twin Towers. Remove the zero in 110 and find the code number "11." The Sears Tower zip code is
the scariest number of them all. It's 60606, which becomes "666," a destruction number if there ever was one.
The US media repeatedly reports that Al Qaeda returns to its attack any target it has already tried to attack. Again, according to the US media's Al
Qaeda script, Chicago has been a marked target since the 9/11/01. Should a Chicago 9/11 occur soon, the US media will be quick to point out that the
attack wasn't really a surprise at all.
If the Chicago 9/11 event occurs, the Bush Administration will have achieved its goal of creating a pretext for World War Three. It will use nuclear
weapons against Iran, which will respond with region-wide attacks in the Middle East, effectively beginning a major war. The Bush Administration will
then mobilize the USA, which currently suffers, Bush 43 tells us, of a "strained psyche."
All of this will mean a return to the draft, economic deprivation and further tightening of national police powers -- and more 9/11's, if necessary.
It will also begin official retaliations against patriot groups like Ghost Troop who have caused so many problems for high officials who conspired to
commit mass murder and high treason against the American People.
Captain Eric H. May, MI/PAO, USA
CO, Ghost Troop, 3/7 Cybercav+
Mission of Conscience / Patriot