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John Lennon vrs. U.S. Government. A Conspiracy Story

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posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 03:30 AM
as we all know there is a movie/documentary coming out very soon about the best Beatle and his fight against the Gov't of the US.

the content of this movie helps to prove, undisputedly, it can be stated without hesitation or misrepresentation of fact that the US government has a secret file on every american that has ever lived. files on you, me and the next joe. you might be a lucky one if they missed you, but for the rest- there is a certain tainting.

as for the movie-
i for one, can't wait. i want to hear what y'all think about his claim that he actually did see a UFO. and i never knew him to lie, but maybe it was a story. . . who knows.

and what do you think about these boldface lies and cover-ups? i mean this man became "paranoid" but for a real reason.

it gives me concern. it shows there is love in the world. but at what costs?

read this in Today's news:

John Lennon Tried to Save Us

but i want to read some more articles.

if this sort of thing can happen to john lennon, it can happen to you. especially if you disagree with something our gov't presents to us. it can effect how you think. instead of taking that chance the fear tactics of your government may take you in another direction.

this has happened to me, when i just wasn't strong enough to take the bold route.

now i let nothing stop me in my writing, in how i live my life for every day. but the government has watched you and me at one moment or another. i felt it. i know it happened and that is what makes this story so compelling.

[edit on 6-9-2006 by chetinglendalevillage]

[edit on 6-9-2006 by chetinglendalevillage]

posted on Sep, 9 2006 @ 01:21 PM
I remember his UFO sighting, reading about it. He was a big fan of UFOs, and subscribed to Flying Saucer Review. Of course, he also did alot of drugs, so who knows. The UFO thing is insignifigant. If the government killed him, they didn't do it because of his UFO sighting.

They would have done it because his anti-war politics and civil disobeidience protests and powerful following made certain people in the government paranoid, and would have labeled him as a subversive element.

posted on Sep, 9 2006 @ 03:20 PM
One of my old roomates who goes by the nickname "Poncho." was a Vietnam Vet.
He told me to listen to the song "Wheels." In the chrous it goes: " I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round, I just love to watch them roll...No longer riding on the merry go round... I just had to let it go."

Then there is the song Imagine. These songs de-programmed people. If He had lived who knows what else could have come about?

posted on Sep, 10 2006 @ 10:51 AM
John Lennon was an antagonist to the US Government.

He was not a US citizen, he was a trouble-maker and should not have been allowed in the US.

Just because someone is popular that does not give him US citizenship rights.

He could talk crap about the US all he wanted to in Britain, but don't bring "that" as a visitor to the US and expect to be welcomed.

posted on Sep, 10 2006 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
John Lennon was an antagonist to the US Government.

He was not a US citizen, he was a trouble-maker and should not have been allowed in the US.

Just because someone is popular that does not give him US citizenship rights.

He could talk crap about the US all he wanted to in Britain, but don't bring "that" as a visitor to the US and expect to be welcomed.

We should only admit people that support right wing politics and illegal warfare.
I assume you've heard of Operation Paper Clip? Why do you suppose it is ok to admit Nazi's and grant them citizenship, even give them jobs RRconservative, and not John Lennon? Actually there's quite a list of scumbags who have been allowed into the country and or granted citizenship, murderers, terrorists, foriegn intelligence operatives, nazis, zionists... But God forbid anyone speak out against war or inequity huh?
I'd be real interested in what you define or qualify as a 'trouble maker'.

posted on Sep, 11 2006 @ 02:15 AM
The world should of listened to his lyrics, and tried to understand them.
Instead of labeling him a menace, a foul mouthed antagonistic brit.

Only so many people have as much love, understanding and compassion as John Lennon, there sure is a scarce amount in todays politics

Sad, because its now.. when we need it the most.

posted on Sep, 12 2006 @ 09:13 PM
It's fairly well know that Hoover felt Lennon was a threat to his (Hoover's) perception of the US :shk:

CT anyone:
Here's a link to a book that states that the FBI/Hoover/Mafia may have been involved in Lennon's murder.

I had not heard about this movie, and do plan to see it.
I did not remember that this whole deport Lennon thing had a Michigan connection. I do remember John Sinclair and the drug "conviction" that landed him up in the far north of Michigan for quite a while. That brings up memories of my youth

Some background:

The movie starts with a now somewhat obscure figure, John Sinclair, a poet and band manager whose lengthy incarceration in Michigan on marijuana charges triggered a 12-hour concert in December 1971, broadcast throughout the U.S. Lennon appeared along with many other musical acts. The Michigan Supreme Court released Sinclair three days later. This, according the movie's talking heads, alerted the Nixon White House to Lennon's sway over young people, who were now able to vote thanks to the 26th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

So the administration hatched the idea of getting Lennon deported on trumped-up charges. The deportation case dragged on for several years. During this time, various government agencies made certain the couple were aware they were being followed and their phones tapped. Little wonder that Ono, in an interview, insists that the pair thought if they went to the 1972 Republican Convention in Miami, they would be "in danger of their lives." She offers no proof of this, however.

posted on Sep, 12 2006 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
John Lennon was an antagonist to the US Government.

He was not a US citizen, he was a trouble-maker and should not have been allowed in the US.

Just because someone is popular that does not give him US citizenship rights.

He could talk crap about the US all he wanted to in Britain, but don't bring "that" as a visitor to the US and expect to be welcomed.

Are you serious?? Thats a serious question BTW.
If we are a democracy anr't we suppsoed to allow any and every opinion?
Where are.. as a DEMOCRACY to decide who CAN and CAN'T state their opinion!!!?

[edit on 12-9-2006 by Techsnow]

posted on Sep, 12 2006 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by chetinglendalevillage

the content of this movie helps to prove, undisputedly, it can be stated without hesitation or misrepresentation of fact that the US government has a secret file on every american that has ever lived. files on you, me and the next joe. you might be a lucky one if they missed you, but for the rest- there is a certain tainting.

While I firmly believe that the US intelligence community has "files" on who it perceives as being a subversive I don't for a second believe that every american has a paper trail. Its simply not realistic. Lennon was flagged for obvious reasons and subsequently cataloged by I think the FBI. Do I agree with this, obviously not. As for the movie it really looks like Yoko nutbar is trying to siphon a few dollars from the average joe.


posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 10:03 AM
wow- i'm shocked at the opinion john lennon was a menace.

he did in fact begin his life restless, angry and then later got heavy into drugs. but he was using drugs with the most forward thinking people in the world, experimenting and then some for sure.

but we all know he wasn't doing all of this for the kicks. he had vision and he had a lot to say. did he see a UFO? another poster is correct in basically saying "who cares?"

it's an insignificant piece of this puzzle, but for one moment to suggest he deserved what he got because of his points of view... wow. that's just un-informed, ignorant, close minded and just the type of comment you expect in a forumn like this.

Lennons view was peace. Lennon's practice was love.

i want peace. i want truth. i want answers. i want love for everyone.

but the praying mantices of the world are always floating around. i hope this movie will help promote more positive messages to the world and allow the truth about how the US was involved in this murder to come forward.

posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 07:45 PM
Thats one of the reasons why I liked Lennon so much, he actually had something to say. He made you think.

posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 08:01 PM
?In the words of the character Julius Levenson from Independance day,

All you need is love, John Lennon, smart man, shot in the back very sad.

posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 08:05 PM
I always found the concept of Lennon's Bagism to be a really profound statement.

It wasn't just the fact that John Lennon had something to say, it was the fact that he had such a massive and receptive audience to say it to. That probably sealed his fate.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 11:19 PM
Strange Days Indeed, Look at the words to Nobody Told Me by the great man..

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 02:09 AM
thanks 2163.

In case the rest of you wanna read lyrics to a great Lennon song...


Everybody's talking and no one says a word

Everybody's making love and no one really cares

There's nazis in the bathroom just below the stairs.
Always something happening and nothing going on

There's always something happening cooking and nothing in the pot

They're starving back in China so finish what you got.
They're starving back in China so finish what you got.
Nobody told me there'd be days like these

Nobody told me there'd be days like these

Nobody told me there'd be days like these

Strange days indeed
strange days indeed.
Everybody's runnin' and no one makes a move

Everyone's a winner
and no one seems to lose.
There's a little yellow idol to the north of Katmandu.
Everybody's flying and no one leaves the ground

Everybody's crying and no one makes a sound.
There's a place for us in movies you just gotta stay around.

Nobody told me there'd be days like these

Nobody told me there'd be days like these

Nobody told me there'd be days like these

Strange days indeed
most peculiar
Everybody's smoking and no one's getting high

Everybody's flying and never touch the sky

There's Ufo's over New York and I ain't too surprised.
Nobody told me there'd be days like these

Nobody told me there'd be days like these

Nobody told me there'd be days like these

Strange days indeed
most peculiar. Mama.


This song reminds me of a more contemporary song by Porno For Pyros - (We'll Make Great) Pets

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 02:18 AM
i was going to add ...

why do they always say that in times of uncertainty people tend to gravitate MORE towards pseudo-science?

it's somewhat true in one sense. i am ALWAYS into ufology and unexplained phenomena, but more recently it seems i suddenly have ALOT more folks to discuss these topics with out in the open. part of it is me being more confident in holding my own in a conversation about these topics, the other part of me wants to be that person people remember for having joined the RIGHT team.

it just amazes me at how many people just laugh off the notion of ufos. still. in 2006. suddenly, people seem to have taken a step backwards on the issue. mainly because they are sick of being burned and want answers now.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 01:35 PM
Before his passing John Lennon was considering going into politics ,
he had made alot of friends in positions of authority and power both politicians and corporate , media ,artists and religious plus he had a huge following of fans and of people whom respected him
Now these people were at the time against events such as the Vietnam war etc and were free thinkers they were not in the Government frame of mind ,they wanted things to change for the better of humanity
So here is a very popular man who is not afraid to make a fool of himself in front of millions , who will bravely speak his mind and demand the truth in all matters , who has the backing of many peace loving non-greedy people of authority and has instant access to the many formats of media i.e TV , radio , news papers , magazines or through song .
IF YOU WERE IN POWER would you want this man , this threat to everything you are trying to achieve to face you in politics and to possible tell the World just whats really going on WOULD YOU no you would be scared and nervous of all the cover ups being revealed , therefore HE HAD TO GO .

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 10:19 PM
your certainty goes perfectly with my train of thought. thank you for that post - i have a gnawing feeling in my stomach that response is pretty much dead on with the TRUTH.

of course any time i am this sure of something, curveballs always interrupt the flow. call it life, but there have been many times i wanted to drop off the face of the earth like eminem suggests in one of his songs and really run the fight for truth. my awful hairline just doesn't work with the whole granola gang.

just wonder for a moment what things would be like were lennon to have become president. to live in a world where that happened and he was just kickin it in bed with yoko being a functional heroin head.

somehow the world was much more interested in accepting that (on a popularity level at least) sort of lifestyle! now society has certainly retreated from that notion. this sensibility could in no way be in the same realm as "reality" as we know it. or could it?

would having elected lennon to the US presidency have led to such rediculousness as say... people making the horrific realization that politics is in no way any different than the WFC too early in civilization's development?

fake wrestlings been going on a long time.

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 02:12 AM
anyone here notice that the murder of Tupac Shakur is eerily similar? Sure his death may have been related to the lifetyle he lived, but 2pac also happened to be a musician who spoke out against political and social injustice.

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 05:49 PM
yeah, about 10 years ago tupac got shot and killed.

he's an absolute legend in the Rap genre, most people who listen to rap would rank tupac as maybe the best ever rapper.

i just don't think he was a threat in the intellectual sense that lennon was, he in many ways embraced the gangsta lifestyle and his living would be more of a longrun advantage commercially had he not been shot. tupac was at a level all rappers want and someone got to him.

i never saw him as much of a political threat as much as he was a street threat.

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