here I did some digging and this is what i found.
Paul E. Gottwig
[email protected]
(757) 565-5275
16 years military aviation service flying multiple aircraft types and categories worldwide in civilian and military type operations including combat.
Flown numerous VIP flights in and out of high density class B airspace areas throughout the world. Served in various positions of responsibility
including Flight Operations Officer, Standardization Instructor Pilot, R&D Project Pilot, and Mission Commander during past and current worldwide
combat deployments.
Airline Transport Pilot Rotorcraft-Helicopter
Commercial Privileges Airplane Single & Multiengine Land w/Instrument
FAA First Class Medical (no waivers)
Flight Experience:
Total Time 5050
Helicopter 4900
Simulated Instrument 680
Actual Instrument 150
As Instructor Pilot:
SK76B 215
UH60A/L 430
B407 160
MD530 80
AW139 100
Aircraft Experience:
B407 B412EP
AS355 BK117
Mi17 AB139
Professional Experience
2003 - Present
Flight Concepts Division, Ft. Eustis, VA
Standardization Instructor Pilot responsible for supervising the training and evaluation program of 15 Instructor Pilots/Instrument Examiners and 10
non-rated crewmember trainers, developing SOP’s, establishing crew resource training and safety programs while in CONUS and during current
worldwide combat deployments. Current and actively flying the SK76B, B407, H530, UH60L and AB139
1997 - 2003
Flight Concept Division, Ft. Eustis, VA
Instructor Pilot/Project Pilot responsible for training and evaluation of 50 rated and non-rated crewmembers. Served as project pilot on various
research and development programs evaluating flight performance, handling characteristics and viability of various aircraft configurations. Evaluated
multiple aircraft for possible procurement by the U.S. Army.
So now we know where Flight Concept Division is stationed out of Ft. Eustis, VA
And here is a former commander of there’s
General Richard Cody
Vice Chief of Staff, United States Army
General Richard A. Cody became the 31st Vice Chief of Staff, United States Army, on June 24, 2004.
General Cody was born in Montpelier, Vermont, on 2 August 1950. He was com¬missioned a second lieutenant upon graduation on 6 June 1972 from the
United States Military Academy. His military education includes the Command and Gen¬eral Staff College and the United States Army War College.
General Cody is a Mas¬ter Aviator and an Air Assault graduate with more than 5,000 hours of flight time.Prior to his current assignment, General Cody
served his nation for 32 years in a vari¬ety of command and staff assignments, most recently serving as Deputy Chief of Staff, G-3, United States
Army. Other key assignments include Commanding General, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and Fort Campbell; Director, Operations, Readiness and
Mobilization, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans, Headquar¬ters, Department of the Army; Deputy Commanding General, Task
Force Hawk, Tira¬na, Albania; Assistant Division Commander for Maneuver, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Hood, Texas; Commander, 160th Special Operations
Aviation Regiment, Fort Campbell, Kentucky; Commander, 4th Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division; Aide-de-Camp to the Com¬manding General, Combined Field
Army, Korea; and Director, Flight Concepts Division.
and this is a pic of a supposed virginia boy
[edit on 10-8-2009 by SPC_D]