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"virginia boys" do they exist???

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posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by doc22584

Sounds like the "secret Army of Northern Virginia"

Strategic Support Branch

posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 11:20 PM
The Virginia Boys exist. If they want you they will ask you. You cannot apply. Most of the posts have some truth to them. I would be willing to bet that prior to the "D" boys hitting the ground, the Virginia boys have been there and probably remain for a bit after the D boys leave. I would also bet that they come in all shapes and sizes, and that you probably would not recognize one if you saw one. I believe they are the eyes, ears, and main humint source for those type ops.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

lol I doubt a UH-60 helicopter repairer would be selected for the highest echelon of military expertise and ability over someone whos already proven themself like a ranger green beret or a CAG op. "virginia boys" refers to CIA operatives acting in afghanistan and/or iraq. They get the nickname from the fact that CIA headquarters is in Langeley Virginia.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 06:27 PM
What a joke, some people watch too much TV or read to many heros books

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 08:02 PM
Does anyone else think it's kind of fishy that this thread is almost entirely populated with Anonymous posts, and all of those posts are somewhat contradictory yet are all supposedly based on personal knowledge?

I rarely cry "disinfo," but something is strange here.

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 09:52 AM
are any of these posts facts or rumors? This is an interesting topic, but I think it is nothing more than barracks lawyers talk

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by doc22584

First off I would have to say forget about it. This group does exist and it's not for any of you to know about. Whether you are Army or not. People who are 160th SOAR fear the name "Flight Concepts Division" and nosey civilians and military spectators are not welcome. They do not answer to any army operational command and especially not to anyone on this site. Let it go, its a dead end road and if you ever find out more about this unit then they were not doing their jobs well enough. Out of sight, out of mind. All of you proud americans here need to consider the value of this countries secrecy. It's not to do things behind your back, but anyone I repeat ANYONE, can get on this site and read this stuff. Its a much more terrible world then most of you will ever know and things do not need to be talked about. This is one of them. If our nation cannot operate behind the shadows because YOU want a topic of conversation then we will never be secure. Trust me I love to talk about conspiracy and all that fun stuff. Leave military operations off of this site. Our way of life depends on those physically and mentally tough enough to go through what our Special Operators do. Respect that and keep them and their families safe by ending this thread.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 03:23 AM
here I did some digging and this is what i found.
aviationemploy mentboard
Paul E. Gottwig
[email protected]
(757) 565-5275

16 years military aviation service flying multiple aircraft types and categories worldwide in civilian and military type operations including combat. Flown numerous VIP flights in and out of high density class B airspace areas throughout the world. Served in various positions of responsibility including Flight Operations Officer, Standardization Instructor Pilot, R&D Project Pilot, and Mission Commander during past and current worldwide combat deployments.

Airline Transport Pilot Rotorcraft-Helicopter
Commercial Privileges Airplane Single & Multiengine Land w/Instrument
FAA First Class Medical (no waivers)

Flight Experience:
Total Time 5050
Helicopter 4900
Simulated Instrument 680
Actual Instrument 150

As Instructor Pilot:
SK76B 215
UH60A/L 430
B407 160
MD530 80
AW139 100

Aircraft Experience:
B407 B412EP
AS355 BK117
Mi17 AB139
Professional Experience

2003 - Present
Flight Concepts Division, Ft. Eustis, VA
Standardization Instructor Pilot responsible for supervising the training and evaluation program of 15 Instructor Pilots/Instrument Examiners and 10 non-rated crewmember trainers, developing SOP’s, establishing crew resource training and safety programs while in CONUS and during current worldwide combat deployments. Current and actively flying the SK76B, B407, H530, UH60L and AB139

1997 - 2003
Flight Concept Division, Ft. Eustis, VA
Instructor Pilot/Project Pilot responsible for training and evaluation of 50 rated and non-rated crewmembers. Served as project pilot on various research and development programs evaluating flight performance, handling characteristics and viability of various aircraft configurations. Evaluated multiple aircraft for possible procurement by the U.S. Army.

So now we know where Flight Concept Division is stationed out of Ft. Eustis, VA

And here is a former commander of there’s

General Richard Cody
Vice Chief of Staff, United States Army
General Richard A. Cody became the 31st Vice Chief of Staff, United States Army, on June 24, 2004.
General Cody was born in Montpelier, Vermont, on 2 August 1950. He was com¬missioned a second lieutenant upon graduation on 6 June 1972 from the United States Military Academy. His military education includes the Command and Gen¬eral Staff College and the United States Army War College. General Cody is a Mas¬ter Aviator and an Air Assault graduate with more than 5,000 hours of flight time.Prior to his current assignment, General Cody served his nation for 32 years in a vari¬ety of command and staff assignments, most recently serving as Deputy Chief of Staff, G-3, United States Army. Other key assignments include Commanding General, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and Fort Campbell; Director, Operations, Readiness and Mobilization, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans, Headquar¬ters, Department of the Army; Deputy Commanding General, Task Force Hawk, Tira¬na, Albania; Assistant Division Commander for Maneuver, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Hood, Texas; Commander, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, Fort Campbell, Kentucky; Commander, 4th Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division; Aide-de-Camp to the Com¬manding General, Combined Field Army, Korea; and Director, Flight Concepts Division.

and this is a pic of a supposed virginia boy


[edit on 10-8-2009 by SPC_D]

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
OK look I am in the Army YES VIRGINIA BOYS EXIST All 15t MOS when they reach SGT get the invite but out of 1000 people only 3 get in due to the strict training. they are part of the army but due not follow any of the rules. like Delta they can have beards what ever hair they want, also they get paid alot more than normal. for instance they get clothing allowance every check

I know this because one of my friends is a virginia boy. they only answer to 1 person. and they could be anyone. they are not part of the CIA or NSA there ARMY. SF green beret rangers delta dont hold a candle to them. they are black ops. not spec ops. the reason 15 t get the email is because you cant get enough of them.

What is so special about a UH-60 Helicopter Repairer? Sounds like a bunch of crap to me.....

I spent 4 years active duty in the Army at Ft. Bliss, White Sands, and Holloman AFB......with a secret security clearance on the ADATS project. Never heard of the Virginia Boys. Anyone have anything out there other than speculation and a photograph of a nondescript soldier firing a weapon?

[edit on 10-8-2009 by desertdreamer]

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by desertdreamer

hey re re this is not speculation theses are facts im not saying these are the "boys" im just saying here is some info i found on Flight Concept Division and as far as the pic goes I said it may be one not that it was

aviationemploy mentboard
Paul E. Gottwig
[email protected]
(757) 565-5275

16 years military aviation service flying multiple aircraft types and categories worldwide in civilian and military type operations including combat. Flown numerous VIP flights in and out of high density class B airspace areas throughout the world. Served in various positions of responsibility including Flight Operations Officer, Standardization Instructor Pilot, R&D Project Pilot, and Mission Commander during past and current worldwide combat deployments.

Airline Transport Pilot Rotorcraft-Helicopter
Commercial Privileges Airplane Single & Multiengine Land w/Instrument
FAA First Class Medical (no waivers)

Flight Experience:
Total Time 5050
Helicopter 4900
Simulated Instrument 680
Actual Instrument 150

As Instructor Pilot:
SK76B 215
UH60A/L 430
B407 160
MD530 80
AW139 100

Aircraft Experience:
B407 B412EP
AS355 BK117
Mi17 AB139
Professional Experience

2003 - Present
Flight Concepts Division, Ft. Eustis, VA
Standardization Instructor Pilot responsible for supervising the training and evaluation program of 15 Instructor Pilots/Instrument Examiners and 10 non-rated crewmember trainers, developing SOP’s, establishing crew resource training and safety programs while in CONUS and during current worldwide combat deployments. Current and actively flying the SK76B, B407, H530, UH60L and AB139

1997 - 2003
Flight Concept Division, Ft. Eustis, VA
Instructor Pilot/Project Pilot responsible for training and evaluation of 50 rated and non-rated crewmembers. Served as project pilot on various research and development programs evaluating flight performance, handling characteristics and viability of various aircraft configurations. Evaluated multiple aircraft for possible procurement by the U.S. Army.

So now we know where Flight Concept Division is stationed out of Ft. Eustis, VA

And here is a former commander of there’s

General Richard Cody
Vice Chief of Staff, United States Army
General Richard A. Cody became the 31st Vice Chief of Staff, United States Army, on June 24, 2004.
General Cody was born in Montpelier, Vermont, on 2 August 1950. He was com¬missioned a second lieutenant upon graduation on 6 June 1972 from the United States Military Academy. His military education includes the Command and Gen¬eral Staff College and the United States Army War College. General Cody is a Mas¬ter Aviator and an Air Assault graduate with more than 5,000 hours of flight time.Prior to his current assignment, General Cody served his nation for 32 years in a vari¬ety of command and staff assignments, most recently serving as Deputy Chief of Staff, G-3, United States Army. Other key assignments include Commanding General, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and Fort Campbell; Director, Operations, Readiness and Mobilization, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans, Headquar¬ters, Department of the Army; Deputy Commanding General, Task Force Hawk, Tira¬na, Albania; Assistant Division Commander for Maneuver, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Hood, Texas; Commander, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, Fort Campbell, Kentucky; Commander, 4th Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division; Aide-de-Camp to the Com¬manding General, Combined Field Army, Korea; and Director, Flight Concepts Division.

[edit on 10-8-2009 by SPC_D]

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by SPC_D

Watch the name calling aren't that good. I see your information, I was merely stating my opinion.....last time I checked we were able to do that here. So lose the smart a** comments.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 02:59 PM
It doesn't matter what you want to call them. They do exist. People who have no ties to anyone but operate for the government. The reason for these groups to exist is so that no one can trace them back to the U.S. It makes perfect sense to me and I wonder why it is so hard for everyone to understand. Call them the Jersey boys. They sound much tougher.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by jackflap

It doesn't matter what you want to call them...Call them the Jersey boys. They sound much tougher.

...and sing much better, too!

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by jackflap

I am sure that there are black covert units out there that do exist. I just get tired of the people on here that can't have an intelligent conversation calling someone a re re.....I mean seriously< how old are we here? Thanks for the response jackflap.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by desertdreamer

you lose the smart comments,
sorry truly I forget sometimes that you people here don't know me and the way I talk. so I am sorry I did not mean anything by it truly

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by SPC_D

Apology accepted.

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by doc22584

Wow, so much for dropping the subject. Oh and way to point out that The unit operates out of Ft. Eustis, VA. I do not like government secrets but I will and do respect the nature of the beast when it comes to military operations as I have been a member of United States Army Special Operations Command for most of my military career. One thing I will tell you is no one needs to know what these guys really do. I will however state that their cover is research and developent and modifications to both military and civilian aircraft. Thats right they do both. This is why they have no UIC because them ole Virginia Boys collect a check from Department of the Army and Department of Defense. 98% of candidates selected for Flight Concepts come from Task force 160 aka 160TH SOAR. No shops MOS's are accepted, Crew Chiefs only. Must have passed Airborne School(as with all USASOC airborne is a must) SERE qualified and able to obtain Top Secret clearance. AKA these boys are the baddest aviators the United States Military has to offer. All Helicopter crewchiefs are pooled from the army, Fixed wing crewchiefs well I think you can figure that out. The Fixed wing branch has no idea what the rotary branch does and vice versa, Common saying in USASOC is from the bible but out of context, "Don't let your right hand know what the left is doing". Again out of context but a fitting passage. I hope black sedans show up at your doorsteps after you read this. JUST KIDDING. But seriously this is the most information that I am going to give you. Remember that the saftey of theses men and their families depend on their secrecy, so please respect that. I know that if your father's were the ones whos life was on the line daily you wouldn't appreciate people meddling outside of their area of operation. I will continue to post but I will not go into details further than that which was given. Look on the internet and you will find a lot of people COL. who have been the division C/O but that is it. The operatives get nothing more then Ft. Eustis as their Duty Station on their DD-214 after discharge. Doesn't really matter though because these boy's dont work for civilians after they get out anyways.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 05:26 PM
I have not posted 20 times so I cannot reply to your e-mail. However I will post more so I can send you what I said. The email included things such as, if you are in the army and I can find you on AKO then I will be more willing to disclose things to you via e-mail. I do however hold strong to the notion that although every American has the right to know what are military does, there are those here who do not care for this country, our saftey or military integrity. I know that they may not make up anyone on this post but making the information available in the worst case scenario could be costly. E-mail me back and I will get in touch with you to answer your questions.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 01:16 PM
i know enough not to be able to say they dont but i dont konw enough to say what they do. they are a real group. i actually know someone who went to their selection process. they have had many different official names. they change them quite often. i guess its easier to get funding that way. read a book called the killer elite. it will help you understand a bit more about them. they arent what everyone thinks they are from my understanding. they are almost like delta in a way. they do the things that all of us want, and need done, but no one wants to know about or do themselves.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by desertdreamer

ooohhh, you had a secret security clearance? wow what did they let you see? i bet all sorts of neat stuff. you do reallize four years of service is not with a secret clearance is not impressive. i know joes who come in straight off the street with felony convictions for drugs and serious assault charges who are handed secret clearances. 90% of the crap a handle on a daily basis is secret. and im an infantryman. so answer me this, if you were on some project whatchamacallit why did you have a secret and i have never been anywhere except bragg and iraq and i have a topsecret. that doesnt seem very legitimate for you.

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