posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 08:28 AM
Andy Rooney 60 Minutes on CBS Sunday night
Andy Rooney risked his job Sunday night by an amazing speech he wrote for Bush (though the
president didn't ask for it). It was a statement of apology to the American people in which he outlined
many of the falsehoods presented to the American people to gain support for the war in Iraq,
presented the casualties caused by the unwise occupation, after he declared victory after a spectacularly
staged landing on an aircraft carrier. He mentioned the vast sums of money being spent there, with very
little results, and pointed out how it would have been much wiser to spend that here at home keeping the promises he made while trying to get
elected. Bush never used the speech. The true American does not want to oppress the other people in the world. They want only the right to live
free, to be able to better their way of life, and to be able to enjoys the fruits of their labor. If they are called to help others, not as blessed,
they are willing to extend a helping hand. But Bush is not sorry. His aims and objectives are not those of the citizens of this country. He seems
determined to gain control of oil for his friends. He seems determined to deplete the treasury, social security, medicaire, and is succeeding better
than any other president. He is bankrupting the United States in three short years from a position of annual surplus to our greatest national debt
in history that our children may never be able to pay. Our unemployment figures are the largest in history. He has reduced funding for every program
that his corporate backers oppose. The veterans administration has had to cut services for lack of funds. Injured soldiers have been required to pay
for their meals while being treated in hospitals. He has alienated our allies all around the world. None are willing to support our aggressive
actions. We are in a deep pit in Iraq with the death toll getting more unbearable every day and he hasn't found a thing he went in there for except
OIL. We are hated more than any other nation, because of Bush. But you can't really put the blame all on him. He's really not very smart and the
people who have put him in office have manipulated him for their own objectives. So he and his sponsors have become truly our greatest peril in
this country and unless action is taken immediately to remove him from office, we have lost our democratic nation and our rights tp live free and
prosper. We cannot afford to wait until the next election to get rid of his band. We must seek his immediate removal from office. I call for his
IMPEACHMENT. Papers have already been drawn up. We must bombard our congressmen with demands that they be acted upon.