posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 05:30 PM
Simple enough; Can any one detail about aliens and UFO's be attributed to a single source? Here on ATS, we seem to be able to describe a reptilian
down to it's eye color without actually knowing where that information came from.
My question is not aimed at the everyday "abductee." I want to know who was the first unlucky person(s) to cross paths with the Reptilians, or have
their anus violated by the Grays. There are so many ideas and images of other "known" races yet where in the bloody blue hell did it come from.
For all we know, everything we believe could just be some 12 year old's over active imagination in conmjunction with his mom's AOL account with a
bit of smooth typing thrown in the mix.
...and who in their right mind can seriously argue in an ATS thread about how a UFO propulsion system works or why a video is fake because "UFO's
don't make that kind of noise?"