posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 03:40 AM
Funding for the Universe.
This is an interesting question to ask., should we as humans fund the search for knowledge of the universe as a whole. I say yes. The pursuit of human
knowledge, and the pursuit of knowledge of our own existence has been on mans mind for millions of years. I believe that to learn of ourselves we must
first know where we came from , and perhaps where were going.
We are an a very remote planet in a universe that is size would boggle the imagination. I believe that if we know about the universe we can inevitably
find out about our own selves. I think that more should be spent on not people in space, but more like the probes and the robots, and the scanners to
detect thing. Why not set up a radio beacon to lure other world to us, why not send probes to mars and Venus. I think that if we learn about the other
planets (as I said with the universe) we will ultimately find the answers w have been searching for on earth for all our lives.
Granted the space program, and most missions use a lot of capitol, but I believe if the focus was off of men in space and more towards the scientific
pursuits that the budget would decrease, and this it would enable humanity to send more probes and gizmos into the far reaches of space. We are a
civilization that in the big picture has and will be around only a minute decimal of the time compared to the universe. For posterity and to persevere
our culture this space pursuit is the only clear and logical way to go. To live forever, as mans ultimate goal is, we must not look at the earth for
our answers but to the heavens.
The only way to achieve this is to spend more money on the scientific pursuit of space and trime, and spent less of it trying to find out if ant live
in space. The possibilities in space are abundant, and far more enriched that anything we could find o earth . I believe to further our existence and
our minds we should look up and take a glance at the Universe as a whole. I think it is a valuable, if not needed undertaking to use some money for
the sciences, but I do beleive that there could be ways to cheapen, or lessen the finaiacl burdon on the American taxpayers. But a Budget should be
implicated so-that more space exploration and discovery can fruther our intelligence on the cosmos.
Keep in mind I wrote this in 1998, at The University of Northern Colorado. The class was "The Cosmos". dealt mainly with quantum theories, and
curved space, etc.
I guess they listend to me.
[edit on 4-9-2006 by RubinLando]
[edit on 4-9-2006 by RubinLando]