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It's time to be enlightened.

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posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 04:24 PM
I really don't know where to begin with a response to all this posted ignorance and mind controlling religious mind set.

In short, humans are the aliens as DNA manipulated alien/primate hybrids. Each human race is a differant hybrid variation. You can see why scientists think we evolved from monkeys(primates). Most aliens do not have hair. The ones that do have more hair on their heads. That explains why we still have some hair on are bodies but have more on are heads.

The aliens have created all major religions and support the unseen spiritual reaction to those religions. They can also control many peoples minds pretty easily.

Let me say that:
I'm a rare person who has a deeply studied past from my physical life & mind and my spirit's life & mind. I seem to remember the truth more than learn it. I have sensed the future at the same time as the present so if I learned something in the future, I will remeber it as I am informing myself with something in the present. This helps me gain knowledge faster and more effecient.

My knowledge has agreed with the knowledge of Dr. Noel Huntley on everything that I have thus far read on his public materials. Here are some great weblinks for abtaining knowledge from this highly informed, regarded, and educated genius:

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 04:34 PM
And your proof is...?

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by realanswers
Each human race is a differant hybrid variation.

If each race is from an entirely different hybrid, why are the races separated by such a small gentic difference ?

The human DNA carries an estimated 25,000 genes and not much more than 0.1 per cent, i.e. 320 genes, account for the differences between individuals and races...

This helps me gain knowledge faster and more effecient.

Apparently it hasn't helped your grammar and spelling/typing skills, though

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 06:13 PM
I want to fill this thread with laughter, but that's mean.

Realanswers, take your bs sci-fi elsewhere and don't believe in things until you have proof.
Your claims are ludicrous and threads like this are a plague of this site.

posted on Sep, 10 2006 @ 08:29 PM
I will admit that I was rushing too much at the time of my last/first posting.


For a response to the posting regarding very little differance:
It is true, there is very little differance. But, still enough differance for a scientist to only have your DNA sample to find out what race you are based upon the differance in the DNA color code.
Also, after each race was created, we still kept our original type or variation of our old alien language.
I understand that there are some skeptics out there, but I wish they would reply with their theory when they reply instead of offering no information at all of what they believe. I want to talk about subjects not about if someone is right or wrong.

posted on Sep, 10 2006 @ 08:48 PM

I want to talk about subjects not about if someone is right or wrong.

I really don't know where to begin with a response to all this posted ignorance and mind controlling religious mind set.

Kinda contradicting isnt it? So since Im a christain I guess besides being wrong that also makes me a mind controlled idiot. Wow im enlightened, glad you cleared it all up for me.

posted on Sep, 11 2006 @ 01:21 AM
everyone will laugh, and they will make you seem to be a fool...
They will live their lives and pay their bills..
its great to see people with an open mind, there is truth somewhere in here, bits and pieces, not all together, why not just take that information, think about it, research it, if you feel laughing it off.. Its much eaiser to laugh something off.. Yet then agin its a waste of time to search for something you dont belive in, and not come up with anything..
Laugh if you want, belive if you want.. but its interesting to me to see how many people react like they are programmed not to belive anything that is out of what we consider to be our reality.
Reality in everyday usage means "everything that exists". The term reality, in its widest sense, includes everything that is, whether it is observable, comprehensible, or self-contradictory by science, philosophy, or any other system of analysis. Reality in this sense may include both being and nothingness, whereas existence is often restricted to being (compare with nature).
In the strict sense of Western philosophy, there are levels or gradation to the nature and conception of reality. These levels include, from the most subjective to the most rigorous: phenomenological reality

Thus the meaning of that means everything, includes everything that is, whether is is obserable... So why cant people take what the meaning of people talking about other things that they cant see... Im sure they are not right on the nail of the head okay... But I belive that there is some truth in all this.. NOT their personal artistic version of the story.. but yes we are not alone, we are programmed to be ignorant of the fact, hence the meaning of reality to the human lang. English..
otherwise reality would mean to us, only things that exists and can be proven WITH FACTS are real.... why is that not the true meaning of Reality? its like saying God can dig a ditch so deep and long not even he can jump over it.

---footnote----OP please email my research server at [email protected]
or anyone else with research that would like to share links and facts.. There are plenty of them....

[edit on 11-9-2006 by zysin5]

[edit on 11-9-2006 by zysin5]

posted on Sep, 11 2006 @ 02:38 AM

In short, humans are the aliens as DNA manipulated alien/primate hybrids. Each human race is a differant hybrid variation.

I've considered this as a viable explanation for quite some time now -
almost as if having the predominantly same physical characterstics as homosapiens might help facilitate inter-species communications without the distraction of outrageous physical differences, or perhaps because simply due to the most functional design for life on this planet.

Facinating theory! As if we were all converging on this planet to work together to some greater goal, and weed out which members of each race who keep interfering with Galactic/Universal Peace and Productivity!

Now we just have to get over minor communication barriers and insecurity!

Glad to meld minds with you!

[edit on 11-9-2006 by GENERAL EYES]

posted on Sep, 12 2006 @ 09:39 AM

My knowledge has agreed with the knowledge of Dr. Noel Huntley on everything that I have thus far read on his public materials. Here are some great weblinks for abtaining knowledge from this highly informed, regarded, and educated genius

Are you his publicist perhaps?

Did you have these ideas PRIOR to visiting these sites?

What came first? The Chicken or the Egg?
What came first? The UFO or the Alien?

Answer to the second, UFOs were spotted long before the occupants. Therefore, if accepting the experimented being theory, you'd then be at a loss to explain the advanced craft, and why we aren't utilizing such tech breakthroughs on a more grand scale, especially over 50 years into the phenomenon???

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok

Are you his publicist perhaps?

Did you have these ideas PRIOR to visiting these sites?

What came first? The Chicken or the Egg?
What came first? The UFO or the Alien?

Answer to the second, UFOs were spotted long before the occupants. Therefore, if accepting the experimented being theory, you'd then be at a loss to explain the advanced craft, and why we aren't utilizing such tech breakthroughs on a more grand scale, especially over 50 years into the phenomenon???

You are not aware of the reasons for the cover ups, more or less of the cover ups associated with UFOs.
The shadow government controls the government secrecy so there for controls the government. Think about it.
If congress does not have access to much of the top secret level of government, then they are not at the highest level of control. So, the group or groups controlling the top secretness will not only over rule any thing congress does, but will even do it without them knowing that this is the case!
They are the ones that want us on oil instead of free energy so they can put a price on energy and continue to milk the world for money.
This article describes some of a UFO's functionality, but for a more detailed machine part description, you can find it in Dr. Fred Bell's book: "Rays of Truth - Crystals of Light"

And, here is absolute proof, a daylight video of a UFO going from 0 MPH to over 1,000 MPH:

[edit on 20/9/06 by JAK]

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by realanswers

Originally posted by Gazrok

This article describes some of a UFO's functionality, but for a more detailed machine part description, you can find it in Dr. Fred Bell's book

I would like to apologize for accidently leaving out that article so here it is:

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 12:14 AM
Ummm I ain't a mod or anything but shouldn't claims such as these be cast into the fiery pit that is the SKUNKWORKS

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok

Did you have these ideas PRIOR to visiting these sites?

What came first? The Chicken or the Egg?
What came first? The UFO or the Alien?

Answer to the second, UFOs were spotted long before the occupants. Therefore, if accepting the experimented being theory, you'd then be at a loss to explain the advanced craft, and why we aren't utilizing such tech breakthroughs on a more grand scale, especially over 50 years into the phenomenon???

The chicken came first, If we came from the the sea as single celled ameba's[sp?]
then so did the chicken ,then it layed egg's, no possible way for an egg to form out of nowere.
E.T's came first because they then built their space craft, it probably took them 1000's of years to develope their own technology which would mean they have been around since before we or dinosaurs were here.

For people who think God created us (I personally beleive we are just a fluke of nature)
what was the purpose of dinosaurs, why would a God create them.

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 09:56 AM
Technically the egg comes first.

The full explanation is here.
And here.
The University in that post is from where I live!!!!

Basically, the precursors to the chicken lay an egg. The zygote within the egg is changed slightly to become a chicken (which is technically a mutated variant of the precursor) which then hatches.
The chicken is better adapted to the environment, so lives longer, gets fatter and thus becomes a more desirable mate. It breeds several times, with each of its offspring becoming better suited to life and slowly the old lifeform is replaced by the new.

Now whose been enlightened?

[edit on 20/9/06 by JackofBlades]

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 10:06 AM
O.k so a non chicken layed the first chicken.
What came first a non chicken or an egg.

I'm going with the non chicken (chicken's ancestor) because as I said an egg cant form on its own accord, This bird species evolved like every other life form.
Single celled Ameba's.

[edit on 20-9-2006 by chris01621]

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 03:25 PM
The creature has to be born before it can be called a (insert name here).
Since our DNA is immutable in life, the only way mutations can occur is pre-birth/hatching.

Chickens didn't evolve from mammals so their ancestors would have come out of eggs too. Therefore the pre-chicken would also have come out of an egg.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 12:27 AM
Proof? or did u just pull it out of ur a$$

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by JackofBlades
The creature has to be born before it can be called a (insert name here).
Since our DNA is immutable in life, the only way mutations can occur is pre-birth/hatching.

Chickens didn't evolve from mammals so their ancestors would have come out of eggs too. Therefore the pre-chicken would also have come out of an egg.

All lifr supposedly came from the sea, then it started to evolve. so their must have the animal before there was the egg.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 10:23 AM
People that choose the laugh this of do not desurve the right to post on this openminded forum. Because laughing things of is getting us NOWHERE, instead be questionable.

Anyways i believe there is some truth to what you said, as i have interest in this stuff too. I am done with the "UFO sighting videos" stuff, because i already know they are real and exsist and interact.

People who with all there live believes nothing else then what is "reality" in humans perspective, the Matrix has you.

May the Light be with you!

[edit on 21-9-2006 by InSaneTK]

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