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Remembering 9/11: Your Stories!

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posted on Sep, 9 2006 @ 04:27 PM
I don't care if I am believed or not, but 9/11 I had carried with me for 26 years. In 93/94 I had regression related to missing time. On the tape, I spoke of the events that took place in 2001. A few days before the event of 9/11 I was agitated. I rang up the man who did my regression interview, but I couldn't tell him about my anxiety that I felt.

The only way to describe how it affected me is a bit hard to explain. I carried the events of 9/11 in my brain for 26 years. It was a nightmare that just wouldn't go away.

I even told my husband that there was a second plane and where it was going to hit. Essentially, it was the nightmare manifested into reality. I thought I was living the nightmare that I had carried with me all those years. I even told my husband the numbers of people who would die; what the area would be called; and how the buildings would collapse.

A newspaper reporter saw the regression tape that had been done several years earlier. When he wrote the story, a 'd' notice was put on it. I didn't ring the papers; a friend did when I showed them the tape and told them that I felt that I would not wake from the nightmare that had haunted me all those years ago.

He rang a reporter and told him about me. The next thing I know the reporter was at my door. I felt the terror and the suffering of the victims of 9/11 all those years before; but on the day, the pain, suffering, terror, and the other sensations that they victims felt engulfed me as I watched the tragedy open up in front of me.

I carried the vision of 9/11 with me for 26 years and the reality of it will be with me for a lot longer. I felt for the families who lost loved ones and could feel their pain and anguish.

My mum gave me a ring that she bought about the same time as the event. I wear it, as a momento of 9/11. When people ask about it; I remind them of that tragic day. We must never forget the innocent lives that were lost.

The problem with war and terrorism is that they don't discriminate between innocent civilians and soldiers. I knew on my birthday that Iraq was going to be moved upon by the government.

It was the worst birthday I ever had to see those bombs being dropped on innocent people in Iraq. I couldn't see the sense in it. My heart broke when I saw the children in hospital mutilated by the bombs and the bodies of mothers, children and fathers who were not soldiers.

9/11 and my birthday will always remind me of the day innocent lives paid the price of terror and war.

We must never forget the tragic lives lost both in America and in Iraq. Again, many of those lives lost were civillians and weren't interested in bloodshed. Also, don't forget that in the Twin Towers there were people from the Middle East trapped and killed in those towers.

Again, terror and war don't discriminate, regardless of colour, race, religion etc...

We must remember the lives lost on both sides, as they paid the ultimate price. The ones who carried out the act (leaders) are free of the suffering which they have caused to those whose lives were turned upside down or destroyed by the events of 9/11 and it's aftermath.

We should remember all the casualties be they Jew, Christian, Islamic, colour, religion, character.

I have the knowledge having been clinically dead that they are in a better place; although I don't think that will bring much solace to those who have lost loved ones.

9/11 is etched within my heart and mind forever.

Nothing good ever comes of war and terrorism.

posted on Sep, 9 2006 @ 07:53 PM
Like many others, I was at work on September 11, 2001.

On that morning, I was really busy, I remember being paged to a phone call, on the way to the shop phone, a supervisor jokingly said "It's your ex, bet she wants more money" I laughed it off and answered the call, My ex asked me if I'd heard the news, I asked "what news?" (I don't have time for this) I thought. Then she said "A plane crashed into the World Trade Center", I immediately thought it was some kind of horrible accident. I quickly asked how the children were doing and ended the call. I did think it was odd for her to call me just to tell me about something she had seen on the news.

I quickly headed back out into the shop, then seen the Manager headed to the break room in a hurry, a few moments later he said "look at this a plane hit the World Trade Center" He was watching the only television we had in the building, so we all gathered around to watch. While speculating on the cause, and how large or small the plane may have been, I remembered seeing the World Trade Center towers from a moderate distance while on one of only two visits to New York City in my life. I remember the massive size of those towers, and when I seen the size of that hole, I knew it must have been a very large aircraft. Then while staring at the screen a huge ball of red fire and smoke shot out of the other tower. I remember staggering back, and the words of one co-worker "Holy #".

In that instant everything changed, a creepy quiet flooded that room as everyone just stood there watching as the tape was played from other angles and you could clearly see that it was a large passenger jet. It was also very clear that it was not an accident.

I will never forget the sinking feeling in those moments, It felt like extreme apprehension, mixed with depression and all consuming shock. There really are no words to describe it.

Next my thoughts turned to those who were in those buildings, how many? and saying "Jesus this can't be happening" at least 20 or 30 times out loud. Slowly the others there began talking again, more speculation about terrorists, and motives, My eyes were glued to that little screen. Then the news of a fire or explosion at the Pentagon. That was when the boss said "Well guys, that's it, we're going to war now"

In my mind in that very moment, I was thinking: The world has just changed dramatically.

I had to go outside, I remember walking around and re-playing in my mind what I had just seen on television over and over and over. Then when I walked back to see what was going on one of the towers had collapsed. Everything stopped we all just stayed in that break room for most of that day watching the constant coverage. When the other tower came down, it was beyond belief. there was no way for me to rationalize what I was seeing. I tried to find a reason as to why someone would be motivated to hijack a plane and fly it into those buildings, there were no answers, in fact there may never be a simple answer to that question.

Later that day I went home, and talked to my children about what had happened, they had for the most part already heard about all of it, and were surprisingly calm about it. I turned on CNN later and watched the coverage, from then on for days. One thing I seen that I can't shake from my mind even to this day, was a shot of a woman standing on the side of a street looking up at the burning towers, the pain on her face, then she placed her hand over her mouth and screamed "Oh God" I realized in the moments following that she was reacting to seeing people jump from the Towers. The thought of that woman's reaction still haunts me, even at this very moment. I will also never forget watching the footage of the site and smoldering remains of those towers, and the many brave workers, firemen, police and volunteers who worked endlessly on the search for survivors. I can never forget those who died that day for no damned good reason. Those who simply showed up for work, like so many of us. for "just another day at work" Those who were killed in an instant and others who died later, some forced to choose between jumping to their sure death or burning alive.

Has it really been five years?

As time marches on, with the troops who will fight our selected enemies, so will the pursuit of truth. A truth that may never come. September 11, 2001 is forever burned into the memories of millions who were either there or watched these events live on television. Conspiracy theories are abundant, speculation and a search for answers continues even now. But that day, and what happened may be too powerful, to dramatic, to ever be fully rationalized or explained in a way that people will believe it. It was to big to have such a simple explanation.

[edit on 9-9-2006 by UM_Gazz]

posted on Sep, 9 2006 @ 09:24 PM
My short story:

I had about a one hour commute to my office. That week, I was instructing a bunch of military; class began at 0900.

I was running late and expected to arrive at 0915. I called the secretary and left a voicemail with instructions for the students.

Every other day of my commuting life, I have turned the radio on to listen to it while I drive. But for some reason I did not turn it on that morning; I drove in silence to work. Why, I have no idea.

Needless to say, the faces that greeted me as I walked past the smoking area on my way into the office told me that something terrible had happened.

posted on Sep, 9 2006 @ 11:15 PM
I walked through the door after dropping my kids at the bus stop and stopping by the grocery store. At 8:15am cdt, the phone rang.

My friend said "Turn your TV on and turn it to Fox News". I saw the tape of the first plane going into the WTC. Several minutes later, I saw the 2nd plane go in, Live. As a military brat, I went into military mode. I assessed the situation.

So many things went through my mind at once. First was that my immediate family was scattered over a 10 mile area. My extended family was 350 + and the whereabouts of my sister and her b/f (flight attendant and pilot) were unknown. I live 5 miles from a nuke plant.

I called my hubby, telling him to find a radio and turn it on. I also told him to be ready to leave. He thought I was a crazy woman. I called the school my children attend and the lines were busy. I took this time to pack our first "family to go bag."

I called my mother and she was literally frozen in front of the television. I asked to talk to my father. As my father was telling me there was probably nothing to worry about, Fox News reported that a MISSILE HIT THE PENTEGON. I remember my daddy saying "now we have something to worry about."

I hung up with him, called the school and finally got through. I was told that my children were fine and I DID NOT NEED TO PICK THEM UP. I told the principal on that day (and later on) that when I wish to pick my children up is not under his control, have my kids ready. I arrived at the school with several parents and the principal saying "do not worry, no need to pick your kids up", but we did anyway. I found that my daughter knew nothing, but my son had been watching the coverage in the teacher's lounge because he had asked to go to the restroom and never returned.... he was very scared.

My family and I spent the next 6 hours wondering if my sister and her b/f (now husband) were on one of those flights. We knew their locations but didn't know the flight numbers. If you remember that day, they kept changing the flight numbers and carriers. At one point, they reported that my sister's carrier had hit the pentegon and it came out of the location she told us she was coming out of.

The 5th anniversary of 9/11 brings so many mixed emotions. For our family, our entire life changed. My sister and her husband continue to fly, overseas. The memory of watching the 2nd plane go in and wondering if my sister was on the pentegon flight is fresh in my mind after 5 years. I want to honour those that died, but I don't want to relive/remember that day.

When President Bush arrived in NYC after the attacks and told us on a bullhorn that the people that did this would hear from us, I felt safe again. Soon after I didn't and I haven't felt safe since.

The way I feel now is that I wish that the MSM and the gov't would not shove and spin 9/11 down our throat. Allow those that lost loved ones to mourn, but not make it a huge spectical. It seems that every channel I go to has some 9/11 special and no way to escape it.

I have chosen not to turn on the radio, television or access the internet on that day. I don't see how that will help the healing process for those who lost loved ones, those that have loved ones overseas fighting, or those flying the friendly skies that day.

I'm usually an upbeat/warm/friendly person. I care about others, almost to an extreme sometimes.

I do not like the way I feel about 9/11, which is why I'm leaving "reality" for the day. I've never had such a feeling of hatred towards anyone as those that carried out this horrific act on 9/11 and changed our lives forever. I see video of the 2nd plane going in, the towers collapsing, the pentegon burning and I go from anguish/tears to absolute hatred.

I also feel fear, most especially for my children and kids their age who will have to live with the consequences of that day for the rest of their lives. As a parent, I wanted to protect my kids from crap like this. I know there's nothing I could have personally done to prevent this but frankly I'm angry at those that allowed this to happen.

My hope is that before we reach the 10 year anniversary of 9/11, we will have these bastards strung up as there is a special place in hell for them.

Originally posted by blatantblue
unfortunately in the years after my parents took the real brunt of it. not looking for sympathy this is just the story. my dad lost all his retirement with American, had heart problems and a minor heart attack after all the stress. my dad left soon after and im still bitter because it was the best job you could have and he'd been flying planes for 30 years and loved it. it defined him. he still talks of going back whenever we go to JFK or anything like that. but i dont know if he will
Your dad's situation/reaction is not unlike my sister's and her husband. Both work on trans-atlantic flights. It took a while before they felt safe again. Neither had a heart attack but suffered panic attacks. My sister will be flying again this 9/11.

posted on Sep, 10 2006 @ 12:42 AM
I had just come back from six months in Japan working with Fuji Heavy Industries on their Apache Helicopter program. My wife and I'd been planning a three-week vacation trip to Greece and Turkey (neither of us had been there before) and I though how interesting it was for me to have so much international travel in one year.

We'd already paid for our entire trip, and we'd had everything planned out: including starting with a three-day stay in Athens; scube diving in several places, including Santorini; exploring Knossos in Crete; going on a dig near Troy, and capped off with three days of unsupervised partying in Istanbul.

The morning of the trip, I had only two things to do; complete my final PADI checkout dive in a lake, and come into work and log my time, set up my e-mail and phone messages, etc. Understand that I then (and still do) work at the Boeing facility in Mesa, and when somenoe mentioned that there'd been an accident with an airplane in NYC, the first thing that went through our minds was whether it was one of ours. Within an hour or so, we realized that it was not an accident, but an act of war, and I called my wife to tell her that they were probably going to ground all aircraft.

The feeling at work, by then, was one primarily of rage: not only that we had been attacked, but that those dogs had stolen our airplanes to carry out their filthy deeds. When I got home around 12 noon, it was official, the entire airline infrastructure had been shut down, and our vacation was over before it'd started. I remember thinking that my son, at sixteen, was just a couple of years younger than I was when Kennedy has assasinated; this was his generation's Kennedy.

I think most of us knew that it was now a war, although I don't think anyone knew how it would play out.

That night we went to church, as did so many others that terrible day.

posted on Sep, 10 2006 @ 03:23 AM
Have kinda photographic memory, full of blurred images, snapshots in the thousands, many of them I can't even place. But at least two of them stand out razor sharp.

Let me briefly show you the first one. It's of a gloomy Friday night, November 1963 in my home with my parents. The transistor is turned on, standing on the cupboard of the table linen, we've just finished dinner and dad is in the sittingroom watching telly, I'm getting ready to go out. Then the news comes on - back then breaking news was only on the radio - and the snapshot is burned forever in my mind.

I can describe that transistor radio in detail unto my last day. Even the typeface of the brandname fixed to the front of it. "Aristola" it read. It was a handy little plastic thing. The news it brought was the JFK assassination.

I only remember very few of my thoughts, but that radio, the weather outside and my dad getting up saying: "such things only happen in America" - it's indelible.

Same as a Tuesday afternoon some 38 years later came to be.

I'm in my livingroom, and should soon be struggling to believe what my father had said then.

Maybe I should mention back in those days, news on television was 24 hours old or more, so we didn't see the footage before a few days later.

In 2001 television's online, and my set is turned on but mute, tuned in on some German business channel. You know, like Blomberg, with rates of shares, options and currencies, indexes and so, running along the top and the bottom of the screen leaving little space for the picture. I'm not actually watching, it's just on.

At a point I look up and a beautiful view of the Manhatten skyline is in the picture. I vividly remember how beautiful it was with a bleak morning sun shining on the scenery seen across the water. What more adds to the beauty is some smoke I actually took for steam coming up from what seemed to be behind the WTC. Could be from the subway system, I think. Remember the TV was on mute. It divertes my mind to Andreas Feininger, an early 20th century photographer, who documented the raise of the NY skyline. There's a lot of steam and smoke in his pictures. I've always adored them as some of the finest images I know.

I did enjoy the minimized screen picture for a while before I was due for the shock.

I start to wonder if there really could be that much smoke in today's NY - it sure exceeded that of Feininger's photoes. Finally I turn on the sound, to hear talk about a Cesena having hit one of the towers. A few minutes later the second plane appeares and I switch to CNN. There the grim reality slowly discloses, but they kept on talking about "incredible coincident" even after someone had mentioned "possible terrorist attack".

I couldn't believe what I hear and in my heart I want to believe the former of the two. In my head I knew all too well.

When reports on hijacked planes is ticking in, it finally becomes clear to the anchor folks what's going on and when the reports about Pentagon been hit come in , I start calling friends.

I was convinced this was WW3, but I wished so much to believe my father.

No, I did not loose any friend or kin, but since the day they gunned Kennedy down, this world keeps on worrying me.

"Last night the wind was whispering, I was trying to make out what it was / I tell myself something's coming, but it never does."
Bob Dylan

[edit on 10/9/06 by khunmoon]

[edit on 10-9-2006 by asala]

posted on Sep, 10 2006 @ 10:59 AM
September 11, 2001 was very interesting for me as the story unfolded. My neighbor downstairs woke me about four in the morning Hawaii time and said "turn on the TV." Now I saw the fireman's video, the impact, and for hours watched television but kept my tradition then about chatting on MSNBC, which used to have a wide open line.

One of the first statements was right on the money literally. You remember those Mastercard commercials? Well mine went "Box cutters, $1.98 at Wal Mart, Lap Dance $137.50, Airplane Tickets $10, 456, etc etc.".......An unlimited budget for national defense......priceless.

It was all too obvious why all of this was happening. I kept writing about Nero burning Rome, about Hitler burning the Reichstag and why governments thoughout history have thrived on such Hegalian chaos, the usual "problem-reaction-solution." Some of the chatters there seemed to agree, but others were so locked into their own Meisner effect, the tragedy of the day and the emotionally charged hatred for Islam. Were there mind control messages that day subliminally everywhere? You betcha. The main thing was more bad laws, more useless security, more red tape, and more hassles. Why can't people just follow the money right after these things and refuse? Why does it take years to overcome such bad decisions by design?

Well PT Barnum was right, and September 11, 2001 proved "A sucker is born every minute." We were hoodwinked big time, sucked into the hate, then we were placated with reverant messages not to do that, then told to "go shopping."

[edit on 10-9-2006 by SkipShipman]

posted on Sep, 10 2006 @ 01:07 PM
I have one more account to relate about 9/11; even now, I am embrrassed and ashamed.

I used to stop off for gas at a station on my way to work about once a month, a station owned by a Sikh, Balbir Singh Sodhi. I'd often see Mr. Singh in the convenience store if I'd stop for a cup of coffee, and although we were not friends, we would at leasst greet each other with a "good morning".

The day after the bombing, another Boeing employee (whom I had seen but not met), enraged by what happened, came by Mr. singh's facility and murdered him in cold blood, then went on a rampage and started shooting at other "Arab-looking" people.

The folks who knew him, many of them friends of mine, said that this gonococcus, Frank Roque, had a reputation as a loudmouth drunk and all-around jerk. He was caught, tried, and sentenced to death.

Many of my colleagues believed that the best thing to do was to have the government start a lottery, open only to Boeing employees, of hundred-dollar tickets, the proceeds going to the Singh family.

The winner would personally get to give Roque the injection.

By God, the Singh family'd have been millioniares overnight!

Two weeks ago, in a horrid miscarriage of justice, the Arizona Supreme Court overturned that animal's death sentence and now we will be paying for his color TV until he dies. I heard about it on the radio and the next morning I stopped at Mr. Singh's shop to try and apologize. His (I believe) sister-in-law was behind the counter. She saw my badge and my face, and, without even my saying anything, she thanked me for coming and said that her faith does not condone meaningless death.

Weep with me. Balbir Singh Sodhi, more of a man and an American than I will ever be, was planting flowers outside his store when he was gunned down.

posted on Sep, 10 2006 @ 05:30 PM
I was watching TV "Neighbours" on BBC1 when the program finished BBC News 24 News Flash came on,It showed the first tower on fire,then a few minutes later the second plane hit....I knew then it was no accident.
I was with my mother at the time and we watched in disbelief,I recall she asked me "Do you think the towers will collapse?" and I replied "I doubt it."
As we know now I was unfortunatly wrong. (I do not believe bombs collapsed the towers it was just a comment at the time))

I knew that day things would change and they have and will continue to do so for many years to come.
Just my story of that day.....Kuhl.

posted on Sep, 10 2006 @ 06:38 PM
Tuesday September 11th 2001 started out as any normal day for myself, In fact I was quite looking forward to it, I had brought a new car and was waiting to hear when it was to be ready to pick it up. The day went on pretty much as usual, except I had taken the day off work, due to picking up the car, then at about 1pm ish I received the call, my car was ready for collection. I thought that I would finish walking around town and go pick it up, I had to walk past a Sony shop to get back to the car, and there was a big crowed around the front of the shop looking at the TV’s in the window, I stopped for a minute to see what they were looking at, for a minute I couldn’t work out what was going on as the live footage was not focusing on much at that time, then all of a sudden I saw it, one of the towers looked like it was on fire, without being able to hear the TV or seeing any subtitles, so I carried on back to the car.

When I got to the car dealership I was shown to a seat as he got the paperwork out, and at that point someone came running out of the back and turned the TV on in the corner of the room, and there it was, all in front of my eyes, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, live and instant replays of the crashes and more live footage as it was appearing, the whole place kinda stopped, everybody was just watching this small TV in the corner of the room. It seemed like hours had passed, just watching all that was going on, but finally we left. When I got home there was even more footage being released, and then after seeing what I never thought I would ever see, aircraft being purposefully flown into a building, I saw the towers collapse. Shock isn’t a big enough word to convey the feeling felt. All of a sudden the world seemed a lot smaller, and a lot less safe.

I had to take Asala out that night, when we got there, everybody was unsure if one of the members of the class was on one of the flights, everybody was in a very sad mood and they all had a minutes silence, for all that had died and preyed for news from the missing member of the class.

The feeling of total numbness and detachment from everything was very scary, the fact that you didn’t feel safe anywhere from that moment on, is something that I think we all feel in some way or another.

posted on Sep, 10 2006 @ 07:35 PM
UM_gaz, your original question was " What is the best way to honor 9/11?"

I think this is a great way and have enjoyed reading this thread. Well not enjoyed but it has made me reflect, ensured me that I am not the only one who remembers this day.
My tiny tail.
In 2001 I was on a private quest to find the place in this world where I truly belonged, the country I could call home. Living abroad since childhood, had never had a real choice and hadn't really ever acquired that feeling of belonging where I lived. I decided to give it a chance and if I didn't find what I was looking for, I could just move back.
I had planned this venture almost to perfection, except for the one detail, whom to use as a platform in America. I made a bad decision and ended up in the home of a psychopath, for four days I was literally a hostage at gun point!!! ( Today I am embarrassed of being sooo naive).
I survived by the kind help of local law enforcement and my own cunning. Ended up at a crisis center where their compassion and consideration launched me on. Not the perfect approach to my new home but then...

Just an ordinary busy morning, cool and crispy, sun high in the sky. I had tons of appointments, the first one was running errands with a new found friend. The radio was on as I waited in the car while she ran in to get cigarettes.
".....the Pentagon has been hit by an aircraft" And then a lot of information I don't recall. My friend came out she switched channels disregarded my concern and we we just drove on. We wondered why the streets where patrolled so heavily by police cars.
Finally at "home" I switched on the TV, I usually don't watch television, every one was minding their own business in the house.
CNN was showing the Twin Towers, first I assumed it was a prank, and when I realized it was real I ran to gather people. The women and all the employees.

Apprehensive hostile reactions to my agitated behaviour turned to awe.

We all stood there women, children employees, staring, hands reached out to hold hard, real hard, we held each other, we sat down huddled together, we all cried. We cried. Not out of fear but for those who had died and those who where yet to suffer, for the families.
I don't know how we managed that day. I don't know how we got through the fallowing days. The Town was barren, walking down the streets, there was no shame all eyes were red or in tears. We looked each other strait in the eye exposing every bit of emotion.
But there was no anger, none, no hate just sorrow, deep painful sorrow.
I do wish we could retain that feeling of human togetherness and not nurture revenge.

9/11 was my turning point, I knew I was home.

[edit on 10-9-2006 by WalkInSilence]

posted on Sep, 10 2006 @ 08:25 PM
I had just woken up to go to school and I was eating breakfast. When I heard a sudden knock at my front door and my friend Nick screaming to open the door. This was nothing new we walked to school together everyday but he was at my door almost an hour early. So I ran opened the door and he was exclaiming if I saw what happened and I said no. It was not my morning routine to watch the TV, I was actually reading the paper. So he runs and turns it on and the moment it flickered on the second plane had it the tower. Needless to say both of us were yelling for my mom and sister to wake up and see what was happening. On our way to school the only thing we talked about was that this was the start of WW3. Very interesting morning for a 7th grader at the time.

posted on Sep, 10 2006 @ 09:54 PM
I was in class...a class I hated, but a class I needed in my degree program. Some dumb English class, and I was being sent out during class time to do some stupid project. "Stupid professor," I thought. "Making me go outside to take 'observation' of things around's too hot out here to do this." In Orlando, things get hot by 10, really hot, and today was no different.

My group and I walked past a construction site (which on UCF's campus was as normal to see as grass), and I noticed something odd. People weren't working, they were standing around a small radio listening. Hard hats, all of them, yellow, red, green, blue...jsut standing there, arms folded, looks on their faces.

"Why are are those girls crying?" said one of the guys in my group. I turned to look, as a stream of people started to come out of the student union up ahead. As many people that were leaving, their faces worried, confusion all over, people were streaming past us and in a hurry. Something was going on.

"That's impossible," someone walking past on a cell phone muttered.

'What's impossibe," I thought.

"There's no way a plane hit," the same person said as they continued to walk past. Something very bad was going on.

We reported back to class and my professor wasn't even aware anything was going on. "A plane hit the world trade center," one of the students said.

"What kind of plane?" someone asked.

"A big one," someone replied.

"No way, it was probably a small prop plan or something that got lost and whatever...that's some bad pilot," I replied. It just seemed impossible that anything, especially not a jet liner, could have hit a building that big. Jet liners just don't fly past the Trade Centers, I mean, that doesn't make sense.

Class was dismissed.

I made my way back toward the Student Union, people conintued to move back and forth, their faces growing with concern as each moment passes. I entered the Student Union and walked over to a group of people huddled around a large television. People were crying everywhere. I looked at the screen and saw a replay of the second plane hitting.

'This is for real....this is the start of World War 3,' I thought. I don't know why that was the first thought that passed through my head but it was. Then, the replay cut out....the first tower was collapsing.

I've never had my knees give out before...ever. I'm a big guy, 6'3" and 220 pounds. When I saw that tower go down, my knees when, and I had to grab someone before I fall flat to the ground. It took me a few minutes to steady myself, I hugged what seemed like hundreds of people I didn't know, and probably wouldn't recognize if I saw them again.

Believe it or not, I had to get to work at the Credit Union on campus. I gathered myself, and made my way out of the union, across the street, and into the branch office. I saw my boss, dropped my bookbag and said, "What is going on?" Before crying again and going over to give her a hug.

My mother was supposed to fly to Israel that day. I had forgotten, and now I was worried. I knew she had to get a connectiong flight from Charleston to New York, before flying to Israel. I was pretty sure she wasn't on those planes but I had to be sure. I couldn't get an outside line to work, I imagine everyone was trying to call home on campus. Someone who happened to be in the branch office, a perfect stranger, came up to me and asked if I was okay, "I can't get in touch with my parents, the lines dead." They gave me their cell phone.

I don't know why, but I'll never forget that. It wasn't anything big...but to me, it was what I needed. I called home, and my mother picked up..."I'm okay," she said.

As with the rest of America, and significant parts of the world, I wandered through the rest of the day and into the evening confused, bewildered, and insecure.

That was the day I had my innocence shattered.

posted on Sep, 10 2006 @ 10:17 PM
Well its hard to explain how I felt that day. Its hard to put any of this into words. You could say its hard to even figure out where to start. You want to say everything at once because it was so emotional and impacting, but you cant. So I will just start out with the start of my day.

I will be honest in saying up to when my teacher was called outside of the room by another teacher, I dont even remember the day. To me it was just the first week into school, nothing memorable about that, until we had found out the towers had been hit. I was in history class, 7th grade. My school was a very small school. 30 kids in the 7th grade class, 28 in the 8th and the classes under us were smaller (k-8 school). The 8th grade class was across the hallway. When the teacher first was called out of the room, it only vaugely memorable since that wasn't completely unusual. I start to really remember things when she was called out a second time. She came back in and said nothing more then "were going to turn on the tv kids" And everybody thought "alright! no more work in history today!" but then we saw smoke pouring out of the towers. The teacher said "these are the twin towers".

One kids, andrew, said "are we watching a movie Mrs. Lannon? My dad works in one of those towers". She didn't respond to his question. I would imagine her saying yes would be a lie, and her saying no would cause a sudden panic possibly. The one teacher teaching the 8th grade class called her out again. I was sitting near the door and heard segments of the conversation. They were debating on whether or not to let us watch it. Mrs. Lannon said something about the 7th and 8th graders are old enough to see it. The other teacher, Mrs. Renehan (sp?), said that it might not be a good idea since some of the children have family in/around the towers. Mrs. Lannon responded with how her husband is in the South Tower, but hes on a lower level. She further said that if there were anything to worry about, she would be the one worrying. She then said, I quote, "This is history in the making, this is something these kids will look back on and wish they got to see because it was turning their time." She then mentioned something about JFK (which I imagine she was old enough to have been around during) then returned into the room. Some time passed as we watched the towers flow with smoke.

Another teachers had come into the room, it was her period off. This would later turn out to be a very good thing. Mostly because within 5 minutes we watched as the South tower collapsed. My teacher, Mrs. Lannon, collapsed as well. She had just seen the completely unexpected, and the possible death of her husband. That is something I wont forget. The other teacher quickly rushed over to her. Most of the kids I think were so confused that they didnt react at all. They sat there and watched as the tower fell. They, fore the most part, seemed like they were dazed. I was in denial. I simply denied the idea that it was real. I knew it was, but I almost went to the point of insulting myself of stupidity to believe such a thing was real. For the rest of the day I went on believing that it wasnt real. I told myself things would be fine, they wouldn't change. I wanted to believe it didnt happen, that things wouldnt change because of this.

The teacher that collapsed came to pretty soon. Her husband had gotten out okay. All in all, I wont forget the sheer amount of deniablity in me. The disbelief was going to the point of insulting myself to reassure myself things werent falling apart. We were cut off after the towers had collapsed. They felt that it was not something 12 year olds should see. I tried so hard to avoid it having ever happened, but it grew bigger so quick. I remember everything it caused with detail. Watching the bombing runs in iraq and all knowing it was because of that day.

I look back and wonder, was it human instinct to be in the type of disbelief I was in? If so, why could I not believe the reaction I had? When it comes down to the hard facts, I wanted nothing more then "things to go back to when we played as kids....but things change, and thats the way it is". I wont ever forget.

posted on Sep, 10 2006 @ 11:10 PM
I was a junior in highschool and I was in my 2nd period which was algebra class. I had just sat down and was doodling when my friend passed me a note. I opened it and it said that the WTC and Pentegon had been hit. I looked at her and was stunned. She told me everything that she had heard so far. Right after that was lunch and my mother worked in the cafeteria so I went to her and she told me that there was also a plane in PA. She had been listening to the news all that morning. After that I had religion class and our teacher just turned on the TV and let us watch what was going on. That was the first time I actually saw it for myself. I could not believe my eyes. It was like something out of a movie. Everyone was talking about it and some were worried because they knew people who lived there. Right after that our principal let us all go home. I was glued to the TV for the rest of the day. After that they were showing photos of the building. In some you could actually see people jumping from the building. That really blew me away. I didn't know anyone personally, but I prayed for them all. I made ribbons to sell in school to make money to donate to the red cross. I just felt like I had to do something to help.

posted on Sep, 11 2006 @ 12:56 AM
For the brave men and women who died needlessly on September 11, 2001..... but most of all..... for the 3,251 Children who lost a parent on that black day in history.



posted on Sep, 11 2006 @ 05:13 AM
i was working at a job centre in West Yorkshire, northern England, i had come back into the office after lunch and i passed one of our fraud investigators who had just come back in to the office, he had been listening to his car radio and had heard that a plane had hit the world trade center. I just assumed a cessna had hit the building in bad weather and i passed the message onto the others in my room and got on with my work. A minute or so later, one of the women at the end of the room came running down and said "i've been talking to my mother on the phone, she says a second plane has crashed into the World Trade Center". Straight away i knew this was no accident, so we rushed into the canteen and put the tv on, the pictures were grainy (some clown had stolen the aeriel out of the back) but ITV were showing one of the American channels (NBC i think) we saw a plane go into a tower, one of the towers collapsing, a picture of some Arab with a big beard called Usama bin Laden, so we assumed he had claimed responsibility, plus they were reporting many other aircraft had been hijacked, explosions in Washington and so on. Eventually we returned to our desks, we knew it was war, we had a long hot summer of riots across the north of england, involving muslims, so to us, this was just the next development. We were winding up this 19 year old in our room, telling him he was going to be called up by the army and sent off to the middle east, which annoyed him as he hates the military, i was the next youngest at 32, but i knew i would fail the medical, but everyone i spoke to including my brother who was 26 himself, expected the British to take part in whatever retaliation the Americans would carry out. My brother honestly believed conscription was coming back and he would be called up. I don't recall the media coverage as such, apart from seeing the spectacle of Palestinians celebrating in the streets. Wisely, most muslims in the UK kept their conspiracy theories to themselves, for the time being.

a month or so later, me and my brother had an afternoon out driving around the pennines above Huddersfield, on the journey home, we had the radio on, the americans had already launched their attacks on Afghanistan, it was a sombre atmosphere in the car listening to that, my brother was returning to his job near London later that day and he honestly believed he would be in the RAF or the royal Navy within a matter of months, thankfully the campaign in afghanistan was over in a matter of weeks and there was no need for the Government to bring back conscription.

I swallowed the official line about 9-11 hook line and sinker, like everyone else, it was only when i got access to the internet that i started looking into some of these rumours and whispers i was hearing that the US government knew more than they were letting on.

posted on Sep, 11 2006 @ 05:35 AM
I was at work, just got back off dinner and was casually walking through the main doors into reception when i noticed a crowd of about 50 people gathered around the wide screen TV. I saw a building on fire, from what looked like an explosion, then a plane came from the left, and much lower down, crashing what seemed to be right the the building.

Christ, thats a bit brutal for a film I thought... then the news reader came on screen and my worst fears instantly became reality. Even at this point I thought the news reader was a part of the film...the footage then cut to the people on the ground, running away from a huge cloud or dust and rubble from the building which was collapsing, then someone was jumping from the second building, the camera went close.. it was horrific.. the pain and horror that must be going through their minds as they commit themselves to death.. i remember praying for them and I aint even religious... my eyes filled with tears, as did many people around me. I shutdown inside, the noises around me dimmed and i felt numb, comatose.

At this point, I had to go back to my desk, where people were chatting, fighting almost to get words into the conversation. I logged onto all major news channels, BBC site seemed unreachable. I instantly phoned all my friends and colleagues to spread the miserable news.. how strange.. i think i just wanted people to share the feeling of pain that I was feeling... i was deeply confused and feeling very emotional.

At this point, a conspiracy never crossed my mind. Now, it is all that is in my mind.

The following day, I stayed off work and went to church (church of england) was the first time I had been in over 25 years. It was overwhelming. My pain was eased somewhat...i cried silently, still seeing the jumper from the tower, the destruction, the people innocently walking in the street, the families of those who died.

Tonight, I will be lighting a candle for all those that died. Even now, as i type at my keyboard, im trying to hide my eyes, which are filling up with pain. My heart goes out to everyone who feels the pain that I do, especially the families that suffered loss.

I frimly believe that this was orchestrated by the secret government, CIA or whatever it proclaims to be these days. I have seen the films, read hundreds of thousands of articles and I really believe that it was all a bit too well co-ordinated.

I say no more. Peace to you all.


[email protected]

posted on Sep, 11 2006 @ 06:52 AM
Not a day that I would ever forget.

I was at the head office for the company I was working for at the time, it was a nice sunny day as I remember it. We were doing some company training at the time and I’d come to work on my motorbike which always puts me in a good mood.
We were on a break and id just popped out for smoke and all was good with the world.
In the main reception area we had a big LCD television that mainly played company stuff, TV adverts and the like. It’s a very big area that’s normally pretty empty unless we had visitors.
Id just finished my smoke and swiped back into the building with my ID card when I noticed that the reception area was very crowded, I mean it was full of people.
At first I thought there was some kind of fire drill or something like that when my attention was drawn to the huge TV screen.
All I knew at that time was that there was a building on fire; I didn’t know where the building was or how high it was.
Then I heard someone talking about the World Trade Centre in New York. Someone told me that a plane had hit the building; at this time I didn’t know that it was an act of terrorism. I remember just staring at the fire and smoke pouring out of the building not really comprehending the enormity of what was unfolding before my eyes.
Then the second plane hit and everyone kind of collectively jumped, it was like someone had just punched me in the stomach.
I felt sick to the very core of my soul. Then it sank in that the US was under attack and that these were deliberate strikes against 2 of the tallest buildings in the World.
We stood there and watched whilst these two great building burned feeling helpless.
Then the first building fell and we couldn’t believe it had happened it was so unreal.
When I got home and found out that that WTC7 and the other tower had gone it felt like the end of the world, all those people gone, office workers, firemen, and policemen all dead. When my family had gone to bed and I watched the news unfolding I wept for those lost souls and for a world I knew would never be the same again.

[edit on 11-9-2006 by Janus]

posted on Sep, 11 2006 @ 07:43 AM
This isn't my story, it is the story of a former co-worker who used to work in the WTC S. Building. By pure luck he was running 20 minutes late that day and by the time he got up to the doors of his building, above him the second plane hit. He saw this and go the hell out of there asap. He could have very easily have been the 25th Canadian killed in the towers if he had been earlier. Now, he just wants to come back home(though his wife wants to go back to LA which he isn't too thrilled about).

He was also the only survivor in his office of roughly 30+ people.

[edit on 11-9-2006 by sardion2000]

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