As regards the issues you mentioned, I've always thought that there are 2 schools of thought. Not pro- and anti- as is usually represented, but
personal and global. Let me tell you what I think that means.
Let's take abortion. I am what I call "anti-abortion", meaning that I
personally wouldn't have an abortion unless it was a danger to me.
However, I am pro-choice, meaning I don't think I have a right to impose my
personal beliefs on the
global population (in this case,
the US population).
The other position (the
global camp) is the one where one person or group think that their views should apply to everyone and that people
should be forced, by law if necessary, to conform or follow their views on the issue.
So, those are the two sides as I see them. And in all cases of personal freedoms (abortion, assisted suicide, drug use, birth control) I stand
strongly in the
personal camp. I believe that as long as I am not infringing on others' rights I should be allowed to do as I please. And I
have no right to impose my morals on other people.
Do we care?
I care about what happens in the world to a certain extent. The further removed I am from a problem, however, the less I care. Conversely, the closer
the issue is to me, the more I care. My family, my friends, my town, I care very much about. My country, I'm very passionate about. And although I
care about what's happening globally, I feel fairly powerless to do much about it. I think if I cared as much about everything in the world as I care
about my family, I'd go absolutely insane.
I think of the world as a living organism. Some parts operate more efficiently than others at times, but if we look at the entire life of the world so
far, it's in a state of constant change. In our lifetimes, we see only a snippet of time and if we make our judgments based on that snippet, we're
not getting the full picture.
I'm also a huge proponent of the theory that everything happens as it should. So I'm not big into changing things unless they affect me personally.
That may sound selfish and it actually is, but not with ill intent. If we all took as much personal responsibility as I do, I'd venture to say that
we'd live in a very different and wonderful world.
I'm very curious to see how others respond to this thread.