posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 03:37 AM
I had the honor this weekend of being asked to join the 'line', the progression of officers in my Masonic lodge.
One of the current officers turned to me and said "Ok, here's your first taste of power..." He then asked me to decide what to serve at our next
meeting for refreshments. Funny guy.
It was funny, but this trivial bit got me thinking... Some day I will be the Master of the largest lodge in the state. Yesterday, I had a vote. Next
year, I will have a voice. Eventually, I'll be setting the tone.
I immediately thought about the folks on ATS... not so much my fellow masons, but rather the anti-masons and undecided middle ground.
So here is my question to you: what changes would you like to see in masonry, as an outsider? I'm willing to listen. I'm willing to try. It could be
something such as 'stop having people act so secretive' or 'put on open exhibition degrees for the public', or 'discourage brothers from posting
on message boards', or whatever you want to say.
Keep in mind, this is *one lodge*, and *in the future*... and some things can't be changed... and somethings can't be changed by *just me*... and
some of your suggestions I won't agree with.
But I will listen and learn.