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Al-Qaeda Video "Invitation to Islam"

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posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 07:34 PM
The new leader of the Anti Bush crowd released a video today, using many popular talking points.

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) -- An American thought to be an al-Qaida activist appeared in a videotape with the terror group's deputy leader Saturday and called on his countrymen to convert to Islam and for U.S. soldiers to switch sides in the Iraq and Afghan wars.
The 48-minute video, posted on an Islamic militant Web site, had footage of al-Qaida's No. 2 leader, Ayman al-Zawahri, and of Adam Yehiye Gadahn, a 28-year-old American who the FBI believes attended al-Qaida training camps in Pakistan and served as an al-Qaida translator.
Gadahn delivered a lecture on Islam and the ''errors'' in Christianity and Judaism. He also said the United States is losing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and told U.S. soldiers they are fighting President Bush's ''crusades.''
''Instead of killing yourself for Bush ... why not surrender to the truth (of Islam), escape from the unbelieving army and join the winning side. Time is running out so make the right choice before it's too late,'' he said.
''You know that if you die as an unbeliever in battle against the Muslims you're going straight to Hell without passing 'Go,''' Gadahn said on the video, addressing American soldiers. ''You know you're considered by Bush and his bunch of warmongers as nothing more than expendable cannon fodder ... You know they couldn't care less about your safety and well-being.''

''We send a special invitation (to convert to Islam) to all of you fighting Bush's crusader pipedream in Afghanistan, Iraq and wherever else 'W' has sent you to die. You know the war can't be won,'' he said, using Bush's nickname.< br />

This is the face of the enemy. Those that refuse to read and understand the message here, will doom us all.


mod edit, change misleading title

[edit on 2-9-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 07:41 PM
Ok . . . why you said the Anti-Bush crowd?, rather than the Radical Islamic groups or group? because suppousely the fight is against the western policies. Right? no just one particular government, right? but america as a whole, right?

Just a question.

BTW that is some powerful words coming against the Bush administration and its fight in the middle east.

The video seems to come right around 9/11 like the source said but also very convinient for the congress election reminder also.

[edit on 2-9-2006 by marg6043]

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 07:43 PM
Wow these guys seem real fanatics. I would love to see the video. Do you have a link?
Do you think there is something different the GOP should do to hunt down this extremists?

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 07:50 PM

Do you have a link?

Follow the link on Fox News and you can see the video.


posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 09:32 PM
A cheap attempt to slander your political opponents by lumping them in with this fool - I'm quite disappointed in this post.

I am as "anti-Bush" as they get, and I don't take my cues from some fanatic living in a cave, threatening to murder his countrymen. Obviously this Azzam character is attempting to garner support for his band of zealots by tapping into resentment of the current President's policies. It's not going to work, these idiots aren't going to get a lot of converts here, whatever BS they spout.

I'd love to be rid of Bush and his band of murderous neocon fanatics.
I'd love to be rid of this idiot and his band of murderous fanatics too.

[edit on 9/2/06 by xmotex]

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by xmotex
A cheap attempt to slander your political opponents by lumping them in with this fool - I'm quite disappointed in this post.

So you noticed too

Doesn't get to you that the same inuendos and tagging is coming back again but this type the approach is so well expoused that is actualy amuzing, plust insulting.

Yes The anit-Bush crowd is synonimos of been friends with Islamic extremist, in other words just like Rumsfeld put it down, low and dirty.

The critics of the Bush administration are fascits so they most be terrorist supporters.

Yes I am ready to fight for my honor.
As november approach.

You are right also . . . like the new Alqaida tape is going to make people run to give their souls to the muslin world.

This just propaganda.
now the slander is just starting.

[edit on 2-9-2006 by marg6043]

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 09:46 PM
Of course the propaganda goes both ways.

Not unexpected, or even surprising, I just wonder if you copy and paste this on all these posts.


posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 10:12 PM
You've posted things I have respected in the past, and this kind of shallow attack is beneath you.

Just because I don't like Bush or his policies does not mean I support Al Qaeda.

It seems difficult to get this across to some people, but it's entirely possible to be opposed to both of the supposed "sides." The fact is, there are far more than two sides in this war that seems to be shaping up. There are several groups of fanatics at work here - and many more of us just stuck in the crossfire.

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 10:26 PM
Having only read reports of the video I can't comment to much. Some of the analysts are saying that names were named, and some of them are political or political journalists.

British PM George Galloway, Seymour Hirsh, Robert Frisk, and other of British reporters were indicated as "friends".

Daniel Pipes, Steven Emerson, Robert Spencer and Michael Scheuer, and some Tele-Evangelists were considered "enemies".

Didn't I read that there was some theory that there was an attack a couple weeks after every video?

[edit on 9/2/06 by makeitso]

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by makeitso
British PM George Galloway, Seymour Hirsh, Robert Frisk, and other of British reporters were indicated as "friends".

Well taking into consideration that the list of Friends that you posted are a torn on the eyes of many fighting terrorism is smells like propaganda.

Daniel Pipes, Steven Emerson, Robert Spencer and Michael Spencer, and some Tele-Evangelists were considered "enemies".

It this is true I wonder if is not end to the dirty tricks that many will use to pursue unfinished agendas.

Didn't I read that there was some theory that there was an attack a couple weeks after every video?

Sounds like more scare mongering.

This one is going to be another amuzing and desperate attempt to influence PO for november.

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 10:56 PM
Flopping Aces says the video sounds like the Democratic talking points.

The fact that al-Qaeda has chosen to tailor its message to appeasement-minded Westerners cannot, at this point, be reasonably denied.

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 12:17 AM
This "al-Qaida's production wing As-Sahab" is giving me video fatigue. What part of "We will fight the terrorists overseas so we do not have to face them here at home" don't they understand?
They'ld be better off making 72 Virgins Gone Wild.

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by makeitso
Flopping Aces says the video sounds like the Democratic talking points.

That's because Flopping Aces is a right-wing puppet. It's pretty obvious they aren't unbiased and objective, but immersed in their own partisan agenda.

What's your point of bringing them up? Are you surprised a right-wing parrot would try to use this for their own political agenda?

[edit on 3-9-2006 by Jamuhn]

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 12:52 AM

Right wing, left wing, who cares?

They appear to have hit the nail on the head.

The only suprise is the manner you sling rhetoric about parrots without explaining where they are wrong.

Please feel free to enlighten us.

[edit on 9/3/06 by makeitso]

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 08:48 AM
No matter how retarded it appears, this government always displays video and audio tapes obviously for their gain and benefiting only them.

How could we possibly be coming up on 9/11 quietly without these videos?

Anyone with their brain cells intact would not believe any of it. Oh, and the elections, that s right.

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 10:14 AM
They are pursuing a PR strategy designed to feed the political divisions in the West. No doubt they are trying to take advantage of the political divides caused by the Iraq invasion.

This has been apparent since the runup to the 2004 elections, remember OBL's video released right before the election appearing to support Kerry? They know any statement they release appearing to support one side will drive people to the other, out of defiance.

AQ knows that if they help keep the neocons in power, they can count on the US shedding lots more blood in the Mideast, and thus count on a fresh supply of new recruits. People forget that an essential part of terrorist tactics is the agent provocateur effect - they stage attacks hoping to encourage the targeted group to engage in indiscriminate attacks against the populations from which they draw their support base, thus forcing more people into their corner.

It's nothing new or unprecendented, the surprising thing is how willing the far Right is to play along. But they want the conflict to spread as badly as OBL and his minions do - they want to get their "kulturkampf" on. I guess it shouldn't be a surprise - AQ represents the far Right of the Islamic world as much as the hardore neocons do of ours.

[edit on 9/3/06 by xmotex]

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 10:21 AM
Ah, yes, the video as the opponent's talking points. Maybe we will see "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" played again as in the '80's with the US cozying up to Iraq (shaking hands with the devil himself). I can just hear shouts of "bring it on with more of your videos!"
Imagine, shaking hands with al-Zawahri in a deal to produce more videos. Maybe they'll even feed him talking points, so they can counter with their talking points...

Shame on Flopping Aces for using this strategy.

posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by semperfortis

This is the face of the enemy. Those that refuse to read and understand the message here, will doom us all.


mod edit, change misleading title

[edit on 2-9-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

Ah yes, Guilt by Association, the first and most popular of the "Thought Crimes" in what must be "The Idiot's Guide to Budding Tyrants"!

Don't look too closely at that "face of the Enemy"; you all might just be shocked to find yourselves staring back.

It would seem that AQ has "read our book", as Gen. Patton said of his German rival, Rommel. AQ is showing the world in general, and the US in particular, that it, too, can play the psy-ops mind games we employ.

And lest we smugly presume that such an unsophisticated presentation belies an inheirent weakness on the terrorists' part (ie.: "Yeah, like that's going to convince the American public to convert to Islam, en mass!"), bear in mind, the very awkwardness of the presentation may have been a subtle insult based on the AQ's perception of western guilibility.

Rather than a legitimate entreaty to repent, it could easily have been meant as a taunt; preserving the form of a Koranic offer of salvation, but presented in such a manner so as to virtually insure that the offer is rejected by the enemy forces.

Such a pronouncement would be meant to incite the very invective and blood-lust I see the beginings of in your post, Semper.

When your enemies succede in so inflaming you that you are ready to turn on your own countrymen as though they were your enemies, you will have accomplished your true enemy's goal; you will have defeated yourself.

Remember, Only Facists Demand Strict Adherance to the Party Line.

We are supposed to be Opposing facism!

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 06:36 AM
Why is this adam pearlman or Gahdan brown? Is that a fake tan? I've seen previous photos of him and he was white before. I'd imagine a wanted terrorist doesn't get out in the sun much and even if he did, it doesn't look natural.

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