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Alex Jones DEBUNKED...

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posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by BeMoreCynical
Listen to his program....he DID NOT predict 9/11. All he said was that a terrorist attack will happen. He did not say when. He did not say soon. He just said it will happen. That's not a prediction. That's just common sense.

Wait everyone is saying he is not predicting 9/11 the text under the states...

Alex didn't have a crystal ball, he merely studied the elite's propaganda and was able to connect the dots and make a prediction that would materialize on September 11, 2001.

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 04:39 AM

Originally posted by BartIV
I didn't know he predicted a month before. He knew it was coming. Can you imagine knowing something like this is going to happen and not being able to do anything about it. I don't know how i would live with myself. He is like a new-age Nostradamus.

err...not really....

There was no specific information which he gave about 9/11..he is nothing like Nostradamus....

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 02:38 PM
Alex Jones was doing a cold reading of what he knows in the world... People jump all over it when he calls it a prediction, when infact all of us have the power to look at life and understand what is going on with the world, and our own personal lives.
Those who know about Cold Readings know the difference.. Alex Jones has never claimed to be pychic or magical in any means.. Unlike Con-jobs like John Edward and Ms. Celo BS.. People like that are the ones that claim they have foresite byond others, when WE ALL can do cold readings! All you need is a little knowledge on said subject manner, and you too can see what is comming.. Nothing magical or obscure about that notion.
So I dont see the OP point in this thread.. You did not Debunk Mr. Alex Jones Sir,
unless your point was you dont like Alex Jones.. point made I suppose...

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by DickBinBush

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
You do know that he isn't even claiming to be able to predict, or prophesy anything...

he is merely trying to read the game board, to see what plays could be next...

its like chess man... with any number of possibilities... but predicting the worse one, is his way of helping to prevent a bold faced false flag op from happening...

in other words... He is hoping he is always wrong, but worries that he is right...
And I do also...

Exactly! He is not "predicting" it. Prediction makes it sound like he's going off of nothing. That's not what he did. He simply read what was going on. He had access to events occuring that we did not. He knew what to look for. If you ask me, he's a smart man for being able to spot such events. We can all sit here and look at events NOW and it looks strange but that's because we were educated by 9/11. He knew it before hand.

He also claimed three weeks prior to the Shuttle Columbia disaster that something like that may happen considering the first Israeli ever to go to space was on board. He saw things we did not see and claimed it would happen to cover for military movements in the middle east. Not to mention it blew up over Palestine, Texas..coincidence? The shuttle exploded in February 2003. What happened in March 2003? Oh, that's right. The Iraq invasion.

Now he's predicting an attack before the elections in November. Cheney devised a plan that "if" a terrorist attack occurs that they will blame it on Iran to jusify bombing them. It's all coming together. I think we should watch it very very closely.

Way to go Dickbinbush, by the way your name is hysterical. But I think Alex Jones is right, you can't debunk him! He's the best. Alex jones rocks my socks!

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by BeMoreCynical
I've been listening to his so-called predictions. He is a phony. Let's look at his prediction prior to 9/11. He made his so-called 9/11 prediction on July 25th, 2001.
Here is a link to the video:

He makes three claims:

1.) He claims a "terrorist attack will happen".
2.) Bin Laden will be blamed for the attack, when the U.S is behind it.

That's all. Nothing enlightening. Him taking credit for 9/11 happening, is like me saying that somebody today in the globe will die today, and then when somebody dies I take credit for it.

Now look at his other prediction.

This is his show on August 10, saying that there will be a massive terrorist attack. If you look at the major terrorist bust in England that was going to involve 10 planes.

That news article was posted at 14:16GMT which is 9:16 EDT. His show is from 11:00 A.M to 2 P.M Central Standard Time, which means from 10:00 A.M to 1 P.M Eastern Standard Time. (

By the time his first show was on that day, the terror bust already happened.

He is one of the most informed people on this planet in regards to this government mess. The government pulled off the 9-11 plan and he was a hero in warning us about it. He is so respected by the millions of people who know the truth. Even many of the NYPD agree with him. He uses thousands of his own money to make documentory videos and post it for FREE on the internet just so more people will see the truth. Alex Jones is truly a hero of heroes.

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 03:18 PM
You tell em!! Alex Jones is the best and if you can't see that then you have a few problems to sort out.

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 03:28 PM
"DEBUNKED"? What is there to "debunk"?

Analysts study the stock market or other areas of commerce or critics speculate about what films will break out in a big way. This goes on everywhere all the time. For lack of a better word, Jones is a valuable "watch dog" in my opinion. In this environment, at the least, Jones is a powerful example of what one person can accomplish or provide others in a tumultuous time.

He raises points and questions that enhance or enable well-rounded discussion that would be lacking otherwise. If he is extreme at times well maybe that is necessary to spark others to contemplate and discuss issues that fall beneath that umbrella. I feel it allows others to raise issues that otherwise might never be voiced. And he is heard and he does get guests on his programs that have valid arguments. A media diet of any one thing is unhealthy of couse and so I often find Jones an antidote to the same old corporate sponsored ignorance.

He is effective and that is a great example of what a "regular Joe" is capable of. That message is incredibly valuable. Far to many of us don't take the next step toward our potential ability about things that we may feel strongly about. It counters the "Yeah, but what can I do about it" syndrome that I feel we are indoctrinated with. Who do you think made Bohemian Grove darn near a household name? And who was getting the word out about that beforehand in such an effective manner? Would we all be better off not knowing about it? A spotlight on the goings-on at the Grove have raised awareness about what other things are or may be going on.

If someone doesn't want to hear or contemplate 9-11 theories, just show them the Jones films about the Grove. Usually they then become more willing to listen new ideas about their government.

[edit on 3-10-2006 by 2nd Hand Thoughts]

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by realanswers

Originally posted by BeMoreCynical
I've been listening to his so-called predictions. He is a phony. Let's look at his prediction prior to 9/11. He made his so-called 9/11 prediction on July 25th, 2001.
Here is a link to the video:

He makes three claims:

1.) He claims a "terrorist attack will happen".
2.) Bin Laden will be blamed for the attack, when the U.S is behind it.

That's all. Nothing enlightening. Him taking credit for 9/11 happening, is like me saying that somebody today in the globe will die today, and then when somebody dies I take credit for it.

Now look at his other prediction.

This is his show on August 10, saying that there will be a massive terrorist attack. If you look at the major terrorist bust in England that was going to involve 10 planes.

That news article was posted at 14:16GMT which is 9:16 EDT. His show is from 11:00 A.M to 2 P.M Central Standard Time, which means from 10:00 A.M to 1 P.M Eastern Standard Time. (

By the time his first show was on that day, the terror bust already happened.

He is one of the most informed people on this planet in regards to this government mess. The government pulled off the 9-11 plan and he was a hero in warning us about it. He is so respected by the millions of people who know the truth. Even many of the NYPD agree with him. He uses thousands of his own money to make documentory videos and post it for FREE on the internet just so more people will see the truth. Alex Jones is truly a hero of heroes.

I for one stand by you sir! And agree with a full heart! Alex Jones is a HERO!!
His respect speaks threw the hearts and minds of many!! Its not just some CT nut theroy! It makes sense and does to more people in this world, than the ladder who think hes crazy! We have nothing but love for those who dont belive! Its why we are doing this and speaking out!! You might even hate us for it, but at the end of the day I can sleep well knowing we are doing good!

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 01:17 PM
Alex Jones' claims such as :

In the 1940's RAND corp sold
1000 locomotives to US government that were capable of boring underground tunnels at a rate of 5 feet per hour and continue to do so to this day. They have been upgraded to nuclear powered locomotives....and.............

the Japanese have sworn feitly to queen of England for the next 400 years

cannot be verified by googling. Believe me, I have tried for the last hour.

These are only a couple of the claims I was able to jot down while listening to one of his programs. He fires off these claims like a semi-automatic pistol. It's hard to keep up LOL

Does anyone know if these claims ( and others) can be confirmed or verified?

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 04:11 PM
He also said that Russia had launched nukes at us on Dec 31, 1999 and beat those fear mongering drums for the Y2K 'crisis'

Alex Jones is an ego with legs. He has good info some of the time but he's a gatekeeper for the people he is supposed to be railing against.

He is good at waking people up, but hopefully most of those people will end up figuring out what he is as well.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 04:15 PM
I was unaware that Alex Jones ever claimed to be clairvoyant, or a prophet. So what exactly are you debunking?

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 04:23 PM
thank god for blokes like jones who take the time, effort and risk involved in exposing the evil controlling the states.

go get em alex.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 06:56 PM
What's interesting is that I have video that I downloaded years ago that shows that show. All the ones I could find online have been edited, with the most interesting part chopped out.

He says "They are going to fly planes into buildings, probably the world trade centers, and blame it on Bin Laden." That isn't an exact quote, but it is very, very close to what he said.

I find it curiouser and curiouser that that video segment isn't very easy to find on the internet, even at Alex Jones' website.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 06:33 PM
William Cooper predicted 9/11. i have emailed AJ before questioning his non-credit given to Mr. Cooper...basically, the guy was assassinated for running an indie radio show, involved in exposing truths...AJ is alive and well and even WALKED INTO BOHEMIAN GROVE. definitely have my suspicions...

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 03:44 PM
In the video he had before 9/11, he said planes were probably going to fly into the world trade center, and that they would use a "patzy" (AND HE MENTIONED IT WOULD PROBABLY BE OSAMA BIN LADEN).

So how in the world are you trying to debunk him, do you not realize how amazing what he did was, if only people had listened and tried to do something about it sooner.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 11:27 AM
His prediction is a bit more specific than just somebody somewhere dying. However, Alex Jones predicts hundreds of things a week. I prefer to call it the shotgun method - something will eventually stick. To predict a terrorist attack by one of the most powerful extremists is certainly not a feat to be praised.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 02:42 AM
If you look at the definition of predict it goes like this, to declare or tell in advance. This is what Alex Jones did. If you actully listen to his show he always says how he doesn't see him self as being better some one special he just does what he knows is right. No one, not him or i is saying that he is some sort of psychic.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by bokinsmowl
i always found jones to be a fear monger, just as bad as the state run media, terrorists and the bible code people. he thrives on trying to be center of attention as well as book and dvd sales. every end of the world or terror prediction he (or anyone) makes just helps the terrorists win by disrupting your everyday lives.

anyone wana buy some alex jones books or dvds? how about a subscription to prisonplanet tv???

Hell, pretty much every prediction of a false-flag ever made since 9/11 has been false!

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 03:04 PM
Don't worry, folks. Alex Jones will protect you from the Martial Law that's right around the corner. You just have to buy his books.
It's funny how many sheep Alex has following him. His sheep would follow him off a cliff, and then thank him for leading them there. At least you're protected from the almighty new world order, amIright?
It doesn't matter how many times you debunk him or point out the false predictions he makes. The sheep will keep following AJ.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by Ghost375
Don't worry, folks. Alex Jones will protect you from the Martial Law that's right around the corner. You just have to buy his books.
It's funny how many sheep Alex has following him. His sheep would follow him off a cliff, and then thank him for leading them there. At least you're protected from the almighty new world order, amIright?
It doesn't matter how many times you debunk him or point out the false predictions he makes. The sheep will keep following AJ.

So true. He is truly a sheep in wolf's clothing.

However, I will give him credit in the sense that because he is so popular lots of people "looking" end up starting at one of his outlets. Then they start questioning the status-quo.

He might be the impetus that helps "wake people up" initially, but once you dig deeper into his work you find that he's essentially just a fast-talking conman eye-hole deep in his 24/7 alternative news fear mongering designed to sell over hyped junk that leads you to believe you should be buying emergency food, bunkers, and all sorts of other stuff on his EXTREMELY HEAVILY sponsored websites and other media outlets.

Alex Jones' et al rely on fear, hype, and confusion. Don't buy in. Get out.

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