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A finite number of universes.

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posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 06:19 AM
f there are Multiple Universes, than I know how many there are.
Assuming that the smallest amount of time travel possible is 1 millisecond.

(A)= The number of milliseconds since the beginning of time
B=Each Millisecond there could be (A)
(AxB)= Your answer

A and B increase with every passing millisecond.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 06:26 AM
Aaaaaannd . . . you put this in skunk works? The Space Exploration forum would suit this theory much better.

Perhaps even people there will understand what you are talking about!

edit: plus, your 'Angie Dickenson is a WRITER not an ACTRESS' thread has me baffled to Ballymoore and back. What on earth is THAT one about

[edit on 31/8/2006 by watch_the_rocks]

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 11:06 AM
What does time travel have to do with it? Why is it a millisecond? Why not a minute? Year? Day? Millenia? Why does it even have to be a set unit of time?

Also, if time is infinite, then time would go on forever, meaning universes would be created forever. So, because of that there would actually be an infinite number of universes.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 03:12 PM
If I am correct in that you are thinking "for every moment in time, a seperate universe, with seperate outcomes, is created", then let me make that number bigger...

1. The "fundamental" unit of time (which assumes that time is simply the passage of "frozen" 3-d universes, and we travel 4-d through them) and how many of them there are. Represented by "t".
2. Every universe that's created need only be different in 1 respect for it's existance - the smallest difference being the position of an electron at any given moment. Represented by 4(pi)r (which is the surface area of a sphere, with "r" purposefully left blank since I don't know how many positions are possible).
3. However, it's possible for every single electron to be different for this other universe, and so we must take into account every electron in existance. Represented with "e".

n = (4(pi)r * e)^t

Where "n" is the number of universes.

The number should be infinite, because - as far as we know it - Time has no end point.

We could go further though...

Because this only represents how many universes exist due to the power of different forces. Gravity could have a different strength in some other whole set of universes...

In that case, n = A

Where "A" represents the number of possible sets of universes, each with one or more force that has a different strength by any degree.

In any case, it's an infinite of creation! Enjoy it!

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 04:05 PM
The universe is infinite finite, which means it does have borders, the borders just expand, and its size is so big we have no logical way of measuring it.
Moreover the universe bend in itself, so if you continue to travel lets say north, for the ease of reading, after a finite amount of time you would end up where you started, hence it is infinite like a circle.

There is a universe (multiverse) for every possible direction an electron can take, this is called the quant. And this is what Niels Bohr worked on i.e. Quantum mechanics, I think its called the quantum loop in English or quantum spring.
This actually means that the electron, or atom if you want, is every where and no where, it is a particle and a wave at the same time, or let me say it like this.

It is a wave until we look at it, then it becomes a particle this is what Bohr referred to as “complementarities” at least that is the name I get when I translate it from Danish.

Also with the help of Dr. Zinkernagel, we have come to the conclusion that what Bohr meant was that we cannot express in words the multiverse, nor the micro world (atoms, protons, neutrons, electron and quarks) because our words have root I our reality; the macro world, or what we refer to as the theory of relativity and gravity etc.

So to sum this up, you are literally here and everywhere, even in the universes where you are not you are, in addition you have and will always be here, the atoms are a by-product of our reality.

But to answer you question/theory it isn’t valid there aren’t a finite number of uni/multiverse, because we have infinite possibilities.

I am interested to discuss this in detail, as I am an eager student of quantum mechanics, m theory, relativity, unity and string theory…
This is a subject I use most of my time on, at least that is when I am not conspiring against the conspirators…

Kudos and Hugs, Over and Out…


posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 06:25 PM
yup. Because the number is accurate only for a millisecond because again it changes. Sorry I put this in the wrong place, I thought it was in the right place. Sorry. No excuse at al

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by RubinLando
yup. Because the number is accurate only for a millisecond because again it changes. Sorry I put this in the wrong place, I thought it was in the right place. Sorry. No excuse at al

Well you got it wrong sorry to say this, time is relative.
There is not milliseconds in the micro world, look up something called
Electron Transfer Theory!
The transfer happens instantly, in addition remember that the more gravity there is the more the 4th physical dimension is bended, i.e. distorted a.k.a. slowed down, at maximum mass, time stand still, though electrons still move (makes quantum loops.)


Edit: Headline + Minor Typo

[edit on 31-8-2006 by Tetragrammaton]

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