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Iran Deadline Today - So Now What?

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posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 06:09 AM
Today is the day for Iran to comply with the guidelines set forth by the powers that be regarding their uranium enrichment program.

I think it is abundantly clear they have no intention of letting anyone else tell them what to do in their soviegn regime.

So now what? They defy, exactly what does anyone think they are going to do about it? Will there be repercussions? Like what really?

What do you think? Is all this ridiculous posturing going to serve any purpose?

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 06:42 AM
President Bush will hold his breath until he turns blue.

Meat robots will bloviate on message boards about the Righteous Wrath Of America as soon as LGF delivers thier talking points to them.

The UN will shuffle some papers and hope the whole thing doesn't blow sky high.

Beyond that, not much.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 06:42 AM
The price of oil will rise.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by makeitso
The price of oil will rise.

You got that right! Iran said any sanctions on them and they will cut oil exports. China and Russia will love that as they import oil from Iran.

What the US seem to be forgetting is that Iran is a signatory of the non-proliferation treaty (which America came up with) which clearly states that a nation can develop nuclear power for civilian use, but not for weapons. Now is this not what Iran says it is doing? They are completely entitled to do what they are doin in the rules laid down by the US, yet the US is telling them to stop?

When will the hipocracy end...?

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 07:09 AM
So, Iran does nothing, Russia and China do nothing but support Irans nuclear program which we all know is ONLY for making nuclear bombs.

Frankly I doubt if any other country has the gonads to do anything except the US and Israel.

All the other countries will just fart around till it is too late.

It sure seems like the start of WW2, with hitler attacking other countries and sionce noone wanted to fight him, he just did as he pleased.

Because of this delay, it cost many more lives and much more distruction than if he (Hitler) was never allowed to become that powerful.

It is true, history DOES repeat itself and those who don't learn from it are doomed to repeat it.


posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by mrmonsoon
So, Iran does nothing, Russia and China do nothing but support Irans nuclear program which we all know is ONLY for making nuclear bombs.

Theres no proof what so ever that they are making nuclear weapons. the only thing we know is there enriching uranium and the only thing we have been told is it is for nuclear power. Frankly I see no reason not to believe Iran's intentions are for nuclear power. and even if they did decide to make nuclear weapons in the future they have every right to do so.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 07:24 AM
Well said, there is no proof what-so-ever that they are making bombs. Only conjecture by the US. Even the US own intelligence said that Iran may possibly have a bomb in a decade. Why the need for immediate action now?
Once the US have proof that they are making a bomb I will change my tune, untill then I think as always Bush and co are being the hipocrites they have become so well known for.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 07:28 AM

If the reactor were for solely making power to add to the Iranian power grid, why has NO infrastructure been built to bring power from the plant to the power grid???

The plant is clearly, only for making plutonium, which they want to make nuclear bombs with.

Considering all the loudmouthed threats coming form Iran's horses arse-ie it's pres-it would be the start of ww3 if they are allowed to continue.

[edit on 8/31/2006 by mrmonsoon]

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 07:53 AM

It sure seems like the start of WW2, with hitler attacking other countries and sionce noone wanted to fight him, he just did as he pleased.

It does?
Iran has annexed the Sudetenland? Invaded Poland?

Man I really need to keep up with the news better...

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by DarkUK
What the US seem to be forgetting is that Iran is a signatory of the non-proliferation treaty (which America came up with) which clearly states that a nation can develop nuclear power for civilian use, but not for weapons. Now is this not what Iran says it is doing? They are completely entitled to do what they are doin in the rules laid down by the US, yet the US is telling them to stop? When will the hipocracy end...?

This is most definately a case of 'pot and kettle'...Iran, a NPT signatory has every right to explore nuclear-power technology, and there is no evidence or intelligence that a bomb is being made.

On the other hand, the US, also a NPT signatory, is in the process of designing and building new 'bunker-buster' nukes, and in direct contravention of the NPT agreement.

Don't believe the hype people! The drums of war are being played and many here are starting to tap their feet to the beat!!

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 08:10 AM
Iran should be allowed the same rights as given to others to explore nuke energy for thier country. Until the actually point something in our direction it is just conjecture.
Bush is just trying once again to keep these countries under the proverbial thumb and create fear in his country. He is picking a fight!

I really do wish that Bush would accept the live debate that the Iranian president has asked him for. That would have been very enlightening.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 08:18 AM
nothing will happen, UN is too divided.

lets break it down,

US - wants hard sanctions. not ruling out military action

Russia/China - do not want sanctions. no military action.

UK/France - wants "soft sanctions". no military action.

plus, each of the main five members have a power of veto. Russia/China and the EU two have not ruled out using their veto's.

the UN needs proof a bomb, its just like North Korea problem. UN cannot come down hard incase there is no nuclear weapons.

[edit on 31-8-2006 by infinite]

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by mrmonsoon

If the reactor were for solely making power to add to the Iranian power grid, why has NO infrastructure been built to bring power from the plant to the power grid???

The plant is clearly, only for making plutonium, which they want to make nuclear bombs with.

Considering all the loudmouthed threats coming form Iran's horses arse-ie it's pres-it would be the start of ww3 if they are allowed to continue.

[edit on 8/31/2006 by mrmonsoon]

Give me one justifiable reason why Iran should not be allowed to have nuclear weapons while Israel, China, Pakistan and India should be allowed to have so?

You might find this interesting:

What Iran has yet to do is provide the IAEA sufficient information on the history of its centrifuge programme for it to satisfy itself that there are no "undeclared nuclear materials or activities." However, this alone can hardly constitute grounds for referring the country to the Security Council under Article III.B.4 of the Agency's Statute since the IAEA, in the past two years, has found discrepancies in the utilisation of nuclear material in as many as 15 countries. Among these are South Korea, Taiwan, and Egypt. In 2002 and 2003, for example, South Korea refused to let the IAEA visit facilities connected to its laser enrichment programme. Subsequently, though Seoul confessed to having secretly enriched uranium to a 77 per cent concentration of U-235 — a grade sufficient for fissile material — neither the U.S. nor EU suggested referring the matter to the UNSC.

In contrast, there is no evidence whatsoever that Iran has produced weapon-grade uranium. Despite intrusive inspections, no facility or plan to produce weapon-grade uranium has been discovered, nor have any weapon designs surfaced.

But I do understand you, Israel and South Korea are allowed to develop nuclear weapons as they are considered not to be a threat to our Western world, while Iran is considered to be a threat in the monkey ideology of Bush and his followers.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 08:47 AM
just been watching fox..

they were talking about a democracy movement in Iran...last time i check, Iran is a democracy and their President was elected to office

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 08:49 AM
My position has remained the same on this issue: We have no authority to prevent Iran's nuclear research and no proof that Iran represents a direct threat to the US. The very best avenue we could take to defuse this whole Middle East mess is to immediately prioritize the development of alternative energy and do everything possible to drastically reduce oil consumption in the U.S. and elsewhere. We have an exigent need to drastically reduce CO2 emmissions to slow climate change and the first place to do this is by reducing oil combustion. By reducing our oil consumption by roughly 1/3 the Middle East will no longer be important to us and there will be no reason for our being there.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 08:52 AM
So now even Mdv2 admits Iran only wants nuclear tech to make bomb's-glad you saw the light.

I know this since you quoted my reasons yet did not deny anything I posted as evidence, so she must know it's true.

Now we have proven that they only want nuke tech for producing power-even Iran appoligists know it's true.

Now the new topic will be why Iran should not be allowed to have nuclear weapons they are working on making.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 09:04 AM

they were talking about a democracy movement in Iran...last time i check, Iran is a democracy and their President was elected to office

But you see, democracy only counts as democracy when the voters elect someone we like. When a Hugo Chavez or an Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gets elected, it no longer counts as a "democracy". "Democracies" are countries where people elect leaders who support US policies, you see...

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 09:13 AM
lol so true

Anyway this whole thing is a tough situation
Obviously we dont want a nuclear Iran
So, we allow for the option of pre-emtively striking a country before it actually does anything wrong...

Does anyone else see the hypocracy in this?

MAYBE Iran will develop weapons. MAYBE they will strike Israel MAYBE they will be just like North Korea, who has weapons, and who has also threatened other nations, but just use those weapons for leverage (like the rest of the nuclear nations)

Since when has MAYBE been a good enough reason to go to war with another nation?
Shoot first ask questions later. Not a very good foreign policy imo.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by mrmonsoon
So now even Mdv2 admits Iran only wants nuclear tech to make bomb's-glad you saw the light.

I don't admit anything, though I wouldn't be surprised if Iran is going to develop nuclear weapons. There's no evidence, so again your statements are unfounded.

Such a nuclear weaponry would give Iran a much stronger position on the international political map. In my opinion Iran has no intentions, which the lunatic neo cons are trying to convince you of, to nuke away Israel. It's a pity that so many ignorant fools believe the fairy tales of the neo cons, as they did back in 2003. Remember the Weapons of Mass Destruction?

Rumsfeld: ''There's no doubt in my mind but that they [Iraq] currently have chemical and biological weapons''
Bush: ''The Iraqi regime possesses biological and chemical weapons''

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 09:36 AM
It's a ridiculous situation. The UN is a complete waste of space and the Security Council an absolute joke. How is it ever going to work when the US and Britain will pretty much always have a conflict of interest with China and Russia

It means countries like Iran can just string the world along and do whatever they want. Totally retarded.

And Iran need a smack in the face. They lied about their nuclear program for the best part of 20 years - yet people are still willing to give them the benefit of the doubt? Of course they're entitled to peaceful nuclear energy, yadayadayada, but they have some work in the trust department to do first.

As for the "no proof" crowd.....for goodness sake pull your head out of the sand, and be quick about it. Iran is the one that has to provide the proof that it isn't developing nukes - it's the one that lied to the IAEA for 18 years. All they need to do is put the world's mind at rest and then they can have all the nuclear power they want, as far as I'm concerned.

Unless you want the risk of Israel and Iran facing off with nukes in a few years. That sounds fun, huh.

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