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The Transformation of Impressions
"We must receive the unpleasant manifestations of our fellowmen with gladness."
According to the Kabbalah:
“Be” = The
“Raishath” = "Higher, or Upper Wisdom,” which is related to the Sephirah Chokmah: the cognizance that is always creating
Arcanum 18: Twilight
It is necessary for our Gnostic disciples to profoundly reflect on the esoteric context of this Arcanum. We have been strongly criticized for not continuing with the already known Hebraic monotony. Indeed, we do not want to follow the same Hebraic monotony. We, Gnostics, are only interested in that which is called C-O-M-P-R-E-H-E-N-S-I-O-N.
We want our students to comprehend each Arcanum and thereafter develop it within themselves.
Buddhist Cosmology
Well, it is not so simple as that, because you have to consider there are Four Worlds:
Each of these is a Tree in itself.
In each sphere of each tree are myriad worlds.
The Tree we study as Ten Sephiroth is a kind of "outline" view. The reality is vastly more complex.
The fact remains that any "cosmology" is really just a way of analyzing states of consciousness. It is similar to trying to reduce the world to the image on a paper map: the world and its infinite varieties of life and experience simply do not fit onto a paper map. Within one given place on this planet you can experience a very wide range of things, from extreme pleasure to neutrality to extreme suffering: that is not transmissable to paper. Kabbalah is even more so. In each given sphere, in each given world, there is a wide range of possibilities.
Consider the physical world alone: there is the world of the very small (atomic, subatomic) and the world of the very large (galaxies, etc) and that is just in Malkuth. Every other sphere has a similar range. That is why intellectual correspondences have their limit. It is useful as a point of reference, but only just so. To extend the reference too far just creates confusion, because we do not have the consciousness even to comprehend the simple Ten Sephiroth, which are the kindergarten of Kabbalah.
P.S. - The Desire Realm is everywhere there is desire, so it penetrates even into the worlds of the Gods.
Mystical Qabalah
The fact is that the Four Worlds are a very deep and subtle truth, which is only symbolized in the Tree of Life. The breakdown Fortune gives in your quote refers to one of several ways to relate the Four Worlds to the Ten Sephiroth. So it contains some truth, but it is only one way to look at the tree. There are others.
There is a significant error in that paragraph, because Fortune accepted the point of view of her teachers. I will indicate it below.
According to my understanding, the Four Worlds are four levels of existence; each one has Ten Sephiroth (for a total of 40), but these can be synthesized and simplified in the Tree we normally refer to, which has only Ten.
Each Sephirah then can be understood as having four aspects or levels.
One can also imagine four Trees stacked upon one another, yet which are in truth interpenetrating.
Samael Aun Weor relates the first Three Worlds to the Three Triangles and the remaining Sephirah (Malkuth) to Assiah.
Atziluth (1) is related to the entire first triangle, but it is ruled by Kether.
Briah (2) is related to (or rooted in) the Second Triangle, but it is ruled by Chokmah (of the first triangle).
Yetzirah (3) is related to the third triangle, but is ruled by Binah (of the first triangle).
Assiah (4) is the fallen sephirah, the physical world.
The mistake in the quote is that Chokmah and Binah are the Father-Mother. As Samael indicated, this is not true.
Chokmah is the Son, the second Logos.
Binah (the Holy Spirit) unfolds itself into Father-Mother in order to create. That creation is in Briah, the Second World. (For more on this, read The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of Tarot and Kabbalah).
What is created by Abba-Aima manifests in Yetzirah, the Third World (the World of Formation).
The real understanding of this can only come from meditation and internal experiences, because the intellect cannot possibly grasp it.
The understanding of the Four Worlds is very important in order to understand the path and the nature of the Being. For example, in the simple Tree we understand that the Being (Atman) is in Chesed. But when you "unsynthesize" the tree and look at it in terms of the Four Worlds, the Being (Atman) is in Tiphereth in the world of Briah.
This indicates that there is truth in the breakdown of Fortune, because she says the Formative World (Yetzirah) relates to the second and third triangles; this is true because those triangles are the soul itself, which unfold from the Being. Yet, that statement needs to be understood in a deeper context, and not on the surface, because if one took that statement at surface level, one will only become more confused.
This is why Samael said that one needs a lot of meditation in order to comprehend the trimurtis.
The knowledge of the Four Worlds is part of the oral tradition, and is only occasionally mentioned in his books.
I have found NO kabbalah books other than those of Master Samael which explain the Four Worlds accurately and completely. There are thousands of varying opinions, and none are satisfactory. I recommend avoiding all those books of Kabbalah and instead learn how to meditate.
The best resources to study are the books of Samael and the website which offers a lot, but still requires even more meditation in order to get it.
Introduction to Kabbalah
Adorable and Immortal Beings,
Greetings and Adorations,
Beloved Disciples,
There are two types of Kabbalists, Intellectual Kabbalists and Intuitive Kabbalists. The Intellectual Kabbalists are Black Magicians, whilst the Intuitive Kabbalists are White Magicians.
Many times the sidereal Gods answer our questions by showing us a tarot card; we must intuitively comprehend the answer that is given onto us. Intuitive Kabbalists comprehend what destiny held in reserve to them by just seeing any card of the tarot.
The Hebrew Alef-Bet
The conjurations taught to us by the Master serve as a vehicle of the Verb to repel the negative forces of the ego (ours and others) and of the black lodge.
The "Flavor" of the conjuration is meaningless. It is the purpose and the action of the conjuration that interests us. If the Mantram is "Belilin, Belilin, Belilin", what does it really matter what language it is in if it serves the purpose of the Theurgist.
We do not need to build ourselves upon a mystical identity or mystical flavors, identifying ourselves with Hebrews or Hindus or whatever. A mystical personality is a difficult aggregate to conquer, because it wears the robes of sanctity and humility and changes its name to resemble a God, while inwardly it considers itself great and exhaulted-ignoring the true fact that the psyche is rotting in its tomb of the personality.
Anyways, with all that said, you should check out Eliphas Levi's book: "Transcendental Magic" for the "Invocation of Solomon"... This invocation has also been recommended by Master Samael in his book "Logos, Mantram, Theurgy".
There are many Kabbalistic Mantrams that are from the Hebrew language that can take one to the various places upon the Tree of Life and conjure evil forces. Samael knows this. Often, there are details that the Master assumes the astute student will pick when studying the works that he would recommend like: "Mystical Kabbalah" by Dion Fortune.
1. All that has been written about the mind has been only preliminary steps towards the
sacred study of the Igneous Rose.
2. Vivekananda is one who has spoken more clearly about the mind. However, his
teachings are scarcely preliminary notions towards the serious study of the understanding.
3. The mind is intimately related with sexuality. It is impossible to study the mind
without studying the sexual matter.
4. An innumerable amount of students exist who are dedicated to Yoga and to the
teachings of Krishnamurti. However, they achieve nothing and waste their time
lamentably, because these poor beings are incessantly fornicating.
The World of Yetzirah is the World of Formation and of Angels.
The 10 Sephiroth in the World of Yetzirah are related to the four elements.
the Chaioth ha Kadosh are the Seraphim of Christianity, these are Beings that prepare themselves to enter into the World of Briah, Cosmocreators.
Originally posted by dr_strangecraft
I'll give you a more specific example of what I'm talking about, Tamahu. I clicked the link to S.A.W.'s info on Ezekiel's Chariot, and found this:
"The World of Yetzirah is the World of Formation and of Angels.
The 10 Sephiroth in the World of Yetzirah are related to the four elements."
That statement right there is completely at odds with historical, Qabalistic writings such as the Or Ha-Bahir. Now neither Samuel Aun Weor nor anyone else is beholden to what someone wrote 1500 years ago;
but if they claim to teach Kaballah, then they ought to be doing so. Perhaps this is why the term "gnostic kaballah" crops up so often; it may be a way of saying, "yes but our system is different, so you cannot measure us by what is generally considered to be the historical stream of Qabalistical studies."
"the Chaioth ha Kadosh are the Seraphim of Christianity, these are Beings that prepare themselves to enter into the World of Briah, Cosmocreators."
The Chaioth ha Kadosh are "Holy Living Creatures," 4 beings who hold up the corners of the divine throne in the chariot of Ezekiel's vision. There are only 4 of them. Meanwhile, the seraphim are understood to be an order of angels, implying that there are more than 4 of them. The seraphim are usually immagined as being inferior to Cherubim, and not synonymous with the only 4 beings in the whole universe who exist entirely within the immediate presence of God.
The word Seraphim only occurs in the old testament, Numbers 21 and Isaiah 6. Seraphim is a Hebrew word, and never occurs in the New Testament, which is written entireley in Greek.
Yet the website says that "the Chaioth ha Kadosh are the Seramphim of Christianity"
And what specifically about the Chaioth ha Kadosh (Holy living Creatures of Ezekiel's vision) are either Seraphim or Christian? The new testament only has the slightest references to Ezekiel, and never to the content of his vision. It is not a part of any standard Christian document; I'd be very surprised if you could find any papal bull or church doctrine among the major protestant denominations that even references Seraphim or defines their role in the Christian world-view.
My third problem with the discussion of Ezekiel's vision is that it's barely three pages long! Personally, I don't think you can sum up dozens of ancient manuscripts with a couple of pictures of Isaac Luria's tree of life diagram, (re-worked and mislabeled) and several paragraphs that don't even begin to address the text on a line-by-line basis.
Look, you and the purveyors of that website are welcome to believe whatever you want. But I see innaccuracies and glosses that are so disconnected with the original material, that it's misleading to claim it authoritatively references that historical material.
Validity refers to whether or not an argument is really true.
Tamahu, I take it you have convinced yourself that S.A.W's teachings have validity.
Authenticity on the other hand, refers to whether an argument or teaching is what it claims to be.
It might for example be valid to say that I am German, because my heritage is German. But I am not an authentic German, since I am not now, nor have ever been a legal citizen of that nation.
Notice that I cannot say whether they are valid for you or anyone else. Only you can make that call.
However, for me personally, if some teaching or manuscript is not authentic, then I personally simply cannot accept it as being valid, either. And that's the reason for my conviction that Samuel Aun Weor's system is not valid: because it is not authentic.
"Man, Know Thyself" was written at the entry ways of the Egyptian Mystery Schools. The Egyptians understood that knowledge of self was the most valuable knowledge one could possess. Its opposite, ignorance of Self, was the source of all the ills in the world...
Originally posted by Tamahu
Originally posted by dr_strangecraft
I'll give you a more specific example of what I'm talking about, Tamahu. I clicked the link to S.A.W.'s info on Ezekiel's Chariot, and found this:
"The World of Yetzirah is the World of Formation and of Angels.
The 10 Sephiroth in the World of Yetzirah are related to the four elements."
That statement right there is completely at odds with historical, Qabalistic writings such as the Or Ha-Bahir.
Can we get a quote from the Ha-Bahir showing how this an explicit contradiction?
(Will you also tell me of a good English translation from a non-Zionist author?)
Sorry, but to speak in the Nation of Islam terminology, I'll say that I can't buy the spook-god in the sky that the greedy Pastor or Zionist Rabbi tries to sell us.
Who cares?
There's a difference between concealing teachings with language that the Consciousness can Comprehend/unveil and outright lying and hiding things.
Yes, Samael Aun Weor (DIVINE WORD according to the phonetic Kabbalistic tradition and JUSTICE OF GOD according to the orthodox Hebraic texts), has travelled again the sea of the existence, the spheres of the Aeons, the rounds of crystallization of matter.
Their chief is blind; because of his power and his ignorance and his arrogance he said, with his power, "It is I who am God; there is none apart from me." When he said this, he sinned against the entirety. And this speech got up to incorruptibility; then there was a voice that came forth from incorruptibility, saying, "You are mistaken, Samael" - which is, "god of the blind." His thoughts became blind. And, having expelled his power - that is, the blasphemy he had spoken - he pursued it down to chaos and the abyss, his mother, at the instigation of Pistis Sophia.
Originally posted by Double Helix
I saw this video clip and thought it would be a good segway into discussion about sex in Heaven -- specifically the "72 Virgins" enjoyed by Islamic martyrs. If you're dead and non-corporeal, then what's the point of having sex in the afterlife? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought sex was primarily for procreation. Why is it important that "virgins" exist in Heaven to serve their "masters"?
Anyway, check out the comic video and let us know what you think.
Originally posted by slymattb
Leading to the acuall topic of this thread Sex in heaven. The answer i believe is no. Sex is unpeer. unholy.
Normal Sexuality
...All negative mental attitudes can lead directly or indirectly to these violent and destructive catastrophes of sexual energy. Hatred of sex, hatred of the Arcanum A.Z.F. disgust or repugnance towards sex, disdain for sex, an underestimation of sex, Fear of sex, passionate jealousy, sexual cynicism, sexual sadism, obscenity, pornography, sexual brutality, etc., turn the human being into an infrasexual...
...When man and woman unite sexually in the Perfect Matrimony, they are truly ineffable Gods in those voluptuous moments. Man and woman united sexually form a divine Androgynous being, a male-female Elohim, a terrifically divine Divinity. The two halves, separated since the dawn of life are united for one instant in order to create. This is ineffable... sublime... this is a thing of paradise...
...In Lemuria, no human being ejaculated the Semen. Then, couples united sexually in the temples to create. During those moments, the lunar hierarchies knew how to utilize one spermatozoon and one egg in order to create without the necessity of the couple reaching the orgasm and seminal ejaculation. No one spilled the semen. The sexual act was a sacrament which was only performed within the temple. Woman in that time gave birth to children without pain, and the serpent was raised victoriously through the medullar canal. In that epoch, human beings had not yet left Eden, all of Nature obeyed them, and they knew neither pain nor sin. The tenebrous Lucifers were the ones who showed humans how to spill the semen. The original sin of our first parents was the crime of spilling the semen. That is Fornication. When the paradisiacal human being fornicated, he then penetrated the kingdom of the Lucifers. The human being of this day and age is luciferic...
...The struggle of many monks, nuns, anchorites, pseudo-yogis, etc., to bottle up sex within their religious fanaticism, to confine it to the prison of their penitence, to muzzle it or sterilize it, to prohibit all creative manifestation, etc., converts the fanatics into a slave of their own passions. They become slaves of sex, incapable of thinking about anything other than sex. These are the ones who are fanatic about sex. These are the degenerates ones of infra-sexuality. These people discharge their energy every night with disgusting nocturnal emissions or acquire homosexual vices or masturbate miserably. Wanting to confine sex is like wanting to bottle up the Sun. A man like this is the most abject slave of sex without any benefit or true pleasure. A man like this is an unhappy sinner. A woman like this is a sterile mule, a vile slave of that which she wants to enslave (sex). The enemies of the Holy Spirit are people of the Abyss. It would have been better for these people if they had never been born or if they "tied a millstone around their necks and hurled themselves to the bottom of the sea."
Klipoth 7: Saturn
...But the opposite are the enemies of the Holy Spirit - the fornicators.
In the Seventh Sphere of Hell, related with the negative aspect of Saturn, you find all the enemies of the Holy Spirit. They declare themselves enemies of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes they do it consciously, sometimes unconsciously.
Dante Alighieri found Priests there, in the Seventh Sphere, who were celibate. Of course, when someone doesn't conquer the dominion of the sexual force in their physical body, and rejects the sexual act, but ignores how to transmute, they are an enemy of the Holy Spirit.
These people think they can reach God by rejecting the sexual act - they ignore that in order to reach that level one needs first of all to teach the physical body how to transmute in the physical act and to create the Wedding Garment of the Soul, to reach the Second Birth.
They are enemies of the Holy Spirit - most of them have nocturnal pollutions, wet dreams, where all of the energy of the Holy Spirit spills out of their body. They fornicate when they have that type of dream, because Fornication is when the sexual matter leaves the sexual organs - that is fornication. Whether it is by masturbation, or wet dream, or whether in legitimate matrimony - it doesn't matter how the sexual matter leaves the body, if it is spilled, it is fornication, it is written.
And if any man's Semen go out from him during copulation, then he shall wash all his flesh in (the sexual) waters (of Yesod), and be unclean until the even (Klipoth).
The woman also with whom man shall lie with semen during copulation, they shall both bathe themselves in (the sexual) waters (of Yesod), and be unclean until the even (Klipoth). - Leviticus15:16, 18