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Sex in Heaven ???

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posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 12:45 AM
I saw this video clip and thought it would be a good segway into discussion about sex in Heaven -- specifically the "72 Virgins" enjoyed by Islamic martyrs. If you're dead and non-corporeal, then what's the point of having sex in the afterlife? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought sex was primarily for procreation. Why is it important that "virgins" exist in Heaven to serve their "masters"?

Anyway, check out the comic video and let us know what you think.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 02:21 AM
funny, is there a longer version of the 'cats' rap ???

Lolove etc...ave maria ! the 'virgin' with it all !

This what should happen to most of the 'dudes' on this site !

play the 'trailer' click n see the movie, wild !

[ and not wishing that they be murdered etc but ] lol

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 02:32 AM

Originally posted by Double Helix
I saw this video clip and thought it would be a good segway into discussion about sex in Heaven -- specifically the "72 Virgins" enjoyed by Islamic martyrs. If you're dead and non-corporeal, then what's the point of having sex in the afterlife? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought sex was primarily for procreation. Why is it important that "virgins" exist in Heaven to serve their "masters"?

Anyway, check out the comic video and let us know what you think.

Of course there is sex in Heaven, it just is a little different than what we define sex as being. Today, a man has to physically be "inside" a woman, but tomorrow, a man will really be inside a woman. I am not talking about a physical intercourse here, but one of a spiritual nature. So, in fact the faith of Islam teaches having virgins and so rightly correct, for they have only been with a man externally and not internally.

GJ calls this woman Mary/Maria and she is the one who bears the child who is destined to climb right back into the womb when he gets a good look at the world.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 04:27 AM

Why is it important that "virgins" exist in Heaven to serve their "masters"?

It is a message from God's darkside, i think. The "Masters" in most religions are the Shepards, while i assume the "virgins" would be the sheep.

Happy martyrdoom!!!

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 04:45 AM

Why is it important that "virgins" exist in Heaven to serve their "masters"?

No one wants to go to Heaven and do nothing but sit around and praise God, because this is like a father making his children sit in his face and worship him with just words of praise. This is the purpose of virgins; they are symbols of unmolested spirits that do not know man. Therefore, they are the perfect canvas to paint pictures to the father so he can put them on his refridgerator.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 07:37 PM

Sex in Heaven ???

Yes and no.

Study Kabbalah and it will all make sense at least intellectually; that is, until one Consciously Comprehends Daath-The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil-through their own experience.

Just remember that fornication or lust, one of the Three Poisons, is the anti-thesis of the Nirmanakaya or the Holy-Spirit.

To see directly, the difference between lust and Love, through the non-attached Bliss of Sexual Union between Man and Woman...

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 07:47 PM
72 Virgins also has to be comprehended Kabbalistically(Islam is also Kabbalistic, ask the Gnostic Sufis or Sophees).

7 + 2 = 9 The Ninth Sphere which is Sex.

We have to become Virgins again by working in the Ninth Sphere:


...Normally, the Hindu yogi sits in the style of Buddha, cross-legged, and the yogini sits on his legs with her legs encircling the yogi's body and crossed behind him. Then they connect sexually, with the pair withdrawing before orgasm to avoid seminal ejaculation.

During the middle Ages, many Gnostics practiced the Maithuna with Vestal virgins, calling this marvelous practice Virgine Subintroductis (Sexual Magic). This was practiced in the form of Karezza, with the vestals retaining their virginity. This was an excellent practice

The Shemhamphorash:

This reminds us of the 72 Names of God of Kabbalah

The positive Shemhamphorash is related to the mathematic code within the Holy Tetragrammaton:


This name has 72 applications or mathematical combinations.

Yod : 10
Yod He: 10+5=15
Yod He Vau: 10+5+6=21
Yod He Vau He: 10+5+6+5=26

72 is 9, that is where the Tetragrammaton is active within us.

The negative Shemhamphorash is related to the 72 antitheses of these "Names of God". They can be found in a particular grimoire that is very famous and totally negative. It is called one of the Lesser Keys of Solomon, but truly it is nothing but a book of black magic that will lead even the most experienced practitioner into the snare of the abyss. Also, the so-called sixth and seventh books of Moses (which were in no way written by Moses) have the negative Shemhamphorash and it's black application. Those books are nothing but handbooks of voodoo for those that are impressed by the immediate magical effects of simple black magic.

She said, "voodoo"; but in my opinion, there is no such thing as "Voodoo"(It is actually Vodun).

However, I'd say that Hoodoo, and probably Santeria, are black magic.

Vodoun or Vodun, like the original Yoruba, may not be black magic.

Though it would seem that Hoodoo is black magic, and that Santeria which seems to be a corrupted sub-sect of Yoruba, is also black magic.

[edit on 31-8-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 10:34 PM
We shouldn't make fun of Religious teachings if we don't understand them.

That comedian is obviously ignorant of Islam and Religion in general.

Islam itself is indeed a Holy Religion.

And the "72 Virgins" related to the Ninth Sphere, is the Master Key to one of the Greatest Mysteries, which is the difference between the animal generation of the intellectual animal mistakenly called Man, and the Divine positive utilization of the Sexual Energy which is a gift of the Holy Spirit(Binah, One of the aspects of Allah who is ONE).

"The one who laughs at what he does not know is an ignoramus who walks the path of idiocy." - Victor Hugo

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 09:03 AM

Matthew 22:30

At the Resurrection, people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will live like the angels in heaven . . .

So, in Jesus' view, was marriage a pre-requisite for sex? Will it be at the resurrrection?

We quote. You decide.

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 09:18 AM
like getting 'laid' 24/7 365 n ever-virgin...

Lolove n luck n good sex/emotions/passion/humor/health/etc... Ave Maria ! the Queen of Virgins ! got it all with the king of virgins, joseph-the-son-of-david in us all ! JC.. just keeps coming... Infinity

Blessed are they who come in-the-Name-of-the-Lord........

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft

Matthew 22:30

At the Resurrection, people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will live like the angels in heaven . . .

So, in Jesus' view, was marriage a pre-requisite for sex? Will it be at the resurrrection?

We quote. You decide.

See this:

That passage you quoted means that Resurrected Masters have created the Soul(which is androgynous) through the practice of Alchemy(White Tantra).

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by Tamahu

That passage you quoted means that Resurrected Masters have created the Soul(which is androgynous) through the practice of Alchemy(White Tantra).

That's odd, I figured it means what it says.

Most of the capitalized nouns in your post don't ever appear in the Hebrew and Greek Testaments. (androgynous is an adjective, but it's not in the text, either; unless you'd count the reference to "arsenokoitai," whom Paul mentions as being excluded from the resurrection.)

Hmmm. Resurrrected Masters, Alchemy, Tantra. Nope. Not there.

But if you are trying to play a word association game, where you mix cultures and belief systems to create your own New Age stew of pleasing world-views, that's definitely the way to go about it. A bit bland for my taste, though.


posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 03:49 PM
Of course there is sex in heaven. This is heaven... and if you think it is not, then explain to me where it exists.

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 03:50 PM
Do they do it missionary style in heaven?

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft
That's odd, I figured it means what it says.

Just like every other profane fanatical priest.

And he spake many things unto them in parables... - Matthew 13:1

Most of the capitalized nouns in your post don't ever appear in the Hebrew and Greek Testaments. (androgynous is an adjective, but it's not in the text, either; unless you'd count the reference to "arsenokoitai," whom Paul mentions as being excluded from the resurrection.)

Learn to read between the lines.

And no, it has nothing to do with "arsenokoitai".

Hmmm. Resurrrected Masters, Alchemy, Tantra. Nope. Not there.

But if you are trying to play a word association game, where you mix cultures and belief systems to create your own New Age stew of pleasing world-views, that's definitely the way to go about it. A bit bland for my taste, though.

"Pleasing world views" huh?

Gnosis, the Path of the Razor's Edge, is nothing like Benjamin Creme or Elizabeth Claire Prophet type of "New Age" stuff.

If you don't think that the Bible is a symbolic treatise on Alchemy(Tantra) and Kabbalah, then perhaps there's something the clergy isn't telling you?

[edit on 1-9-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by Tamahu

If you don't think that the Bible is a symbolic treatise on Alchemy(Tantra) and Kabbalah, then perhaps there's something the clergy isn't telling you?

[edit on 1-9-2006 by Tamahu]

I'm not looking to clergy for my viewpoint; but I don't get it from coffee-table books in the new age section of my bookstore, either.

You dabble in a dozen different systems, and violate the spirit of every one of them, by saying that they are all the same and teach the same truth---that Alchemy is really "just" Tantra, or that the Greek Testament is "just" kaballah, or that either is "just" the "wisdom of Egypt," warmed over.

Why bother mentioning any scriptures at all? If you're only going to read into it your own preconceived prejudices, why bother even looking at ancient texts? Why not write your own?

You never learn anything that way, you just re-inforce your own prejudices--the sort of thing you accuse others of doing.

Insight comes from discipline, not from taking "the best of what all these philosophical systems have to offer." Consider the examplars of any of the systems to which you constantly refer. Would an Egyptian priest have any need for Tantra? Or a Lama need the Mishnah? Or a Rabbi have use for a Gnostic Text?

By making a hash of all of them, you end up grasping nothing at all. None of the masters of any of those disciplines made a slurry of other belief-systems. So why do you? Crowley may have published huge tables of "correspondences" in 777, but he didn't succeed at being much more than a huckster, and died a hopeless old alcoholic. Because he refused to submit to any single discipline, he ended up making no more progress than where the brute force of his own ego could carry him.

It's no way to get ahead, is what I mean.


posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft

Why bother mentioning any scriptures at all? If you're only going to read into it your own preconceived prejudices, why bother even looking at ancient texts? Why not write your own?

Oops. My bad! your friends already are:


The Christian sects depict an infrasexual Jesus, effeminate, weak; yet at times angry, like a whimsical woman. Naturally, all of this is absurd. The fact is that nobody knows the personal life of Jesus, because we do not have his biography. Only with the faculties of objective clairvoyance can we study the life of Jesus in the Akasic Records of Nature...

emphasis added by dr_strangecraft

Man. So, that site, which you recommend, doesn't accept the stuff in the Bible ("we have no biography"); but gleefully accepts daydreaming, . . . oh, pardon me, objective clairvoyance as a reliable source of information about Jesus and his teachings!

Hee Hee!

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft
Insight comes from discipline


Many people want to jump right into the most advanced Tantric teachings, without even completing the LAM-RIM preliminaries.

This is why Samael Aun Weor said:

Seriousness in the Esoteric Work

...Therefore, before anything else, we have to be serious.

Schools of cheap pseudo-occultism and pseudo-esotericism exist everywhere, but indeed it is hard to find serious people among them... If we were to call to the Path the five million people in Mexico (and the world) who are dedicated to cheap pseudo-esotericism and pseudo-occultism, if indeed we were to call them to come to the Path, if we were to put on the table, in front of them, the postulates of Gnosis, if they were taught what the path of Self-realization is, I am sure that most of them would run away.

Many of them are erudite in Theosophy, in pseudo-Rosicrucianism, etc., etc., etc.; unfortunately, it is hard to find serious people among them; all of them are looking for a form of amusement, almost all of those pseudo-know-it-alls of cheap-pseudo esotericism really just want to pass the time, to have fun, but when indeed we place on the table the postulates of Self-realization and invite them to work, then they run away.

Therefore, it is not Self-realization that they are looking for, but a form of amusement. That is all.

First of all, we have to be serious. I could not call "serious" someone who does not care for the self-exploration of himself, somebody who is not concerned with the self-knowledge of himself...

By making a hash of all of them, you end up grasping nothing at all.

Okay, so you say that I'm making a hash of them all.

But does that mean that that's what I'm actually doing?

Have you studied Occult Science enough to make such an assertion?

Crowley may have published huge tables of "correspondences" in 777, but he didn't succeed at being much more than a huckster, and died a hopeless old alcoholic. Because he refused to submit to any single discipline, he ended up making no more progress than where the brute force of his own ego could carry him.

What does the way a cunning Hanasmuss ended up have to do with this?

Only a fool would follow his example.

Perhaps you'll want study the works of Godfrey Higgins, Eliphas Levi, Samael Aun Weor, Albert Pike and H.P. Blavatsky, along with practice, as to see for yourself that there is an underlying Secret Doctrine running through all Religions, which all describe the same exact Science.

It's up to you.

I'm not going to sit here all day and try to convince cynical-skeptic know it alls.

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft
Why bother mentioning any scriptures at all? If you're only going to read into it your own preconceived prejudices, why bother even looking at ancient texts? Why not write your own?

Oops. My bad! your friends already are:


The Christian sects depict an infrasexual Jesus, effeminate, weak; yet at times angry, like a whimsical woman. Naturally, all of this is absurd. The fact is that nobody knows the personal life of Jesus, because we do not have his biography. Only with the faculties of objective clairvoyance can we study the life of Jesus in the Akasic Records of Nature...

emphasis added by dr_strangecraft
Man. So, that site, which you recommend, doesn't accept the stuff in the Bible ("we have no biography"); but gleefully accepts daydreaming, . . . oh, pardon me, objective clairvoyance as a reliable source of information about Jesus and his teachings!

Hee Hee!

See this is what I mean by cynical-skepticism without even knowing what you're talking about.

Please learn to pay attention.

Yes, many Christian sects do depict Jesus in the way that Samael Aun Weor mentioned.

Did he say that the Gospels depict him that way? No.

Sexual Magic, with the renunciation of lust and fornication, horrifies people.

Especially many of the sanctimonious true believers.

But if we're not applying the practices in order to actually achieve Chastity... in the end we are just fornicators regardless of how much we believe.

So the believers can laugh at the "New Age" Gnostics all they want and suppress their sexuality or indulge in fornication or whatever they do; but without the Transmutation of the Waters of Yesod, as to eliminate lust(instead of suppressing or believing), how are we going to possess our Souls and enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

And no, we don't have a biography that is anywhere near being complete in the Gospels of the Protestant and Roman Catholic canon.

We only have many of his main teachings, and bits and pieces of his life.

What is so funny about objective clairvoyance?

Talk about preconceived notions and prejudices.

As I quoted before:

"The one who laughs at what he does not know is an ignoramus who walks the path of idiocy." - Victor Hugo

[edit on 1-9-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by Tamahu

See this is what I mean by cynical-skepticism without even knowing what you're talking about.

You're in no position whatever to speculate about what I know. That's the liability of the internet. Unless both of us is willing to post a curriculum vitae, or indulge in a pissing contest of where we've been, then neither of us can really say squat about someone else's qualifications. Unless of course, you've peeked at my Akashic records . . .

Stand by for vain posturing in 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . .

Please learn to pay attention.

Oh, I'm paying attention all right. Maybe that's the problem.

As I quoted before:

"The one who laughs at what he does not know is an ignoramus who walks the path of idiocy." - Victor Hugo

But you have no insight into what I know, which is to be able to say, after a few minutes browsing the "gnosticteachings" website, that the author of that drivel has never read a fundamental text of either Qabalah or classical gnosticism---or if that person did, they didn't know enough to preserve it intact, or didn't care to. That the author has stood the original sense of the Hebrew on its head, in order to make passing, facile observations that have the 'feel' of insight to someone who hasn't read it, either.

If you think you have insights from "Kabalah" from reading that site, the you're about as ascended as S. Berg and Madonna.

Yeah, that's right; call ME the ignoramus.


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