posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 09:38 AM
I'd plump for Jose Silva, he's far better than Erickson, Bandler, Cameron, Hildegaard (the Neo Nazi Hypno Freakazoid), etc..
At least he plumps for the better and highly efffective Psychick Paradigm's unlike the other Realist's, bah humbug.
It's good for Accelerated Reading and Super Fast Learning's, as I type I myself I'm being inducted by some dolt's round the corner, simple.
Silva do a free course but their RV and RI courses are dear, I endorse the Silva Mind Control methods.
Ever heard of Jan Hanussen the Jewish Hypno of Hitler's, interesting.
Try Auto Genic Therapy.
[edit on 1-12-2006 by blingblong]