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I might have found one.... maybe...

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posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 01:05 AM
True, some people are lucky and don't get sick. And also true, I thought Tobias was a guys name. She says on earth it seems to be a popular guys name, and yes again, she is hot.

Unfortunately recently she got a cold, disproves that she is immune to everything. Then a friend gave her some tablets and told her that they made them feel better. Suddenly she was as high as a kite, and is barfing up everything.

If she is an alien, I know the ultimate weapon against aliens: Drug Abuse/Marijuana/whatever. Her friend later admitted that they were drugs, and not necessarily legal ones either.

She tells me she is only half human, I find her eyes very intriguing, like staring into dark pools, or black holes. They do seem a bit large and black, but she does have white stuff around her eyes, but not much of an iris, just a thin green circle.

Currently we are dating, heh, a half alien and a person that claims he has amnesia from a prior life as an alien. I wonder what any offspring would look like...

Note: Do illegal drugs come in pill form? I didn't know they did.

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 09:48 AM
ahh, yes im in "high" school only drug i know that comes in bills are exisy i dont think that was it tho, she woulda been tuchy lovy

posted on Nov, 10 2003 @ 11:50 AM
HI guys

I have not given up on this one yet.. Just no time right now...

I am still hoping to be able to talk with this person who thinks/believes/knows that she is an alien.

Today, my co-worker stopped by and told me that she asked her mom "the alien" for something that would help me in finding out about her..

The mom (alien) told her that for info on where she is from I should read... The 12th Planet by Zachariah Sitchen ( spelling) ?

Also for other info, check out, she didn't give any explanation as to why.

I'm off to check out the website now.. I'll update in a little while.

Has anyone read the 12th planet ?

posted on Nov, 10 2003 @ 11:53 AM
okay, MUFON is a civilian based UFO research organization..... I don't know why she wanted me to check this out... guess just because I'm interested in UFO's.

posted on Nov, 10 2003 @ 12:59 PM
ask her if she know anything about 1947 or any coverup ask her when she was a kid did the Government or school do any thing to her
like take her out of school one day too some place she has not seen before and put something on like some kind of audio wave System

posted on Nov, 12 2003 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by eagle
True, some people are lucky and don't get sick. And also true, I thought Tobias was a guys name. She says on earth it seems to be a popular guys name, and yes again, she is hot.

Unfortunately recently she got a cold, disproves that she is immune to everything. Then a friend gave her some tablets and told her that they made them feel better. Suddenly she was as high as a kite, and is barfing up everything.

If she is an alien, I know the ultimate weapon against aliens: Drug Abuse/Marijuana/whatever. Her friend later admitted that they were drugs, and not necessarily legal ones either.

She tells me she is only half human, I find her eyes very intriguing, like staring into dark pools, or black holes. They do seem a bit large and black, but she does have white stuff around her eyes, but not much of an iris, just a thin green circle.

Currently we are dating, heh, a half alien and a person that claims he has amnesia from a prior life as an alien. I wonder what any offspring would look like...

Note: Do illegal drugs come in pill form? I didn't know they did.

EAGLE, do you happen to have a photo of Tobias availiable? I'd like to see exactly what you mean about her eyes being "dark pools." And I also want to see if her facial complexition is odd. Most of the time, people who may be half-human half-alien have a rather peculiar face complexion. They look almost robotic, and when they do exhibit emotion, it's still almost no different from when they are normal.

I'd really like to see a photo.

posted on Nov, 12 2003 @ 08:31 PM
Tell her to take this quiz:

posted on Nov, 12 2003 @ 08:36 PM
Hmm...well definately do a background check if possible. A few questions though.

1) Like said before..Do they believe in God?

2) What is their purpose?

3) Why are they here?

Very general questions..but hey..even if shes would be fun to see what she says, eh?

EDIT: Well, after reading the rest, I must say that I have had a strange dream of being somewhere in space, on a flat metal platform, and I can see all of space, much like them moon, because of no atmosphere. There are pillars that go high above me, and "ET" people walking around me. I am brought to someone who seems to be a leader, wearing some kind of garment like a robe...I cannot see "its" face though...then I wake up..
Any thoughts?
I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I see 11:11 and 5:55 alot..also 4:44 and 3:33. I have read alot on the double numbers and everything...I have found a few connections...I was born at 5:55 and Aries means the same thing..Mike (Michael) Means the same also. Dunno if this is an alien connection..but thought It might help somehow lol


[Edited on 12-11-2003 by WeBDeviL]

posted on Nov, 12 2003 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by TheCatalyst
Tell her to take this quiz:

i scored 75 on this test. what does it mean?

i probably would scored something else, if i knew what everything ment. i am not an expert in the english language.

[Edited on 13-11-2003 by darkspace]

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by darkspace

Originally posted by TheCatalyst
Tell her to take this quiz:

i scored 75 on this test. what does it mean?

40 + ... You may have some ancestral roots in the Pleiades
50 + ... You have some cousins out there
60 + ... They are 1st cousins
70 + ... You will be, or have been, contacted ~ do not be afraid -- it was for a family reunion.
80 + ... You will have a special place in the 5th world, prepare for it.
90 + ... Start preparing NOW! In some way they will connect you to your purpose.

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 09:20 PM
No, I do not have a picture of Tobias, she hates having her picture taken.

I scored 74 percent, pretty neat eh? Tobias scored 80 percent.

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by eagle
No, I do not have a picture of Tobias, she hates having her picture taken.

I scored 74 percent, pretty neat eh? Tobias scored 80 percent.

so, you chose the future instead of the past huh

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 09:35 PM

if you dont get a pic of her, then im sorry i have to think your lieing..

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by Dmsoldier

if you dont get a pic of her, then im sorry i have to think your lieing..

Seriously. I asked her for her picture and she told me no. She says she doesn't like her picture being taken. If I get a scanner or a digital camera maybe I'll sneak a picture of her, but I won't be able to sneak the essence of her eyes without blinding her.

She simple has very thin Irisis, when she looks at you, her pupils just seem to go on forever, like everything is being pulled into them... like she is infinity.

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 09:57 PM

sorry for sounding kinda "mean"

just ask her again

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 10:21 PM
Anything yet elevatedone? Havn't got an update.

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by eagle

She simple has very thin Irisis, when she looks at you, her pupils just seem to go on forever, like everything is being pulled into them... like she is infinity.

No offense, but that sounds a little more like YOU'RE in love, rather than SHE'S an Alien. I used to write poems like that to girls in Highschool when I thought I was in love.

Seriously though, As far as eyes go, I dunno. My father is a Neuro Opthalmologist (Brain and Eye doctor), and has seen a NUMBER of oddities that have to do with the eyes (thats how he makes a living afterall). Many of the medical books he has lying around the house have pictures of people with deformities of various parts of the eye, and many that look just downright bizarre or other-wordly. Some people just have naturally enlraged pupils, like they are dilated all the time.
But these are documented medical syndromes and cases. I think it would be awfully premature to say 'She has mysterious eyes, more proof she's an Alien!'' just yet. Maybe you're seeing something that HASN'T been documented and is truly odd, but I guess until we see a pic, we'll never know.

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 11:48 PM
I only got a 57..oh least I got some cousins out there

Or I could round that up to sixty..which would be uh...1st cousins

Anyways, I have a lot of unusual coincidences in my life and some things remind of me of a "2nd home" or something..juss u2u if you need explaining. Or if by any chance you are interested


posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 07:45 AM
Hi all,

Glan, I apologize for the delay.

I'm working my way up to asking my coworker if she thinks that her mom would be willing to talk to me about her claim of being an Alien.

I have not given up on this. I hope to have my "interview" soon.

in the mean time, hang in there and everybody have a super day !

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by elevatedone
The mom (alien) told her that for info on where she is from I should read... The 12th Planet by Zachariah Sitchen ( spelling) ?

Ok.. I think this is becoming obvious now, this lady is one of the loons we so frequently talk about on here. She has read this book and taken it far too seriously or added her life story when it probably shouldnt have fit.

I, infact would be very suprised if this lady isnt a member here as I am sure she will spend lots of time on the intenet going from UFo site to UFO site, she is probably a friend of Nancy over at the planet x site

We know she used the internet because she told you to go to NOw, you could also be making this up or the girl at yoru work could be but I think this lady just wants something to make her feel special and different to the rest of teh trash on our planet so she has invented this massive universal story.

By teh way sevenzeroone. I also thought that this kid is just in love. Dont get me wrong Eagle, it is great, she is obviously amazingly special to you but dont go #ing it up by thinking she is an alien when she is just an earthling who has had a very overwhelming effect on you.

[Edited on 14-11-2003 by triplesod]

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