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Where Bush's Arrogance Has Taken Us...

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posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 08:51 AM

DURING HIS GUBERNATORIAL DAYS IN TEXAS, George W, let slip a one sentence thought, that unintentionally gave us a peek into his political soul. In hindsight, it should have been loudly broadcast all across our land so people could have absorbed it, contemplated its portent.....and roundly rejected the guy's bid for the presidency. On May 23, 1999, reacting to some satirical criticisim of him, Bush snapped: "There ought to be limits to freedom"

IMO, this should have been part of the presidential campaign...had it been legit on Kerry's part,
He tore at the Constitution like a rabid dog, wasting no time, did he.

posted on Aug, 28 2006 @ 01:49 AM
Says you...the Constitution doesn't mean anything when dirty Democrats want to re-interpret it their own way.

posted on Aug, 28 2006 @ 08:26 AM
Left-Right paradigm is a fraud. Its the Elite vs the People.

I dont think its Bush's arrogance, hes just a puppet following orders. Its his masters in the halls of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commision, the Bilderberg Group, and of course the House of Rothschild that are on these sick power trips and taking the world into Armeggedon (which of course will never happen).

posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 10:24 PM
Seems like this is more ripe for PTS than ATS.

The real shredders of the constitution are unelected, unaccountable, liberal judges who try to usurp power from the legislative branch by making law from the bench.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 02:51 AM
Bush's arrogence is really ignorance. He has never had to think for himself and that carries over untill at least January '09. Advisors and econimists run this country not any current elected government figure.

Our freedom is limited. The citizens that we are get our information from the media which in itself is only given vague information so they can't give their honest opinion. Anyone who does voice his or her opinion gets pressure to be fired or disciplined.

Publicly lied to and not being able to publicly respond? Not freedom to me.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe

DURING HIS GUBERNATORIAL DAYS IN TEXAS, George W, let slip a one sentence thought, that unintentionally gave us a peek into his political soul. In hindsight, it should have been loudly broadcast all across our land so people could have absorbed it, contemplated its portent.....and roundly rejected the guy's bid for the presidency. On May 23, 1999, reacting to some satirical criticisim of him, Bush snapped: "There ought to be limits to freedom"

IMO, this should have been part of the presidential campaign...had it been legit on Kerry's part,
He tore at the Constitution like a rabid dog, wasting no time, did he.

I'm in total agreement with you dgtempe , nice fine
. Since 9/11/01 GW Bush has managed to take us into an illegal war with Iraq, not concerned with BinLaden ( remember him folks ), do illegal wire-tapping of American citizens, pit us citizens against each other ,( the lines had been drawn), give generous tax cuts to the wealthy and sock-it-to the middle-class and poor, trying to F with our Constitution and civil rights, and made us the laughing-stalk of the world, the list can go on and on.............., and yet people still think Bush is the greatest person to run our country. I suppose if Bush ordered the excution of the parents of some of these neocons,............. they'd think that was great of him too.

The day GW Bush took office is the day the United States changed for the worst

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by Apoc
Seems like this is more ripe for PTS than ATS.

The real shredders of the constitution are unelected, unaccountable, liberal judges who try to usurp power from the legislative branch by making law from the bench.

our government is designed to be a reflection of the people. if the constitution is being shredded, it is because there's a large number of people who want it shredded, or are too lazy to take on their responsibility of citizens of this country. our freedoms wouldn't be ripped from us is so many of us didn't want to rip this or that freedom from their neighbors.

liberal judges......
......any judge that goes against bush or the religious right/neocon agenda is labeled liberal, even the ones that his father appointed. Judges, by their very nature are conservative....although I'll admit there are a few far ou in left field, in jurisdictions that are also out in left field...they are a reflection of the people they serve.,

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 06:32 PM
oh noes! liberal activist judges wanting to let people keep the rights that the administration wants to protect by revoking them

liberals are responsible for the bill of rights, and almost all the inherent right ammendments in the constitution

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 07:09 PM
yeah its those pesky 'liberals'.
We need a war on liberalism, that would solve all the worlds problems.
Or perhaps only conservative judges? That sounds better and cheaper than war.
Wake up man, avoid the left/right paradigm and see that its 'we the people' getting squashed in the middle.
As far as Bush saying 'there oughta be a limit to freedom'
Thats absurd, about as absurd as his dumbass trying to explain what sovereign means.
One is either free, or one is NOT free, there are no different levels of freedom.
Only in the double-think age would any president say something that ludicrous and get away with it.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 10:43 PM
Arrogent is so RIGHT:

From before the 2000 election/selection was done he had stated:
I got a administration to assemble to be ready to take office. Or something to that affect, in other words damn the vote count, I am the new selected president, get the hell out of my way.


Please dont forget his AXIS OF EVIL crap and his lap dog Powells lies to the U>N.
Once again, to hell with the people, Im going to Iraq and aint nothing you can do to stop me.

Its a damn shame we arent wired like our ancestors, or we would revolt and take our country back.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 11:26 PM
Hi dgtempe, remember me? I have'nt been on for a long time so it's ok if
you don't!
I see you're still "fighting the good fight" and I still agree with you as I did back when we were trying like h---to convince the "bushcobots" as EastCoast calls them not to vote for that weird man again!
His reelection has almost made me where I don't even want to try to vote for a president again.
Bush has made some of us very disillusioned and uncertain about whether we (the common people) even count anymore.

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 03:56 AM
as far as the elections go the machines need to be taken out and crushed in a junk yard as that is all they are,..J. U. N. K. , we need to go back to manual counting like the old days so the theives can't steal the election anymore as they have for the past two terms. dgtempe and I see eye to eye on a lot of things that we see is wrong with this President and Administration
. I am so embarrassed by the clown in the white house pretending as if he knows and understands everything going on around him (shaking head in disbelief ) and playing at being "Someone", he's no better that his brother Neil ( the people and the bank he screwed over) or his granddad that was one of Hitler's angels.

posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by Apoc
Seems like this is more ripe for PTS than ATS.

The real shredders of the constitution are unelected, unaccountable, liberal judges who try to usurp power from the legislative branch by making law from the bench.

If the real shredders of the constitution are federal judges, then why don't our representatives exercise thier constitutional perogative and impeach these domestic enemies of the constituton?

The unfortunate truth is that the judicial, executive and legislative branches are all dominated by bought and payed for traitors who serve big money interests rather than the electorate. All who continue to vote for the republicrat party simply empower thier own enslavement.

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