We've all read the Neo-Con's dogmatic statement of how, in their view, our country should proceed into this century. I'm actually more amazed at
how many in the general public are totally unaware of this outlined agenda and who it's proponents are. For those who haven't, here's a link.
It is scary, to say the least, to think that these people, who are in power, see the world in such a narrow way and seem to have such a narrow view of
the world's political struture existing outside the American borders.
What is even scarier is that after almost seven years of these people being in power, our country and population is worse off by a magnatude
geopolitically and with regards to security. We have created an enemy that grows exponentially with every move and mis-step this kabal in Washington
The policy paper I referenced is an undeniable blueprint for everything that has come to pass. This has been discussed here many times before. The
Pearl Harbor type of event they speak of was orchaestrated and their fingerprints on the event have over time been erased in the minds of the
sheep-like American public.
The media as a partner to this, has succeeded in creating new definitions for the words terrorists and insurgents. No time or page space is dedicated
to reviews of how we found ourselves in this predicament and what the true causes are.
The result has been that whereas before the Terrorist organizations didn't hold the American public directly responsible for their political
leader's actions, they now say that we must be responsible because we keep these people in power.
How can we educate the common man about what is happening and how we are being led by the nose down this very destructive path. What can be done to
break the veil of apathy that exists in America today?
Maybe this post is simply a way of venting the frustration I feel about the direction we are heading. Probably that is the case. Maybe I'm just
I'd just like to hear the thoughts of any that may be interested.
We can't, as a nation be this blind and apathetic, can we?
I think that after all this time, with this bunch in power, a light surely has to be penetrating on the ludicracy of The Project for a New American
Thanks to ATS for the forum to vent.
[edit on 27-8-2006 by freddieb]
[edit on 27-8-2006 by freddieb]