posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 07:35 AM
Dear Donald
Your idea to stop terrorists in the school (before they become terrorists) is commendable. To quote you, " there is no way to measure it
(terrorism) because you don't know what's happening in each one of these radical cleric... madrasa schools".
You say you want to find ways of winning the battle of ideas...and reducing the number of terrorists that are being taught to go out and murder and
kill innocent men , women and children.
Well, there's two schools of thought going on in the world...there's yours...a preemptive stike on those you deem terrorists, or those who are
teaching terrorism, like, say Pol Pot did in Cambodia. Then there's the subtle genocide of, say, giving them gifts like warm blankets covered in
disease, the way the US did to the native Americans. But, hey, I'm not telling you anything you don't know and probably haven't thought of
There is another school of thought in this matter of terrorism. It goes like this. The person defending their home is the victim...the person
invading the home is the terrorist. The person using weapons of mass destruction is the oppressor, the person using sticks and stones in defense, like
the Palestinians and the Iraqis, are the oppressed.
If you truly want to end terrorism, then bring our troops home from Afghanistan and Iraq right now. Stop threatening countries all over the globe
with your "our way or the highway" mentality. Open your heart to love, peace and understanding and leave fear and hatred behind. That's how you win
the battle of ideas and prevent terrorism in the world.
dave smith, Florida Coordinator, We The People Congress