1. BsBray11 says he thinks a metal will act like a liquid at given velocities, I feel that maybe you have some science studies to account for this
bsbray11 and if so can you post them. For matter to change it properties to a different form it must undergo a change such as electron swapping or
atom positioning.]
2. Tuccy stated that catherder "plane disintegrated and the cloud of debric acted as liquid"', What is acted like a liquid mean, does it mean it
is a liquid or li looks like a liquid or it has properties like a liquid. Sorry, but there is no scientific basis or background for catscratchers
remarks to be taken as real or with any serious
person to believe this ever occured because it could never happen.
3. evil elf states catscratcher posted a wonderful and powerful debunk to the "no 757" theories based on actual science. I would like to know what
science book he or she or is that you obtain that information from as to be scientific, ha ha!
What the hek is a terminator plane?
Evil Elf states catheader posted a very sound theory, yet it is just a theory. With no repeat no scientifc application to followup to, evey picture of
metal is look here part of the engine, or blue cloth has to be a seat of the 757, yet we still have no certified documents that a 757-223 hit the
building. For gosh sakes, catscratcher is making things up to write a story, no proof what so ever except that something hit and burned the pentagon,
now thats a fact.
evil elf states that there is also tons of research out there that leads directly to the perpetrators, and loads of debate over who was really
responsible. Yet why not post their names and who they are, surely the US Government did not do this, the US government is a corporation run by
people. If you know who did this I would like for you to post their names here.
Evil elf out does himself, I stated there was no evidence showing a 757 hitting the pentagon, evil elfs comeback was, Yes there is. Loads of it. There
is no evidence that a 757 did not hit the pentagon either. This last part is a common cointelpro specialist scrubbing the evidence with misinformation
to develop confusion, why should they support someone posting false information without valid eveidence of flight 77.
Why I believe flight 77 did hit the pentagon:
1. Thousands of unrelated eyewitnesses on the freeways and in the cities saw it.
2. Damage and debris at the site is consistant with such an event.
3. The no 757 theory smacks of disinformation to try and ruin or discredit the 9/11 truth research movement. The endless circle of debate does nothing
to forward the progress of getting to the bottom of things
Your 1 evil elf you stated that thousands of eyewitnesses on the freeways and in the cities saw it. What did they see evil elf was it something going
420 to 480 mph rather like a noise and a blur.
2. You stated there was damage and debris is consistant with such an event. Just what eveent was that evil elf, a bomb can do the same thing, sure a
global hawk can do the same thing also, but where is your scientific studies to back up what your stating. Words are cheap on the internet post a fbi
site, a NTSB site, a pentagon site that cross referenced the serial nbrs of the parts of the plane of flight 77 to the items you and catscratcher
states are proof of the 757 flight 77 hitting the pentagon on 911.
3. You state with no scientific or studies of any kind that stating a 757 did not hit the pentagon is hurting the 911 movement, which movement is that
evil elf, the movement controlled by the government or the one controlled by groups of people.
Put simply, people say don't question the president or our leaders because it underminds the war on terror. Yet, the ones that have questioned have
brought forth answers that have helped the movement. The world is not black or white but it is very complex, I am sorry if you feel different then
myself. Its your right to do so, and I respect you for that.