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I purpose my views on the universe.....

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posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 10:21 PM
I have done a lot of research on the topics of aliens, UFO's and ancient civilizations. I am also a christian, so with that in mind let me present my explainations and what I believe.
First of all, I find it impossible to believe that the Earth just happens to be in the perfect place that it is to sustain human life and be the beautiful planet that it is. To believe that a "big bang" just happened is unexceptable. Things had to be created by God to be the way they are. Many claim that if someone believes in aliens, then that flushes religion right down the crapper. I say exactly the opposite.
I could go into Biblical quotes on this thread, but I am not looking to type a novel so I will say what I have discovered in a matter-of-fact fasion.
When God created the heaven and the earth, he first created the angels. These angels also were creators, with similar abilitys as gods themeselves. Before the creation of Adam, these angels went about the solar system creating their own life, in the name of God. They also created life on the planet Earth, in the form of the ancient primates, who scientist consider humankinds ansestors.
When Satan and 1/3 of the angels fell to the Earth, God destroyed the other life forms created by the angels. The 'rebel' angels, or the 'nephilim' are vindictive and want to ruin Gods plan for humanity. They had sexual relations with humans, and these hybrids lived amongst mankind. This is why God destroyed life on the earth (save Noah and his family with the animals) with a great flood. The rebel angels still were free to influence humans and side track them from God by becoming gods in the eyes of man. The ancient god Baal, who was called out as being Satan by Jesus Christ, was the god of the wind and of war. The Egyptians were heavily influenced by gods from the skies, as were the Incas and Mayans, Greeks and Romans. Today we call the demons who parade around in UFO's aliens, and they take this form for 2 diabolical reasons. Number 1, they realize that if people believe in other life from other planets, they are much less likely to believe in God, and that is their number one goal. Number 2, by being known as aliens they can usher in the Anti-Christ durring the End Days as a supreme being from another planet. When the rapture takes place, people will believe it was a mass alien abduction.
The Bible states that in the End Days, the world will be just as it was in Noahs day before the flood. It teaches that in those days, the nephilim walked amongst humans. The demons still carry out this mission today, but in a different and more convincing manner for this generation. Alien abduction.
Its a great deception designed to destroy the belief in God, and that God created humans and the universe. They use the UFO phenomenon as a cover up for what they really are.
So you might ask, why would God create the other planets? Why create all those stars and all that open space for nothing? Genisis says to use the stars for signs. The planets are in the sky so when they align in certain ways we can see this as warnings and messages from God. They were created for us to find and wonder upon, to pay omage to Gods great glory. The constilations were not ment to be used for astrology.
Thank you for reading, input either way would be appreciated.

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 10:30 PM
I did not notice the thread relating to this before I made my own, or I probably would have just said this on that thread.

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 10:50 PM
The beings who told the creation story gave a slightly altered story to several Earth civilizations. Each different story had two themes: Angels/gods creating the universe and humanity, and humanity being punished for asking questions and thinking what they're not told to think. I'm sure bits and parts of these stories were true but one should remember that they're told by beings with million of years of experience in lying.

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 10:53 PM
God is the initiator of the universe, the creator, the unknown force of the infinite before, and the name applied to the variables of the former. The universe in which we reside is undeniably a manufactured product of this God force, this initiator, this unknown, this infinite unsolvable beauty of a query. The laws of this universe are to be understood and lived by as given by God. All scientific laws apply to life, and not only to instrumental evaluation of celestial bodies, so on and so forth. Any and every law in science/physics is not only a law here on Earth, yet a universal law, a law of the creation and in essence a law of the creator. All of these laws apply to our lives, to our actions, to our thoughts. Do you now understand why Extra-terrestrials (angels) gave us religion before we understood physics? A gift, a head start in spiritual development. Spirituality is a way of applying the universe to your life. Listen to it, it talks. It wants to be understood so that we may understand ourselves. This IS heaven. Existence is eternal as NOTHING is NON-EXISTENT.

Scientific laws are not restrained to numbers, bouncing balls, and the dogma of the present. Scientific laws apply to every single crevace of existence. For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. Laws such as this apply not only to visible matter, yet also to decisions and thoughts. Every action does not have an immediate reaction as far as the narcissistic human translation of time goes. Time is irrelevent! IRRELEVENT! Every law in the universe is applicable to everyday life, to the future implications facing this Earth, and related particularly to the past. The United states will be obliterated by nuclear force if it does not stop policing the world, say sorry for it's actions, and propose a doctrine of world unity and a one world government. Israel will be wiped off the face of the Earth through means of nuclear destruction if it does not persue peace and apologize for its crimes that it committed in the old testament against the surrounding nations: The slaughter of many millions of innocents. History is not meant for study and research and retainable knowledge in the hopes of making carrers out of it! Or for debate and chavinism! We have memories so that we may correct fumbles of the past! Without correction corruption is prevalent! We are also destroying the Earth's ecosystem! Now the Earth will destroy us! My past absorbtions of philosophies regarding dualities and reflections are becoming transparent to me in the days that are leading up to these abhorrent events. Please begin believing and understanding the universe and our existence! Please begin to mix science and philosophy! Tangle them to be one in the every day lives that we live so that we may understand a peaceful co-existence to be the existence that is correct. God is tangible through the knowledge of his creation. Why do we deny the universe?

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 11:27 PM
And here is a perfect example of how religion, the FAILED institution that it is, continues to re-invent itself to appeal to the status quo. Until Almighty God Him/Her/Itself puts an end to the secrecy of his/her/its existance, then I will NEVER EVER blindly follow a man made-up theology in his/her/its name.

If God wants my worship then God will have to get off his/her/its lazy ass and ask me for it. Dont be sending humans to do it.

As far as Aliens.... look lets face it... we know they are there. We dont really know what they want or ho many kinds there are or what they have to do with our very existance. Untill then lets not play "make believe" with all the religious crap. I would like to think after half a million years as Homo Sapiens we could finally be done with it all and stop pretending we know there is a God.

Not a flame so please dont take personal.

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 11:52 PM
If you don't believe in a force of initation, then explain your existence. Maybe you should get off your lazy ass and seek God. It's all around you if you observe properly. Please don't refer to God as lazy. You are a self sufficient being with the ability to seek out God. My post had nothing to do with "organized" religion. Of course I take it as a flame, you FLAMED me. I don't worship religion, I understand it... and I live by my existence. I am not a religious man. God is the infinite question of "what came before that?" It is a dual answer... It exists in question form as the answer, but you must accept. It is infinitely unsolvable, yet that is precisely the conclusion.

[edit on 26-8-2006 by dgoodpasture]

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by m3gaman
I have done a lot of research on the topics of aliens, UFO's and ancient civilizations. I am also a christian, so with that in mind let me present my explainations and what I believe.

What about buddhism?

mod edit: shortened quote

[edit on 27-8-2006 by sanctum]

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 12:25 AM
Buddhism in my mind is a religion created by the seeds of satan to counter act christianity. I do not agree to any effect about anything having to do with Buddhism. I however do not hate someone who worships it, because it is their choice to do as they please. Everyone has that right.
To me personaly, I cant see how anyone could believe that their dead uncle might be a cow reincarnate.

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 12:29 AM
very interesting take on the universe. Nice.

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by m3gaman
Buddhism in my mind is a religion created by the seeds of satan to counter act christianity. I do not agree to any effect about anything having to do with Buddhism. I however do not hate someone who worships it, because it is their choice to do as they please. Everyone has that right.
To me personaly, I cant see how anyone could believe that their dead uncle might be a cow reincarnate.
Did you know thre is an odd link between buddhism and christianity? Buddha said "Soon there will be the way." and Jesus said "I am the way." In terms relative to your theory, I would think that Buddhism might have been prototype to christianity.

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by Creedo
And here is a perfect example of how religion, the FAILED institution that it is, continues to re-invent itself to appeal to the status quo. Until Almighty God Him/Her/Itself puts an end to the secrecy of his/her/its existance, then I will NEVER EVER blindly follow a man made-up theology in his/her/its name.

If God wants my worship then God will have to get off his/her/its lazy ass and ask me for it. Dont be sending humans to do it.

As far as Aliens.... look lets face it... we know they are there. We dont really know what they want or ho many kinds there are or what they have to do with our very existance. Untill then lets not play "make believe" with all the religious crap. I would like to think after half a million years as Homo Sapiens we could finally be done with it all and stop pretending we know there is a God.

Not a flame so please dont take personal.

Re-invent itself to appeal to the status-quo?
The story of beings coming down from the heavens and having sexual relations with humans was not added to the Bible last week.

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 06:39 AM
i dont believe in that aliens are demons stuff

imo its just you trying to salvage your religion in the face of overwhelming odds

i think there is good aliens and bad aliens, of course, but that doesnt have anything to do with spirits or whatever

god isnt a guy who sits on a throne in heaven imo, hes more likely the underlying essence of the universe

so it only follows that there is good/bad individuals throughout all species of intelligent sentinent self aware beings

think of this neat little story

"there was once an alien, who met humans who were visiting the moon; and it reminded him of his ancestors alien religion storys, and so he automatically assumed the good humans were angels and the bad humans were demons" doesnt make any sense really

thats just my opinion on the matter, as it is in the end speculation as is everyones input on this subject invariably tends to be

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 07:23 AM
I dont think religion has anything to do with the universe , aliiens , space . Sincerely i dont beleave in no God and i think we people are governated by our own actions rather than a supereme beeing as a god that is allways watching us.
I beleave that god was invented just that people should have something to beleave in , something that they would call upon when thay feel the need to have someone close and to couter the feeling that we are alone. Its allways better to blame it on a higher power than blame something that happened on our own actions. I will even give u an example -- a man dies in a car accident-- so at the funeral the people say : "it was god's will" or "his time came" or thay blame it on satan. Thats alot of bull# , in relaity it was his fault or the fault or anyway he died because of an action that was man made not governated by man. To beleave in god and in satan is the same thing as beleaving in a movie like " final destination" for example where a bunch of wacky kids get killed as a pard of Death's plan. thats just really stupid...
U have no solid proof god and satan exist as u have no proof that he doesnt. Now think clear-- everyone likes to think there is a god watching him and as god could'n exist alone there had to be a satan too , so good would have a worthy oponent. Sincerely this is like a fary tail man... no ofence but all of this was created to keep the world at a balance in those times. Cuz a long time ago ppl beleaved in gods and demons and they made sacrifices for them.. etc...and if there was nothing for them to beleave in the world would of been governated by chaos.. But now i think we evolved enough so we could really discover and acept our origins as they are, our evolution- to discover from what we evolved and how we managed to evolve till now, not just say that god created us and thats it-- that is unaceptable i mean i want to know if we evolved from fish or alliens or who knows what .... dont u want to know your real origins??
Good and evil dont exist as powerfull entities they exist as concepts , concepts that are leaned from the world that surrounds us, thats why people have different opinions of whats good and evil in this world. People are good and people are evil and it only depends on us if we chose to be good or evil.
If god created us and we were his favorites than how come the universe is infinite and there are probably billions of other civilizations there that have probably just as many religions and beleaves :|
In our days there is so mauch evil in the worlsd because is the easyest way.. to hurt others is so easy.. but to help them is the hard part.. u see life is like a path u chose to take - a concept u choose to accept and its your choice is that concept is good or evil
but that doest'n mean there is a god ... we just like to say that because we want to think that is something beyound death..

Everithing in this universe is randomly , there is no order is how life appeared maybe there are ancient civilizations that exist since the begining of time and have the most advanced technology and reached at a peak of evolution .. probably only they will have an answer.. or probavly not.
Anyway if u want to beleave in something beleave in good and evil as individual concept that gouvernate our life, those are the real gods behind it all...
People only want an entity to have the feeling theyre not alone and that something is watching over them..... but im telling u .. everithing u see, everything that happends is a result of our action because there is a equilibrium that is the same everywhere -- CAUSE-EFFECT-- and that is universal-- so even if people will go extinct in the next 10 years that will be a resuld of a nuclear war not God's Wrath

So here i end my spech and i hope u enjoied and i gave u something to think about .............

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by m3gaman
First of all, I find it impossible to believe that the Earth just happens to be in the perfect place that it is to sustain human life and be the beautiful planet that it is. To believe that a "big bang" just happened is unexceptable.

Why is it unnacceptable? at the level of the universe, nobody knows what is acceptable and what is not.

Tell me this: if the universe has to be created, then who created God?

Things had to be created by God to be the way they are.

Not really. The mathematical theory of Chaos predicts order arising from chaos. The graph of a random equation has specific points named 'pullers' where the created shape is nothing but random.

That's what has happened with Earth: out of all the randomness, order appeared.

Let's not forget that the universe is a giant testbed: 200 billion galaxies each one containining 200 billion stars.

Many claim that if someone believes in aliens, then that flushes religion right down the crapper. I say exactly the opposite.

It does, because the Christian dogma says God created the universe for the man of Earth.

When God created the heaven and the earth, he first created the angels. These angels also were creators, with similar abilitys as gods themeselves. Before the creation of Adam, these angels went about the solar system creating their own life, in the name of God.

Ha ha. What you wrote borders on the ridiculus. There is no such claim in the bible.

They also created life on the planet Earth, in the form of the ancient primates, who scientist consider humankinds ansestors.

Nope. The bible is pretty specific on how man was created.

When Satan and 1/3 of the angels fell to the Earth, God destroyed the other life forms created by the angels. The 'rebel' angels, or the 'nephilim' are vindictive and want to ruin Gods plan for humanity. They had sexual relations with humans, and these hybrids lived amongst mankind. This is why God destroyed life on the earth (save Noah and his family with the animals) with a great flood. The rebel angels still were free to influence humans and side track them from God by becoming gods in the eyes of man. The ancient god Baal, who was called out as being Satan by Jesus Christ, was the god of the wind and of war. The Egyptians were heavily influenced by gods from the skies, as were the Incas and Mayans, Greeks and Romans. Today we call the demons who parade around in UFO's aliens, and they take this form for 2 diabolical reasons. Number 1, they realize that if people believe in other life from other planets, they are much less likely to believe in God, and that is their number one goal. Number 2, by being known as aliens they can usher in the Anti-Christ durring the End Days as a supreme being from another planet. When the rapture takes place, people will believe it was a mass alien abduction.

You took a little bit of everything and made your own story. Nice one, but it is not what the bible says.

The Bible states that in the End Days, the world will be just as it was in Noahs day before the flood. It teaches that in those days, the nephilim walked amongst humans. The demons still carry out this mission today, but in a different and more convincing manner for this generation. Alien abduction.
Its a great deception designed to destroy the belief in God, and that God created humans and the universe. They use the UFO phenomenon as a cover up for what they really are.

That's pretty much your own interpretation.

Don't forget that not all humans are christians.

So you might ask, why would God create the other planets? Why create all those stars and all that open space for nothing? Genisis says to use the stars for signs. The planets are in the sky so when they align in certain ways we can see this as warnings and messages from God. They were created for us to find and wonder upon, to pay omage to Gods great glory. The constilations were not ment to be used for astrology.
Thank you for reading, input either way would be appreciated.

I think you are funny. How old are you?

[edit on 27-8-2006 by masterp]

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by dgoodpasture
If you don't believe in a force of initation, then explain your existence. Maybe you should get off your lazy ass and seek God. It's all around you if you observe properly. Please don't refer to God as lazy. You are a self sufficient being with the ability to seek out God. My post had nothing to do with "organized" religion. Of course I take it as a flame, you FLAMED me. I don't worship religion, I understand it... and I live by my existence. I am not a religious man. God is the infinite question of "what came before that?" It is a dual answer... It exists in question form as the answer, but you must accept. It is infinitely unsolvable, yet that is precisely the conclusion.

Our existance IS NOT proof of a God!!
No one has ever been able to proove the existance of a God AND YOU KNOW IT!
So WHY would I activle go out to seek a lie. Yes up to this point it is still a lie untill God makes themself known to all. Not just a few select people in humanity to "spread the word".

We can pretend to know God exists and have faith and all that BS but deep, DEEEP down none of us really know. You will always have that trickle of doubt.

And for the record no I didnt flame you but if you need to believe that, then it is your prerogative .

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 10:45 AM
It is hard not to become angry in the face of ignorance.

The B'nai Elohim saw the daughters of Adam, that they were fit extensions. And they took wives for themselves from all those that they chose...The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and even afterwards when the B'nai Elohim CAME IN TO the daughtersof Adam, and they bore to them -- they were Powerful Ones which existed from ancient times, the men of name. (from the Interlinear Hebrew Bible Genesis 6)

Matthew 24:37 But as the days of Noah, so also will be the coming of the Son of man. For as they were in the days before the flood...

Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

You know, one of the biggest reasons that people have for not believing in aliens is that it would be stupid for them to come all the way accross the universe, find Earth and then do nothing. Just float about in our skys, making appearences every now and then, wowing some people then disapearing. We have huge telescopes and recievers with people scanning the stars for life, and listening to the faintest message that might be coming from another planet. All of this scientific research and looking for E.T. has turned up NOTHING.
But how can that be when there are clearly UFO's in the skys and aliens abducting humans? The face of the alien has become a part of pop culture in America. Stuffed dolls, action figures, posters and clothing all depicting aliens have become a part of our lives in one form or another, and you can ask anyone what an alien looks like and they will describe the classic 'grey'. Yet science cant find any proof that they exist? Shouldnt it be as clear as the nose on your face?

What it comes down to is at the end, who will know the truth and who will believe the deception? Sadly, as evident by the way the world is today, most will be decieved.

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Creedo

Originally posted by dgoodpasture
If you don't believe in a force of initation, then explain your existence. Maybe you should get off your lazy ass and seek God. It's all around you if you observe properly. Please don't refer to God as lazy. You are a self sufficient being with the ability to seek out God. My post had nothing to do with "organized" religion. Of course I take it as a flame, you FLAMED me. I don't worship religion, I understand it... and I live by my existence. I am not a religious man. God is the infinite question of "what came before that?" It is a dual answer... It exists in question form as the answer, but you must accept. It is infinitely unsolvable, yet that is precisely the conclusion.

Our existance IS NOT proof of a God!!
No one has ever been able to proove the existance of a God AND YOU KNOW IT!
So WHY would I activle go out to seek a lie. Yes up to this point it is still a lie untill God makes themself known to all. Not just a few select people in humanity to "spread the word".

We can pretend to know God exists and have faith and all that BS but deep, DEEEP down none of us really know. You will always have that trickle of doubt.

And for the record no I didnt flame you but if you need to believe that, then it is your prerogative .

You just did a dandy job of explaining God. Now accept what it is. You will never see it in proof. It is a question. What initiated our existence? Well, that my friend, is the what the word "God" is for. The answer lies in the unanswerable question.

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 11:40 AM

It is hard not to become angry in the face of ignorance

u call it ignorance but i think the right word would be realism.. Even if is tough to admit it is realism.

U tell us that ppl see UFO's on the skies all the time but we still don't have a prof that they exist. Well maybe we have , who knows? it may be classified or behind a conspiracy and trully if we made contact with alliens do you expect your state to tell the public about that ?? be serious.. i can count 1000 reasons why the goverment would hide an allien interaction from the public- maybe they captured secret technology and they dont want other goverments to know about or maybe they are just hiding it to maintain order..
think about it... it a allien contact would be announced on the news.... there would ber chaos all over the world.. religions would chance.. who know how the masses would react.. so to prevent such a thing normally that the goverment would hide any contact from the media..
so u see my friend that alliens arent demons or other biblical creatures, they are beeing with a civilization and culture.. and the have to exist!! THE PROBABILLITY THAT ALLIENS DO NOT EXIST IS LESS THAT 1 %!!
think about it.. the universe is infinite .. billions of gallaxies each containing millions of solar sistems.. and we only discovered ours.. who know what awaits us beyound

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 12:13 PM
Ok think about this
Lets say that one day humans develope the ability to travel to another populated planet and we can communicate with them. We would herald this as a monumental accomplishment and I bet we would try in all ways possible to let them know that they are not alone. We would anounce our presence and want to be brothers with another planet. To share technology, to share ideas and history. The scientist studying the skys of Earth and listening for contact would be estatic to hear it, and would rejoice and let the world know. It would be the culmination of years of hard work and billions of dollars spent. If the people of another planet came to Earth, would they not react the same way? Why would they not be excited to show themeselves and announce their existance?
The government cant cover it up if a UFO lands on the lawn of the White House and shakes the presidents hand. The government cant cover it up if aliens break into television broadcast and proclaim WE ARE REAL!
The aliens are not explorers of space, they are not scientist of their people. They are not another civilization seeking brothers in the stars. Doesnt that make sence?

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 12:18 PM
We can find God in many places as God is an infinite variable. We can see this infinite expressed throughout the Universe. I now know why I have been magnetized towards repeating decimals as of late. This is God being expressed, this is the uncertainty of reality and the "imperfection" of mankind. Just as 1/3 of 10 is .333 - (ellipses representing infinite repitition). So we as mortal beings can never philosophically understand God except to settle for the acceptance that he is an infinite variable of "before". Who created God, right? It goes on and on, for infinite. Yet that is literally and accurately what God is. Just as we must accept repeating decimals for what they are, we must accept God for what it is. .333 will go on forever, yet it will NEVER truly be 1/3 of 10. It will continue to be closer and closer as the 3's are multiplied throughout time, yet never will the true answer be reached. This is parallel to our understanding of God as we evolve. I hope this presents a decimal of simplicity perpendicular with intelligibility and is transparently precise in its non-precise way.

All things happen for reason, reason is because things happen. I am here for a reason, and reason is here for me. I WILL bring truth to mankind. Just give me one ear of every human on Earth, and 15 minutes of their time, and I will change the World. Of course I will need a few translators.

In response to m3gaman and his imperative alien contact claim. P erhaps the extra-terrestrials have been around for far longer than we have and they have already established Galactic or universal laws. Imagine a race much more advanced than us with an immensely elevated understanding of the universe. Our religions would collapse. They are working with this world right now in the only way that they can: through slow disclosure to let people change their minds for themselves. It's up to us if we want change and disclosure.

[edit on 27-8-2006 by dgoodpasture]

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