posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 12:33 AM
After reading various articles, opinions and blogs by people im convinced majority of this site has interests in governemnt affiliates somewhere along
the lines.
Mainly the US..
Its obvious in some posts that people dont care about your reasoning, or opinion.
And that the official line is correct, regardless of what evidence is shown.
ATS Credibility has been shot in the foot a fair few times by snr members of this site flat out disregarding peoples posts, simply because they are '
tulip walkers '
'bush haters' or 'anit - us/bush '
Too many senior members and mods try to push a certain view onto this website, and quickly discredit those people that dont.
I like the way peoples Reputation, peoples character is attacked more times than not when they have a very valid point no one can explain away with
the white washed 'official' version.
If this was an open forum, there's no need to have a really above top secret section.
If mods were talking about the technicality of this site or its operations, they would use a MOD forum hidden to the public, or even the U2U
Being sections are cut off raises question marks in my mind.
Especially when there's important topics the 'general' public cant go too.
The recent online games just make me more suspicous, especially when you have to populate foreign sites with 'links' to ATS.
to circumvent search engines to ensure the ATS version is the first displayed, or perhaps outside opiniosn of ATS are lost in the garbage.
I love this site, I love posting my opinion. But I feel the ATS crew are making it a populus where the average joe with an intellegence high enough to
believe his own virtues isnt able to express freely his idea of 'what really happened' without out being shot down, banned, ignored or ridiculed.
911 is a perfect example.
Everyone on the planet knows full well any evidence convincing the world that the offical story is ' false ' has properly been disposed of, hidden
and ensure security.
Yet to many people on this site, jam down your through the 'offical' story because u cannot provide evidence of your thoughts.
Thye disregard everything, because the proof the government has supplied is proof enough. Your proof that there are too many inconsistancies in the
offical story isnt proof, its all make believe.
Until you provide the proof, the 911 official story is just that. ' official '
I believe ATS to be a significant part of the coo that is happening to the western world. convince the masses just enough, and you will have high
enough percentage to do what you please. The hard part is getting them on board.
What better way to do it, than using the only ' free ' source of information and propganda left.
Why dont I ever see threads about ATS, and the conspiracy about it being COINTELPRO.