Shots, there definitely are some issues here, but not all issues stem from special interest groups.
While it's true that nurses, teachers, and firefighters might belong to an association (which along with protecting working conditions also lobbies
legislatures [those who make the laws] as just about any group with an interest has to do nowadays--the extended palm gets greased), these same groups
do offer a public service and want what is best for those for whom they work. There are times these groups speak up for concerns beyond the
Having not been in a hospital for years, I was appalled several years ago, when I visited my ailing mother in the hospital. I was used to a nurse
often at least sticking a head through the door to see if all was ok. There were stretches of 1 1/2 hours and no one came by, during the day! Finally
someone in a uniform came in, but she was not a nurse. I hadn't realized how bad conditions had become. A patient could die and rigormortis set in
before someone comes in, just to empty the trash. Nurses as a group had to demand more nurses, not more cuts in staffing.
The school incidents in the articles seemed to be individual site/local decisions, not having been influenced by a special interest group. Individuals
can make bad/stupid decisions; that's not just confined to schools. Hey, where's that fun merry-go-round in a park? It could be that the students
did not have appropriate supervision (budget cuts?). When I was a kid, not everyone ran at recess anyway. I would agree that soccer and touch
football, which are under direct adult supervision at other times, should not be allowed, unless an adult is directly supervising that game. No chance
of that during a recess.
Kids nowadays do seem to play rougher, wanting to strike in anger or wrestle like the WWF. What might be acceptable at home cannot be tolerated on the
school playground. Outlawing running was a stupid idea IMO.
You know, Shots, when I was a kid, candy and sodas were treats distributed once in a while. Even fast food was a special treat. Today when I drive by
the high school on my way to work, I view students walking to campus with a hamburger and (large) soda, or a donut and a bag of chips. My sons' high
school then offered junk food snacks at brunch and more junk food at lunchtime (not in the cafeteria, there a student could get a nutritious lunch)
and after school; sodas could be bought any time out of a machine. Some schools are not getting across the idea that a candy bar and soda is not
lunch. Their "student store" was a junk food pusher (oh, yeah, there was a square foot devoted to real school supplies like a pencil and eraser).
Why? Because junk food makes profits for a school!! And not just profits, but outright money given to schools for allowing the junk food companies to
have the contract for that campus!
Switch to diet sodas, so now they can become addicted to them, just as long as the junk food company can't lose money. Junk food companies are out to
make a profit (that's what businesses do). Unfortunately, a school has the captive target group for them, and they know it. BTW, some "100% fruit
juices" contain some true fruit juice but also the fruit sugar residue which qualifies as "juice" but is not nutritious
God bless the teachers that try to teach students who get high then crash down after a sugar rush!
I will end here.