posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 05:34 PM
Anyone catch this video on CBS?
Here is the story link:
Here is the actual video link of the conversation about the attacks that are being planned .. and foiled..
Rather interesting stuff...
[edit on 25/8/2006 by Mirthful Me]
Mod Note (This Appears On Every New Thread/Post Reply Page): MEMBERS: Do not simply post news articles in the forums without comment. If you feel
inclined to make the board aware of current events, please post the first paragraph, a link to the entire story, AND your opinion, twist or take on
the news item.
Edited: Sorry, didn't see that other post, and I wanted to comment but the big boss came in. Please Delete Post...
/bows head in shame and heads over to that other post that he missed.....
[edit on 25/8/2006 by wyldwylly]