posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 12:27 PM
In this paper I am going to address observation. I am also going to explain how biblical texts and other ancient texts are explaining something we are
now only beginning to unravel. I want to first clarify some things right off the bat so no one is confused at my wording. These explanations are only
one way of looking at things, I am just using words and phrases that I believe are more common and will help understand this phenomenon.
Quanta – I will be using this word to describe Pure Energy, and God (The One ‘True’ God)
Light Body – What I am talking about here is the pure energy that forms every cell in our body
Love – This is perhaps the hardest thing for me to clarify. In this paper what I mean by love is acceptance of EVERYTHING, no limitations or
boundaries. Not just tolerating things, this involves no negative thoughts whatsoever. You observe only how to make things acceptable. (Christ and
Light will also mean the exact same thing as love)
Hate – This is slightly easier to explain. In this paper what I mean by hate is ignoring any one particular thing purposely when they know it
is ‘love.’ (Lucifer, Satan, Darkness will also mean the exact same as hate)
Neural Net – This is everyone’s separate observation that is stored within the brain, which is our memory or account of our
Flesh – This is also difficult to explain, especially if you think your flesh body is the only YOU there is. What I am using this to describe
in this paper is a container for pure energy. A mould if you will, like one in a plastic factory. The mould contains the liquid and prevents any from
spilling out or in except what is necessary to form its design.
I would like to comment on observation because it is a very hard to grasp concept. Observation is not just looking with the eyes as most
people think, and not just hearing things or feeling/hearing vibrations. It is not just smelling things. Observation pours into our body constantly,
literally pours into our senses; it flows directly into our light bodies, because they are all one.
We all allow certain amounts of quanta into our own bodies, so in a manner of speaking, those who do not accept or those who do not
associate with certain quanta flowing in, kill those energies and they are left uncoded, therefore it doesn’t interact with its counterpart of
quanta within our light body and thus cannot be influenced or manipulated or accepted or disagreed with; there was no communication between
‘spouses’ of quanta.
Everything OUT-THERE has its quanta counterpart IN-HERE(Our Bodies) but both are the same thing, (quanta) but one is the observer and one is the
observation. Another way of looking at it is, a cat has certain quanta that forms it, just as we have certain quanta that forms us, some of these
quanta interact better with each other more than others, not that they don’t get along, just that some quanta has a greater pull on other quanta.
The flesh is also the tree of good and evil, that was the job of the mould to filter out the evil and filter enough of the good in to create the
design. Don’t eat of it meant don’t allow that to be your only ‘food’ or observation. We did and that is our neural net; a stored up equation
of every situation you’ve ever encountered.
In biblical texts and other religious texts explaining who God is we hear of the ‘one true god’ being described as; not right to think of as
anything in particular, formless, not light and not dark, but existing as everything and everywhere, the creator of ALL things and his ‘son’
Christ and the other ‘son’ Satan/Lucifer (the son the religious figures or someone tried to explain away as a fallen angel.)
I explain this likewise, Christ/Love is our observation when it accepts all things (quanta), and Satan/Hate is our observation when we ignore certain
things (quanta). The ultimate GOD or ONE God or Father of All is Quanta because it is of all things and creates all things. The light, or Christ,
LOVES all things, no exceptions, so if you are full of Christ, or LOVE, or Light, you are allowing all of the good Quanta to interact with all the
good Quanta inside you.
Because quanta is still formless as pure energy it is ying and yang, both good and bad at once; therefore it is us that pulls the quanta into forms
either interacting with the good quanta or the bad quanta (Christ or Satan, figuratively speaking.) Love is the reposed acceptance of the quanta
already present, all quanta is inherently good until formed in hate.
Hate is the questioning of the quanta’s overall ability to be good, it takes good quanta and forms it as bad quanta.
I will use a dramatic example to somewhat make sense of this, rape for instance, the act of love-making is inherently good, and so is the love
associated. Through observations the person has deemed themselves ‘bad’ in that department of quanta, that person didn’t accept their sexual
love-life, deemed it bad, or viewed it through hate and created negative love instead of positive love which is possible because quanta is all things.
Now rape and then murder is the person realizing their creation formed through hate and wanting to ‘fix’ their creation because they are ashamed
they try to destroy what they’ve done, they try to erase the mistake they made, now I know this doesn’t explain the horrible fact of a victim
being present but I don’t want to touch that subject in this paper.
Hate is a way of filtering quanta to make a world or awareness that we feel comfortable in, a place where a person only allows certain quanta to
interact with themselves.
You as a fleshy being or a pool of water are either mixing with Light, Christ, Love.... or you are mixing with Darkness, Hate, Satan
(exclusively) now what I mean by exclusively is, you cannot love all things and at the same time hate some things. Remember how the texts said
Quanta (GOD) cannot be both at once. The reason is if you mix darkness with light it becomes ‘shining darkness’. i.e. you cannot mix oil and
water, they remain they’re own separate forms even when combined in a container, or ‘flesh’ one cannot become the other, but love includes
everything, so in a manner of speaking love is darker than hate because it includes all facets of hate, accepts them all and will transform
them into a higher form of quanta through love, this is perhaps the hardest thing in the paper to explain.
Our experience is interacting with Quanta (GOD) which is everything and everywhere. We create it to be Christs or Satans, Love or Hate. Our situations
are either totally love or totally hate and it affects us thus it cannot be mixed, i.e. I feel really sick but I’m a millionaire, or I am sedated
from medication because I’m sick, it has still affected you and your observations have changed accordingly.
Another good example would be our modern cancer treatments, the way we cure patients of cancer is to kill the cancer, but wait a minute, those cells
are still ‘us’, they are still quanta it is merely malformed quanta, and can be manipulated to form into good quanta, destroying it is just
destroying something that cannot be destroyed which is the light body or energy. Destroying cancerous cells is still destroying cells and that is what
we are, our cells are not foreign creatures working for us, they are us, and killing someone for being malformed IS a crime when it takes the form of
a human being, what is the difference when everything around us is the same AS us, (Quanta, or pure energy.. it’s simply formed differently, like
our races, black, white, red, yellow, we don’t destroy black, white, red and yellow people because they are formed different [although I’m aware
of the slaves, and WWII, I’m not ignorant that we have done so] but it is looked upon with horror, why is our cancer treatments not?.)
I am using the cancer example to show how we need to manipulate our surroundings of quanta not destroy the parts we wish to ignore. Now about our
currently perceived observations and why we are ‘stuck’ creating the same realities.
For instance...
A tree: the quanta it is formed with can be manipulated, we were taught from birth how things are (our neural net) until we break from that
'knowing' we cannot manipulate things. The tree could be purple, if we wanted to observe it that way, the way we do that would be to observe the
pure energy of the tree, and from the inside of us, (our light body) we would 'speak' to the pure energy and manipulate it accordingly... Its very
hard to talk about in words.
Our light body or pure energy that is inside us, communicates (when permitted) to the outside world, creating it through our mould/flesh the reason
why the world looks like it does, is because we were OPEN creatures when we were born perceiving quanta in its true form, formless with all this
energy flowing in and no screening. But to learn we needED to screen certain things so we can learn other things (from birth.) We needed to develop
our light body and 'grow' it with interaction with Quanta or God and through this interaction exercising our talents of creation or forming the
quanta according to our will. Now you can also bring your flesh with you or move your light body around in your mould. Like a plastic factory mould
our flesh stops things from coming in or going out of the mould until the product is complete according to the design, we can choose to remain in our
mould which most people do. But we have the capability to leave the mould at any time i.e. out of body experiences and what not. Our problem is the
fact we rely on the 'reality' we were told and taught but now that we have learned to will our observations we like to stick to the observations
we've already made because we need further instructions because we have a hard time influencing new ones.