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Information on Creating Reality (Observation)

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posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 12:27 PM
In this paper I am going to address observation. I am also going to explain how biblical texts and other ancient texts are explaining something we are now only beginning to unravel. I want to first clarify some things right off the bat so no one is confused at my wording. These explanations are only one way of looking at things, I am just using words and phrases that I believe are more common and will help understand this phenomenon.

Quanta – I will be using this word to describe Pure Energy, and God (The One ‘True’ God)

Light Body – What I am talking about here is the pure energy that forms every cell in our body

Love – This is perhaps the hardest thing for me to clarify. In this paper what I mean by love is acceptance of EVERYTHING, no limitations or boundaries. Not just tolerating things, this involves no negative thoughts whatsoever. You observe only how to make things acceptable. (Christ and Light will also mean the exact same thing as love)

Hate – This is slightly easier to explain. In this paper what I mean by hate is ignoring any one particular thing purposely when they know it is ‘love.’ (Lucifer, Satan, Darkness will also mean the exact same as hate)

Neural Net – This is everyone’s separate observation that is stored within the brain, which is our memory or account of our observations.

Flesh – This is also difficult to explain, especially if you think your flesh body is the only YOU there is. What I am using this to describe in this paper is a container for pure energy. A mould if you will, like one in a plastic factory. The mould contains the liquid and prevents any from spilling out or in except what is necessary to form its design.

I would like to comment on observation because it is a very hard to grasp concept. Observation is not just looking with the eyes as most people think, and not just hearing things or feeling/hearing vibrations. It is not just smelling things. Observation pours into our body constantly, literally pours into our senses; it flows directly into our light bodies, because they are all one.

We all allow certain amounts of quanta into our own bodies, so in a manner of speaking, those who do not accept or those who do not associate with certain quanta flowing in, kill those energies and they are left uncoded, therefore it doesn’t interact with its counterpart of quanta within our light body and thus cannot be influenced or manipulated or accepted or disagreed with; there was no communication between ‘spouses’ of quanta.

Everything OUT-THERE has its quanta counterpart IN-HERE(Our Bodies) but both are the same thing, (quanta) but one is the observer and one is the observation. Another way of looking at it is, a cat has certain quanta that forms it, just as we have certain quanta that forms us, some of these quanta interact better with each other more than others, not that they don’t get along, just that some quanta has a greater pull on other quanta.

The flesh is also the tree of good and evil, that was the job of the mould to filter out the evil and filter enough of the good in to create the design. Don’t eat of it meant don’t allow that to be your only ‘food’ or observation. We did and that is our neural net; a stored up equation of every situation you’ve ever encountered.

In biblical texts and other religious texts explaining who God is we hear of the ‘one true god’ being described as; not right to think of as anything in particular, formless, not light and not dark, but existing as everything and everywhere, the creator of ALL things and his ‘son’ Christ and the other ‘son’ Satan/Lucifer (the son the religious figures or someone tried to explain away as a fallen angel.)

I explain this likewise, Christ/Love is our observation when it accepts all things (quanta), and Satan/Hate is our observation when we ignore certain things (quanta). The ultimate GOD or ONE God or Father of All is Quanta because it is of all things and creates all things. The light, or Christ, LOVES all things, no exceptions, so if you are full of Christ, or LOVE, or Light, you are allowing all of the good Quanta to interact with all the good Quanta inside you.

Because quanta is still formless as pure energy it is ying and yang, both good and bad at once; therefore it is us that pulls the quanta into forms either interacting with the good quanta or the bad quanta (Christ or Satan, figuratively speaking.) Love is the reposed acceptance of the quanta already present, all quanta is inherently good until formed in hate.

Hate is the questioning of the quanta’s overall ability to be good, it takes good quanta and forms it as bad quanta.
I will use a dramatic example to somewhat make sense of this, rape for instance, the act of love-making is inherently good, and so is the love associated. Through observations the person has deemed themselves ‘bad’ in that department of quanta, that person didn’t accept their sexual love-life, deemed it bad, or viewed it through hate and created negative love instead of positive love which is possible because quanta is all things. Now rape and then murder is the person realizing their creation formed through hate and wanting to ‘fix’ their creation because they are ashamed they try to destroy what they’ve done, they try to erase the mistake they made, now I know this doesn’t explain the horrible fact of a victim being present but I don’t want to touch that subject in this paper.

Hate is a way of filtering quanta to make a world or awareness that we feel comfortable in, a place where a person only allows certain quanta to interact with themselves.

You as a fleshy being or a pool of water are either mixing with Light, Christ, Love.... or you are mixing with Darkness, Hate, Satan (exclusively) now what I mean by exclusively is, you cannot love all things and at the same time hate some things. Remember how the texts said Quanta (GOD) cannot be both at once. The reason is if you mix darkness with light it becomes ‘shining darkness’. i.e. you cannot mix oil and water, they remain they’re own separate forms even when combined in a container, or ‘flesh’ one cannot become the other, but love includes everything, so in a manner of speaking love is darker than hate because it includes all facets of hate, accepts them all and will transform them into a higher form of quanta through love, this is perhaps the hardest thing in the paper to explain.

Our experience is interacting with Quanta (GOD) which is everything and everywhere. We create it to be Christs or Satans, Love or Hate. Our situations are either totally love or totally hate and it affects us thus it cannot be mixed, i.e. I feel really sick but I’m a millionaire, or I am sedated from medication because I’m sick, it has still affected you and your observations have changed accordingly.

Another good example would be our modern cancer treatments, the way we cure patients of cancer is to kill the cancer, but wait a minute, those cells are still ‘us’, they are still quanta it is merely malformed quanta, and can be manipulated to form into good quanta, destroying it is just destroying something that cannot be destroyed which is the light body or energy. Destroying cancerous cells is still destroying cells and that is what we are, our cells are not foreign creatures working for us, they are us, and killing someone for being malformed IS a crime when it takes the form of a human being, what is the difference when everything around us is the same AS us, (Quanta, or pure energy.. it’s simply formed differently, like our races, black, white, red, yellow, we don’t destroy black, white, red and yellow people because they are formed different [although I’m aware of the slaves, and WWII, I’m not ignorant that we have done so] but it is looked upon with horror, why is our cancer treatments not?.)

I am using the cancer example to show how we need to manipulate our surroundings of quanta not destroy the parts we wish to ignore. Now about our currently perceived observations and why we are ‘stuck’ creating the same realities.

For instance...
A tree: the quanta it is formed with can be manipulated, we were taught from birth how things are (our neural net) until we break from that 'knowing' we cannot manipulate things. The tree could be purple, if we wanted to observe it that way, the way we do that would be to observe the pure energy of the tree, and from the inside of us, (our light body) we would 'speak' to the pure energy and manipulate it accordingly... Its very hard to talk about in words.

Our light body or pure energy that is inside us, communicates (when permitted) to the outside world, creating it through our mould/flesh the reason why the world looks like it does, is because we were OPEN creatures when we were born perceiving quanta in its true form, formless with all this energy flowing in and no screening. But to learn we needED to screen certain things so we can learn other things (from birth.) We needed to develop our light body and 'grow' it with interaction with Quanta or God and through this interaction exercising our talents of creation or forming the quanta according to our will. Now you can also bring your flesh with you or move your light body around in your mould. Like a plastic factory mould our flesh stops things from coming in or going out of the mould until the product is complete according to the design, we can choose to remain in our mould which most people do. But we have the capability to leave the mould at any time i.e. out of body experiences and what not. Our problem is the fact we rely on the 'reality' we were told and taught but now that we have learned to will our observations we like to stick to the observations we've already made because we need further instructions because we have a hard time influencing new ones.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 01:05 PM
For historical purposes, originally posted here:

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 02:11 PM
dnero -- thanks for an interesting post :-)

In reading it, I couldn't help thinking we were sent without the vital instruction book, do you agree?

I appreciate that it's possible we WERE privy to instruction pre-birth, between lives, etc, as the case may be.

The fact remains though that we didn't land in a lake of enlightenment when we were born. And from the outset, our minds register innumerable emotions, impressions, etc.

For example, an abused child reacts to the abuse. The child MOST often offers love, loyalty, trust, etc. and in return is subjected to rejection, manipulation, physical, mental and emotional pain, betrayal, etc.

Anger is said to be 'disappointed hope' and in the case of the abused child above (who's hope is thwarted at every turn) this amounts to a gutful of anger from an early age. If the child's defence system failed to convert pain to anger, the child would swiftly wither on the vine, sicken, die or become an emotional vegetable.

So there we see hope converted to anger converted to hate/fear, converted to a future filled with misery, both for the abused child and his/her potential future targets/victims. Multiply this by many millions in varying degrees of misery and you have the world in which we live.

How many will learn or understand your claim: " You as a fleshy being or a pool of water are either mixing with Light, Christ, Love.... or you are mixing with Darkness, Hate, Satan (exclusively) now what I mean by exclusively is, you cannot love all things and at the same time hate some things. " ?

Most folk do their best, despite their circumstances, genetics, past experiences. They're herioc. But according to your post (and I'm not criticising it) most people haven't a hope of attaining their potential or of converting 'hate' (as per your definition) to 'love' (as per your definition).

The usual response to this is one of: 'That's why we require to reincarnate many times, in order we may be purified by karma until we're worthy of moving to the next level', or to that effect.

All of which may be fine in theory, but it tends to work out differently, here on the ground. Basically it's similar to hitting a lab-rat with a myriad random, painful and confusing experiences to see if it can decipher the scientist's wish that it play the Brandenburg Concerto.

To begin with, humankind is encased in bodies ('Flesh' in your definition) with atavistic and animal heritage and DNA. People are not provided a neutral 'Flesh' (as per your definition). If they WERE, then it would be a level playing field at least, wouldn't it? Instead, babies are born in bodies that contain traces of DNA bequeathed by literally thousands of forebears, many of whom suffered from a variety of physical and mental diseases, any combination of which may determine that child's future (and those of that child's own children) to greater or lesser degree. If you have a child/children of your own, then you'll be aware that when it comes to a contest between nurture and genetics; genetics wins out hands down in the long run.

Then the environment itself requires to be factored in. If you are a small child in Iraq who's seen his family, his pets, his neighbours, his wider community ravaged by preventable disease, depleted uranium, gunfire and worse -- and if you (that Iraqi child) have already inherited from your forebears a violent temper, for example, or tendency to depression .......... could any god justify placing upon you demands that you regard all you have experienced as an expression of love? Could any god justify the expectation that you WOULD somehow COME to regard all around you IN pure, unfettered 'love' (as per your definition) ?

The beggar child in Calcutta will probably never be advised that it is his purpose in life to regard everything with 'love' (as per your definition). So he and millions like him will slip through the net of knowledge (as contained within your post) which will supposedly enable them to transcend ALL the impediments they inherited at birth and will experience throughout their very difficult life experience.

In fact, it would be interesting to learn just how many individuals on this planet will depart their earthly life in the state of pure grace and 'love' (as per your definition). Who will they be: trillionaires at the pinnacle of Maslow's heirarchy who have been provided the leisure, comfort, sense of utter security and time via which they have been able to (1) find out about the situation as described in your post and (2) been likewise provided an environment in which to develop the 'love' (as per your definition) mind-set ?

But how could even those privileged individuals even begin to approach 'love' (as per your definition) when their privileged condition is provided via the sweat and suffering of others?

So in the final analysis, humankind is disadvantaged from the outset. Only the most cynical would propose development of 'exclusive love' (per your definition) that cannot contain within it one iota of 'hate' (your definition) to a species that is forged of animal characteristics and instincts and thrust into a maelstrom; a continuing series of catastrophes; a bubbling caudron of conflict and conflicting messages and advice.

Again, most people do their best, despite their circumstances, genetics, environment, etc. And they ARE herioc.

Give those people a decent chance, a level playing field, a clean-slate at birth ---- and they would be BLINDINGLY, stunningly god-like in their goodness !

So yes please, God -- send down the instruction manuals: teach everyone to read; provide them sustenance and the peace in which to contemplate and perfect the 'love' they all FEEL inside and WISH to express ........ and then sit down and enjoy the glorious spectacle displayed by god-like souls as they reach towards their potential ! Bring it on God -- we've been waiting a hell of a long time.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 02:23 PM
You must have misunderstood some of my points...
Because the love I'm talking about incorporates all the hate there is in the world... that is the point of it...

and God is not a person or thing.. other than pure energy in no form, yet existing in everything... so 'he' is not going to send you a manual...

and like I said... within everything... dna/rna, there is pure energy, which it is formed of. this pure energy can be 'unformed' and reformed, from state-to-state according to observation. These concepts I know are hard to learn or execute, but we have to start somewhere.

your statement about not landing in a lake of enlightenment I find intriguing.. Where did all those ancient 'religeous' texts come from? We are the lake of enlightenment... We are made of pure energy... therefore its all there..

[edit on 25/8/06 by dnero6911]

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 02:56 PM
Denero -- I do appreciate your intentions, I do. And it's entirely possible I failed to understand and/or misinterpreted your post.

This is what you said:

quote: " You as a fleshy being or a pool of water are either mixing with Light, Christ, Love.... or you are mixing with Darkness, Hate, Satan (exclusively) now what I mean by exclusively is, you cannot love all things and at the same time hate some things. Remember how the texts said Quanta (GOD) cannot be both at once. The reason is if you mix darkness with light it becomes ‘shining darkness’. i.e. you cannot mix oil and water, they remain they’re own separate forms even when combined in a container, or ‘flesh’ one cannot become the other, but love includes everything, so in a manner of speaking love is darker than hate because it includes all facets of hate, accepts them all and will transform them into a higher form of quanta through love, this is perhaps the hardest thing in the paper to explain.

Our experience is interacting with Quanta (GOD) which is everything and everywhere. We create it to be Christs or Satans, Love or Hate. Our situations are either totally love or totally hate and it affects us thus it cannot be mixed, i.e. I feel really sick but I’m a millionaire, or I am sedated from medication because I’m sick, it has still affected you and your observations have changed accordingly. " end quote.

So, as you said:

quote: " you cannot love all things and at the same time hate some things. Remember how the texts said Quanta (GOD) cannot be both at once."

Denero, it's just after dawn here, so it's very possible I simply am not grasping this in the manner in which you intended it, for which I apologise. However, my point was, it is literally impossible for the average disadvantaged person or child NOT to 'hate some things'. If you were being beaten and starved and you were NOT automatically an 'enlightened' soul, do you imagine that you (Denero) would NOT hate your abusers as well as hating a world that forced you to eat literal garbage from the street at the same time privileged others threw glorious banquets into the trash every few hours?

Therefore, the disadvantaged child WOULD 'hate some things' That's the nature of things.

Or Denero ......... are you saying/do you mean that if the beggar child loves SOME things, then this love will permeate EVERYthing within his 'flesh' (likened to a plastic container) SO THAT EVERY emotion within that 'container' will be transmuted to 'love'/god ?

Because if that IS what you are saying --- then GREAT ! WONDERFUL ! As it should BE !

I'll return tomorrow night to read your future posts.

In the meantime, please be assured that I use the term 'god' as common shorthand for the intelligence and other source that I personally regard as 'god'. 'God' is a term used in this way by many.

Likewise the 'instruction manual'. By that I mean not a LITERAL book of instruction but more a set of circumstances/ dimensional states, similar in a way to the alleged universal unconscious, which would provide and nurture ongoing, information -- let's say a infinite 'sea of knowledge' being made available to us (as it may well be, in fact, as we speak). Imagine a South Sea island atoll -- a pale turquoise sea surrounding humankind, in which we would float, breathe -- all the while absorbing automatically into every cell of our various bodies (physical, etheric, astral, etc) --- every atom of wisdom and information in the cosmos. In a sense, we would be God's brain cells --- as we may well be, actually. THAT is roughly what I meant by 'instruction manual', ok?

Have to go for now, but please don't regard my post as criticism -- it's just my take, my SAD take on what is largely a sad situation for so many.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by Dock6

Likewise the 'instruction manual'. By that I mean not a LITERAL book of instruction but more a set of circumstances/ dimensional states, similar in a way to the alleged universal unconscious, which would provide and nurture ongoing, information -- let's say a infinite 'sea of knowledge' being made available to us (as it may well be, in fact, as we speak). Imagine a South Sea island atoll -- a pale turquoise sea surrounding humankind, in which we would float, breathe -- all the while absorbing automatically into every cell of our various bodies (physical, etheric, astral, etc) --- every atom of wisdom and information in the cosmos. In a sense, we would be God's brain cells --- as we may well be, actually. THAT is roughly what I meant by 'instruction manual', ok?

I reread my post and once again I assumed I included something I did not..

the mould example I used I meant to elaborate on... We need this flesh and the shields of hate to learn things... it has to form the light body which eventually takes over, or 'can' take over ('physically' capable or 'metaphysically' capable.. lol)
So the barriers are in place for a reason to strengthen the light body... somewhat like buddha said... "the prettiest lillies grow from the filthiest muck"

also this parable my cousin told me...

ITS LIKE a tree, trying to be a rock
we think we're a rock, because were told were a rock
but in fact we are a tree pretending to be a rock
just be a tree
we (trees) have roots, rocks dont have roots

[edit on 25/8/06 by dnero6911]

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 03:50 PM
Mmmm. Well, I didn't sensibly go to bed at that point -- instead I made a cup of coffee, meaning you'll have to tolerate one last post before I drag myself off.

Denero, you said:

Quote: " ... your statement about not landing in a lake of enlightenment I find intriguing.. Where did all those ancient 'religeous' texts come from? We are the lake of enlightenment... We are made of pure energy... therefore its all there.. " unquote.

Whilst I agree we are pure energy, it's a fact that as far as we are aware MOST of the time, our pure energy is encased in heavy flesh, blood, bone, intestines and other organs ... which on THJS level/in this dimension, comprise our 'containers'.

AS fleshly, material 'containers' (I ususally use the word 'vehicles') we are required to contend with a physical world. ALSO, our fleshly containers/vehicles HURT quite frequently. We often believe ourselves/our containers to be base. Our material bodies make unequivocal demands on us. We are required to obey those demands. If we fail to feed and water our bodies, they stop. And they hurt while they're in the process of stopping, quite often. They also hurt if we're beaten or shot or stabbed or whipped or punched etc., as so many are, as we post in forums.

So a large proportion of our energy and mental and emotional expenditure is expended, of necessity, upon our bodies/containers/vehicles and on those of others.

We are required during this earthly experience to have our physical feet on the ground, no matter how we desire to let our minds rise to the skies.

As humans, we've been handed a very, VERY tough task. And a lot of how well we cope depends on the cards we were dealt (inherited traits, circumstances, etc at birth and afterwards). And there's no point arguing that fact. Some of us were fortunate, some very fortunate and some very UNfortunate.

As to ancient religious texts and their origin; some of those origins are known, others a matter for speculation. How long has man existed in this material, three dimensional earthly plane? Again, some is known and the rest remains a matter of speculation.

So then, how ancient is 'ancient' ? If mankind has existed on earth (shorthand for 3-dimensional, material dimension) for 10 million years, then the religious texts available to us today may not actually be so 'ancient' in comparison, right? If mankind has existed on earth for 900 million years, those supposedly 'ancient' texts become relatively recent in origin.

Whatever the case, religious texts on their own mean nothing, really. Our current-day religious texts will be considered 'ancient' in twenty million years time. Does that mean our current-day religious texts are valid; are an infallible source; are derived from infallible sources; are a true account of 'god', the place of mankind in the physical universe and to be considered 'wise' and a blueprint for future generations and their sole chance for spiritual enlightenment etc.? Nope.

I can paint and draw, as can millions more. I can conjure up some pretty impressive esoterical stuff when I'm in the mood (and that's without drugs) as can millions of others. I've had some 'interesting' experience which COULD be interpreted as 'spiritual' -- as have many millions more. Given time, someplace isolated, someone to bring me food and water and some paints and paper -- millions of people could produce some very impressive, spiritually elevating texts, paintings, music, etc.

Yes ------- we are spiritual beings; we contain marvellous stuff and we're often able to express and share it even in the most inhospitable and mundane surroundings. I've read some incredibly good stuff on forums just like this, penned by people who spend the majority of their time & energy playing football or working as accountants and check-out operators.

If people took the time -- or HAD the time -- to produce what's inside them and if they stuffed it inside pottery containers and buried it in the desert, then who's to say they wouldn't be regarded as sages by people who discovered those things in the future?

Mankind seems to always have reached beyond himself -- reached to god-figures. Just as mankind seems always to have regarded god-figures as their future salvation. The origins of those beliefs are both lost in the past and here right now in the present, within each of us. Many people have expressed this far better than my poor old brain is able to manage right now. So, despite not knowing WHY mankind is this way, we should simply accept that it is so. Mankind does not regard this earthly life as 'all there is'. Mankind has most often trusted that a better life follows the one he's living. Mankind either CHOOSES to think this way, or this way of thinking is an integral part of his being; in other words, mankind may have been ENGINEERED to feel and believe as he does. But he STILL has to cope with flesh and blood and pain that transforms to anger, etc. Mankind is an enigma, a fascinating creature that may be providing a lot of entertainment or generating a lot of affection in something/someone, someplace.

It may even be that mankind is his own dream, a figment of his own imagination or even a creature in some cosmic child's version of a video game. We don't know. We just live it.

One of the greatest aspects of mankind, before I really do go this time, is his humour. Now THAT's something to ponder, isn't it? Talk about human spirit ! Human spirit is exemplified variously and to mankind's credit -- but (in my opinion anyway) it's the humour, in spite of all, that's the icing on the cake.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 04:05 PM
I will get more indepth with a response when I wake up too... but I wanted to comment on the humour factor... I like how you put it.. Like Robert A Heinlein in Stranger In A Strange Land, Valentine Michael Smith couldn't understand humour until he seen a big monkey go over and steal a smaller monkeys peanut... so the smaller monkey went and hit and even smaller monkey and stole his penut... and thats what made him understand humour... lol
he started laughing uncontrollably.

posted on Aug, 28 2006 @ 06:37 PM
as you said that you agree we are pure energy.... there are no other facts... there is just different forms of this energy, different observations concerning that energy...
What you speak of as 'vehicles' is more a mould than a vehicle, our conciousness or awareness is our vehicle. It is AS IF we were sent here to cultivate attention... to grow awareness in the form of this energy...

a question I would like to pose is, if everything is comprised of pure energy... every dimension, every 'level'... than how could you try to make differences in something that is all the same... its like explaining that the difference in one peeble is different than the same peeble.... there is and are nothing else except this 'pure energy' which assumes forms depending on the observation present when the pure energy is around that observer... the only difference is US... not US in the sense you think of as flesh... the US as pure energy which assumes it is something else...

Just like the parable I wrote... we are the pure energy trying to be the flesh and conciousness of that flesh, we are thinking we are flesh becaue we are told we are flesh, when in reality we are just 'pretending' to be flesh (pretending as in, 'make believe', or a 'fabrication' like the imagination of a child pretending to be cops and robbers or an astronaut) ... therefore we are observing the reality of this fabrication, when in actuality we are just pure energy. The body is somewhat the tree... and the shapes we assume or the branches we shoot forth are the fruit, which is either good or bad.. we were told in paradise (in pure awareness) no to eat from the fruit of the tree... thus being said it is possible that that meant not to assume the shape of flesh, not to take root to anything (the flesh being one of those things we are firmly rooted to) because apparently within the flesh we can only manifest two scenario... Good or Bad... but in the Pure Awareness state of 'obe' but more the pure awareness state before any roots were even formed.

I am now seeing where you are leading this conversation, and I would rather steer you back on track of what I was trying to establish...
Pain.. yes these 'vehicles' hurt or pain or depress...
I would like to recite something
When YOU change the way you look at things(pure energy).... The things(pure energy) you look at change
You have entered very hard to define territory.. because there are some individuals who quite enjoy what you call pain, physical or mental. I can go even further to say, that if a person were wholly aware of their surroundings, everything speaks to you, so you would hardly find yourself in a situation where these things could happen to you. Any truly aware person could give you prime examples but my awareness is on other things at the time.. a good way of putting it in my words would be, all quanta speaks to itself.

Concerning the ancient texts, now you are arising an altogether irrelevant circumstance of questions... The purpose I was asking is, those people and their texts we assumed were 'primary' to 'our science' and now we are discovering that everything in those texts is exactly correct and now fits under 'our science'
3 dimensions is just another way of saying aware of only 3 dimensions
I can see by some of your comments you don't quite see what is actually taking place before your very eyes... time is going to become extinct in a sense.. all of our 'yesterday' physics are just that, yesterday.... we have a new science, quantum physics and in this you will find your answers.

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 09:35 PM
I think you're on the right track. Prehaps you've heard of Meher Baba and his teachings? Read the Book "God Speaks" if you care to learn more about this subject.

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 10:20 PM
could be a relevant thread to this amazing discussion:

Title: The True God: Acceptance of the Infinite by dgoodpasture

Also, can anyone post good web sites about these said to be universal laws of good and bad, energy modifications, health

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 08:14 PM
are there any people on this forum that are masters of awareness? or masters of stalking?

... or masters of dreaming for that matter? If you could make yourself known for a discussion it would be nice.

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