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Where did those WMD'S go?

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posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 11:38 AM
So where did they go? Bush recieved inteligence that said Saddam had them, and they didn't turn up. So people chant Bush lied and kids died.
But I bet Clinton knew. He bombed Irag because they had WMD's . But Bush couldn't find them. But Bill Clinton knew and the democrats felt good that he knew. He knew because he made a speech that he knew.

So where did they go to. Between the time Clinton made that speech and the time we invaded looking for them, were did they go.

[edit on 25-8-2006 by steve99]

[edit on 25-8-2006 by steve99]

[edit on 25-8-2006 by steve99]

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 11:40 AM
Did we check our bill of sales to confirm that Iraq had these weapons?

Remember good ol' Gulf War numero Uno?

I forget what half of those boxes had printed on them....

[edit on 25-8-2006 by Lysergic]

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 11:53 AM
While waiting for the incompetent world and the UN saddam moved them or hid them. Mostlikely the friendly bathist dictatorship of syria.

I mean is it any surprise. I remember being a kid and hearing my parents wonder if I had pornos or pot. What did I do when I heard that conversation I moved my illicit goods to another spot.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by Lysergic
Did we check our bill of sales to confirm that Iraq had these weapons?

Remember good ol' Gulf War numero Uno?

I forget what half of those boxes had printed on them....

[edit on 25-8-2006 by Lysergic]

France germany russia most likely were the countries printed on the boxs.

Yes the US did sell some Military hardware to saddam which was blown up during the first war. Chemicals mostly came from Europe. I'm sure some came from the US lets put things in context however...

As if a mistake is an excuse for inaction, if anything it makes it more of our responsiblity to disarm a bad guy we armed...

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 04:13 PM

Where did Saddam get his weapons? From the US of course! Here is a picture of current Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who is now one of Saddams harshest critic, shaking hands with Saddam in 1983. What were they doing together? Well Rumsfeld was there on behalf of the Bush\Reagan Administration to pave the way for US defense companies to sell chemical and biological weapons (like beubonic plague) to Saddam's regime!

Who Armed Saddam? Rumsfeld's Account Book

But where did those weapons go? Well, Saddam used them on the Kurds! He used the very chemical weapons purchased from the United States to gas thousands of Kurdish people. That was the reason the US gave to justify the fact that Saddam was evil, and a danger to the world. Thats how the CIA got all those pictures of those dead bodies. In fact, when it first happened, it was blamed on Iran! Now they blame it on Saddam! Ridiculous.

Its also interesting to note that Mr. Rumsfeld was on the board of a European company called ABB (still on the payroll), and in they sold a $200 million dollar contract to North Korea for Nuclear reactors! Where did North Korea get its nukes? The US gave NK the tools to create them!

The two faces of Rumsfeld

Its classic, as old as history itseld. You arm your enemies, point at them and say they are evil, then you move in and take them out.

Except they didnt bring peace and democracy to the Middle East, they brought war death and destruction. They swapped one evil regime for another.

[edit on 25-8-2006 by AscendedMaster]

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by steve99
So where did they go? Bush recieved inteligence that said Saddam had them, and they didn't turn up. So people chant Bush lied and kids died.
But I bet Clinton knew. He bombed Irag because they had WMD's .

The real threat was removed during Operation Desert Storm. Whatever remained after the real "shock and awe" - phase one - of the Iraq war was taken out through the work of the weapons inspectors during the sanctions phase (1990's).

The so-called intelligence Bush presented as evidence of a WMD threat (in the run-up to his invasion) was bogus. Anyone inside the CIA who made any noise about that was removed or silenced.

Its really sad that so many people still blame Clinton for so much of what BushCo. has wrought. I despised him as president just as much as any other conservative, but I will give him credit for staying the hand of these lunatic NeoClowns throughout his presidency.

They badgered him to invade throughout the 90s. Fortunately, he was smart enuff to know how full of crap they were. Unlike DUHbya.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 04:48 PM
Syria / Iran maybe??

Or, could it be that they actually lied about those weapons???

Hahahaha believe Bush ever again? i think it will be a cold day in hell before that happens again.

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 12:59 PM
everything with BushCo. is opposite. Black is white; day is night; reality is BushCon fantasy.

Those who trust them, are doomed.

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 01:14 PM
How is it BushCo. cares so much about stopping the threat of terrorism and nuclear proliferation? All of their actions have completely belied that.

Before the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the only known terrorists in that country were in the north, along the border of Iran (the MEK). These were enemies of the Saddam regime and listed as a terrorist group with the US state Dept. Today, they are US NeoCon puppets (anti-Iranian "freedom fighters"). They have been stricken from that state dept. terrorists list. So, now you have an actual terrorist entity in that country, terrorizing Iranians (mostly) - being sponsored by none other than the Bush regime. Black is white, indeed.

Until Bush himself authorized leaking the identity and status of CIA NOC Valerie Plame, she and her cover group (Brewster Jennings) were hot on the trail of those working to supply and advance Iran's nuclear program. Bush sez he is working to stop that, and yet they outted a highly sensitive and important project that did just that, putting God knows how many lives on the line - and ruining that very important work.

Bush claims to be fighting terrorism, yet his policies (if you can call them that) of detaining and torturing prisoners for information (that is mostly useless) is creating more terrorists by the day then we have ever seen. Night is day.

With the fall of communism and the military/indstrial complex gasping for an enemy to fight, BushCo. has artfully filled that vaccuum by supplying a seemingly never-ending number of those who truly hate our government. Torture one innocent civilian (b/c their brown and might pose a threat) and you will automatically create two or three more angry relatives who will fight us to the death to avenge the loss of life and dignity.

None of this is necessary... at least not to those of us who only wish to live our lives in peace and prosperity - wherever we are on earth.

Its time to call George W. Bush and his ilk what they are - like their old pal Saddam - War Criminals.

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 01:25 PM
Remember the huge report that Iraq gave on it's Chem / Bio programmes and the disposition and disposal programme? I think it was about 12,000 pages in it's orifinal form but, after US sensors had finished with it, it was reduced to around a third. Now then, I wonder what was in those missing few thousand pages and why the UN even allowed a doctored document to be used and not submitted in full.

Maybe the document whould have shredded some of the propaganda beong peddled at thew time by Bunnypants, Cheney and Rummy.

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 01:33 PM
If you and I are thinking of the same report, the redacted material pertained to US (corporate) involvement in the supplying of weapons materials and agents (think: Bechtel/Rumsfeld). US companies, along with their British and French counterparts, et cetra, were up to their eyeballs in supporting Saddam's regime against Iran.

They hypocrisy of this bunch knows no bounds.

That's why I said earlier that BushCo. should stand trial for war crimes right alongside Saddam. He would never have been able to gas Iranian forces or Kurds without the supply of gas.

Also, those in the Reagan/Bush admins who supported the Saddam regime should also be held to account. Rumsfeld and Cheney, tho, are the main culprits.

[edit on 8/26/06 by EastCoastKid]

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 03:09 PM

While waiting for the incompetent world and the UN saddam moved them or hid them. Mostlikely the friendly bathist dictatorship of syria.

I agree with you American Madman. That's what I would have done if I was Saddam. But then I'm still curious as to how much of a stockpile Saddam did have. Could he have used them all up in 80-88? Or did America destroy them all in 91?

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by verfed

While waiting for the incompetent world and the UN saddam moved them or hid them. Mostlikely the friendly bathist dictatorship of syria.

I agree with you American Madman. That's what I would have done if I was Saddam. But then I'm still curious as to how much of a stockpile Saddam did have. Could he have used them all up in 80-88? Or did America destroy them all in 91?

As I said before, the bulk of anything substantial Saddam had, in the way of nuclear capability, was taken out during Desert Storm. Anything he may have been keeping, ie chem/bio weapons, have a shelf-life - therefore, are worthless past a certain date. Anything the west supplied him in that way, would've been worthless by the time DUHbya decided to invade.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 07:39 PM

Where did those WMD'S go

May be they went into Canada? Perhaps, Bush needs a Pre-emptive strike in Canada, just in case? They must have used the illegal immigrants coming across the US border (from Mexico) to bring them up into the USA first, then they asked the CIIA to help move them into Canada.

Yes, indeed it's a post 9-11 world and premptive strike brings freedom!

[edit on 31-8-2006 by Cinosamitna]

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 07:44 PM
I know where the WMDs are.

They are in the same place where Santa, the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, and other nonexistant make-believe things exist.

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 07:46 AM
Believe it or not, the UN inspectors were far better than people have ever given them credit for. They poked and prodded and made such a damn nuisance of themselves that Saddam's little arsenal was exposed, tagged and destroyed, mostly by the Iraqis.
But the death blow to Saddam's vestigal WMD programme came after operation Desert Fox in 1998, which had a far greater effect on Saddam than people think - the amount of destruction was quite extensive and the mustachioed one was forced into a major rethink that saw his WMD programme dismantled.
The problem is that we didn't know any of this until after the Invasion of 2003, because the idiot had made such a song and dance of having these hideous things that admitting that he'd dumped them all would have been (in his mind) a sign of weakness.
According to one Iraqi general, when Saddam admitted that there were no WMDs before the invasion, morale sank pretty low very fast.

posted on Sep, 12 2006 @ 05:25 PM
To the premise that the WMD were moved, doesnt this validate Saddam's claim that he got rid of them?

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