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Scientists to invent time machine in near future

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posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 04:30 AM

The corridor of time does exist, but such a tour is trillion times riskier than a cruise in a basin with holes about the Pacific

A student from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology decided to organize a party and invited guests from the future, those who travel in time, to it. Guests may come in casual wear but must necessarily present evidences proving that they are not impostors. These may be medicines to cure AIDS or cancer, cold synthesis reactor or a thermonuclear reactor and things like this.

Modern science cannot give a definition of time. What is more, it cannot also prove that traveling in time is impossible. Anyone who goes for such a tour would inevitably grow older during the cruise according to the universal law of entropy growth. This is not a joke that meeting a grandchild of yours is quite possible according to the modern physics canons.

How can a human build a time machine? The recent sensational discoveries in the black holes sphere offers majority of opportunities for this purpose. Many of the discoveries have already won Nobel Prizes. Black holes are the vanguard of science, but it is not correct to believe that the existence of black holes is proved once and for all. Physics laws are symmetrical: if there is a black hole in which everything may drop but nothing can burst out from it, there must necessarily be a white hole into which nothing can fall but everything gets out of it. In other words, if one jumps into a black hole in one place he may jump out of a white hole in some other place. Does it sound crazy? According to Einstein's theory of relativity, there are solutions of this type. They are very instable, and a corridor from a black to a white hole may get closed because of slightest perturbations. This corridor does exist, but such a tour is trillion times riskier than a cruise in a basin with holes about the Pacific. Any physical body may be crushed in the center of a black hole.

The Director of Sternberg Astronomy Institute, the Russian Academy of Sciences, Anatoly Cherepaschuk, does not think the issue of traveling in time is too fantastic. On his way to the center of a black hole an astronaut will see his future and another universe disposed to our universe in the future. The astronaut would have to move quicker than the light speed to get into this universe some other way, which is impossible. Unfortunately, the astronaut will not be able to get back and tell what he saw in the future. He will not even go down in historical chronicles; outside spectators will always treat him as standing not further than the black hole verge.

Recently, some encouraging theories were developed to prove that some objects having no horizon of events exist in the powerful gravitational field; this allows traveling there and back in a time machine. American Kip Thorne and a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Igor Novikov, working in the west are connected with calculation of such objects. These objects are called mole burrows or space-time tunnels. Mole furrows are built of exotic vacuum-like material with negative pressure. In the tunnels, time goes back with respect to the outside space. Astronomers of the world dream of finding these mole furrows in the universe with the help of telescopes.

Many fiction authors described traveling into the past where people found the present-day world changed after the voyage because of their doings in the past. But physics theories state that these actions cannot be fulfilled with the help of a time machine: not only the past has an effect upon the future, but the future also influences the past. The cause-effect relations are very stable, and all events happen in such a way that they cannot be changed.

i would love to have a time machine. imagine the possibilities!!

anybody else want a time machine?

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 04:35 AM
No, that is the worst thing they could do, if 1 thing changes in the past, it could affect the present and future, imagine a racist went back in time and killed Churchill and Hitler won....
Or if someone killed the American president and England won the war..
Etc- I think we should step well away from this

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 08:54 AM
Well, this attempt to garner time travel from future people won't likely work...

But aside from that, the article does get a few things wrong.

First of all, there doesn't necessarily have to be White Holes in space. Why is this? Because of Hawking Radiation. All the matter that falls into a black hole eventually DOES come out as either matter or energy - but it's in so many pieces, and the pieces have nothing to do with the matter that went into the Black Hole in the first place.

Essentially, it's saying no information can survive burning a book into cinders. You can burn the book, and all the mass and energy stored in the book still exists, but not as paper and words, but rather as dust, smoke, and the small amount that was changed to heat to keep the fire going. No information survived, but the contents did.

The same happens with a black hole. Matter falls into it, but little by little Hawking Radiation gets rid of it, turning that mass into other particles (with 100% efficiency I might add) and energy, and slowly trickling it away.

Because of this, such a natural worm hole in THIS fashion would not exist, and thus a corridor for "time travel" also would not exist.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 11:27 AM
Just to update this no time travelers were in visible atendance at the MIT party. So if there are time travelers there no interested in party's or are shy and wouldn't come forward at the party.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 11:30 AM
Going back to the dinosaur era and stepping on a twig or squashing just one bug, might change everything. Although some sweeping factor we are not aware might make things the same, our concept causality theory suggests rampant possibilities with very small changes the further back in time it goes.

My favorite is going back, saving JFK, putting all the conspirators in jail, and returning the future or now, and seeing those Jetson cars and so forth, rather than a miserable dystopia from our now dysfunctional government. You might need an army of time travelers however, but I am sure there would be many willing volunteers. Perhaps only small changes might work, however perhaps more functional would be jamming up the Federal Reserve and Income Tax from every being created, while promoting an interest free fiat currency in perfect balance as it was about 1750 with continental script.

Naturally the rich boys having such time machines would thwart anything approaching a rational and prosperity formulating system, so half the battle would be defending yourself in this time travel idea.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 11:32 AM
by the way, to those who are saying that if someone does something in the time stream, it may change history...well...wouldn't it had already happened? I mean, if we madea time machine in the future, everything today is okay, so we're fine.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 11:38 AM
so, if you go back in time, does it change this time line and thus I'd never know or you going to end up creating a parallel universe?

lysergical minds wanna know

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 11:40 AM
Man, I'd love a time machine! Think of the possibilities!
I could eat and drink likes it's Thanksgiving every day, to the point that my stomach feels like it's about to explode, then step into the machine and POOF - go back in time an hour or so, and everything is good!
Or when I forget my wifes birthday - just stroll into that good old machine - while she's yelling at you of course - set it back a couple of hours, that way you can have a couple of beers before you go home to make her ranting and raving less painful. Man that's good stuff!
Hey do you think that thing will have a remote control so I don't have to move out of my chair? Now there's an idea!

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 11:44 AM

by the way, to those who are saying that if someone does something in the time stream, it may change history...well...wouldn't it had already happened? I mean, if we madea time machine in the future, everything today is okay, so we're fine.

I dont think so, becasue you were the one who changed it, you would remember the present to the point you went back and then when you retured to the present that it should be, you would find everything diffrent, even though every1 else think everythings normal, the time changer would and have to cope in a diffrent parrel universe.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 11:47 AM
Wouldn't you think that if you invented a time machine you'd go back in time to when you first started working on it, told yourself exactly how to do it, and saved yourself all of that wasted time trying things that didn't work? Maybe the time machine's already been invented in the future that we've had access to for years now!

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 11:49 AM
OMG, thats so strange, when ever i think of a time machine i think, if i made 1 i would go back and tell myself how to do it, and continue it down
, i would also teach myself things that i would have to learn the hard way, might aswell kill 2 birds with 1 stone lol

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 11:53 AM
Anyone remember the guy who said he built a form of a time machine, I watched a show on it a looooong time ago, he said it could send data on a beam of light, and that he would know it worked when he recieved a msg or some crap like that.

I wonder how that would effect this current reality.

and btw nobody answered my question:

so if you time travel do you change this time line or do you create another reality ie: parallel universe lysergical mind requires knowledge n stuff.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by Lysergic
so if you time travel do you change this time line or do you create another reality ie: parallel universe lysergical mind requires knowledge n stuff.

If I'm at your place right now explaining the answer, then you change this time line. Otherwise, I'm in a different reality explaining this to you.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 12:06 PM
ohhh, k.

So either way I'm not going to know, or truly care if someone alters the past, because it shall be my reality either way then?

What about batteries? Where they ever alive to begin with? jk

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 12:09 PM
Ok...that was confusing, but i rekon once your some-where diffrent in time, for instance when you drive a car, and it speeds up your realitly, all realitys infront and behind speed up to, so every moment you are in a diffrent reality, also i dont belive there is such a thing as a present (in general) becasue once you have establised a presence you are already in a diffrent one, lol.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 12:14 PM
So you are saying once we establish this is the present, its already the past by the time its left my mouth before its even entered your ears, or your eyes for that matter, because it's taking time for me to type this then a few seconds for it to even be posted then you actually have to read it and interpret it so now is not now, now, but now is now then for you and now its then for me, yet if i was to think of typing the next word that might be the future, which is soon to be now, but will have already become then?

man I'm going back to the answer the question with a question thread fo' I get in trouble muahaha.

ps: was that the longest sentence/question or what?

edit: for my own confusion

[edit on 25-8-2006 by Lysergic]

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 12:22 PM
I dont know abpout time travel. I believe it would be possible to travel into the future. Traveling back seems an impossibility as well as returning once youve travelled into the futrure. I believe thsi because you could probably accelerate forward but back is over and done with already. Thats my basic point id have to write for hours to explain any agree with this?

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 12:25 PM
The only problem is, we havent the technology to go very far very quick, it would also cost alot to go that far forward anyway, but i wouldnt like to go in the future, it doesnt mean you will live any longer.

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by krax
No, that is the worst thing they could do, if 1 thing changes in the past, it could affect the present and future, imagine a racist went back in time and killed Churchill and Hitler won....
Or if someone killed the American president and England won the war..
Etc- I think we should step well away from this

even if the future was changed by stepping on a bug all we have to do is rewind to were the bug was stepped on and not step on it. and we can also rewind to disaters of the century that were preventable and prevent them. alot of good can be done and alot of lives can be saved with a time machine in good hands.


posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 08:33 PM
I would love to have a time machine. I've always wanted to go back in time, especially to the time of dinosaurs or maybe back to the Garden of Eden to find out what really went wrong and what that metaphorical apple stood for. I saw this show on tv a couple of years ago where this guy made some sort of prediction that the end of the world as we know it would occur in 2012 and the reason for it would be the discovery of time travel. Interesting thought but who knows?!

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