posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 07:41 PM
Not really a solution because Jews are tied to that territory and their salvation is prophesied in Israel not Germany. They would not be happy in
Germany its not their promised land. If the Arabs had control or Muslims would the west be happy no.
The reason being is that even for Christians its Holy and we have a right to that land to. Anything that is Muslim means non-Muslims are not allowed
to entire. That with places like Mecca where non-believers are shut out of for example will also be the same fate to Israel land of Jews and
Christians. Its not Just Arab territory and that they will not share once they get hold of it. Israel was highjacked by the Romans then it get trashed
in AD70 and then the Muslims took over and built on TEMPLE MOUNT a shrine. Prophecy suggests that the Messiah and Jesus to the Bible will show up when
a third temple is Built on Temple Mount. Remember its called Temple Mount before Mosques were invented and evil forces will do anything to stop the
promise and delay it. Hence why even the Christians should defend Israel, it has fulfilled one promise already, as the nation of Israel should rise
again at the end times. Muslims can think the Jews were punished for their ways for trying to take over Germany and it was their fault. Some
Christians see that the WW2 punishment was for ignoring God's word and abandoning Isreal, which was a deal made with God, and ignoring scripture. Yes
the two are the same as each other if the Arabs accuse the Jews for wanting to change things as they do to.
Even though the world attention is for Israel Muslims always want independence once its gets enough power, they will act as victims to start of with
when the numbers are low and then over throw anyone that does not fit into Islamic law once it reaches a percentage. A true Muslim is one that lives
by its law and go to its fundamentals. That is why there are so many problems in Muslim populated areas because they will not accept anyone else’s
ways, and when they gain power they strike the Infidels. Just look at Muslim borders, why do they make such a fuss, Chechnya, Russia, , Philippians,
Bosnia, yes some are victims but its about wanting to split in the first place.
Even British schools had problems with head dress for example, if that is such a big issue imagine why nations laws that don't suite how it effect
them (WAR). Who is intolerant? Even democracy does not work, the Muslim system does not fit anywhere but its self and hence war and more wars and
terror attacks. Not saying war in Iraq is just but maybe it could help rid of some stubborn old ways and open doors where other people from other
faiths are allowed in Middle East countries without being treated as second class. Hope it makes sense its a big issue and a lot more can be said if I
am bothered tonight.
No if Israel becomes Palestine again it will only grow to Europe and the Muslim empire will want Europe next and more will begin as the world
domination of Islam is their task at hand also.