posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 10:48 AM
Yet another thread posted
For personal qualms against staff,
As for the members of this thread who don't seem to "get" the One-liner warn, please read the thread about warnings in the Board Information forum
or on the ATS Handbook.
One-line posts which add value to an ongoing discussion are fine, it is the kind of absolutely fruitless ones which we give the gentle slap for.
Examples of pointless ones:
2 I agree too!
3 This post is stupid...
4 What he said above.
Before getting upset at the concept of a One-Liner warning, please read about the context in which they are used and the very reason it exists, which
many veteran BBS/message board followers I'm sure happily accept and appreciate.
As for the confusion between Warns and staff warnings.... Warns are the red little images applied to a member for a violation of Terms and Conditions
), while warnings can be One-Liners, Big Quote, Unsuitable Avatar,
Unsuitable Signature, etc.
(Of an added note, the smartass one-line remarks doubled up to two lines in thsi very topic show an obvious lack of understanding of this staff
action, please read up.)