posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 06:41 PM
hi all
to the best of my recollection, this august 22 date originally came from alex jones - please correct me if I am wrong.
I made a point on another thread that due to the fact that because alex jones got some exposure on fox news, re his prediction, the 'nwo' have
postponed this event.
Why? Well the best way to discredit someone like jones is to make him look like a loon.
So, what we have is this:
alex jones (a fairly well respected anti-nwo stalwart) making predictions about a false flag event, just as he did with sep 11.
Rather than take him out (either by making him disappear of killing him off), the best way to deal with him would be to utterly discredit him.
Take away any credence he has, turn him into a crazy prediction throwing madman in the eyes of his peers, but not holding the event and then sometime
later this event will take place.
Think about this : what would have happened if jones hadn't made this prediction?
Would this nuke event have taken place?
I firmly beleive that bush/cheney et al are well capable of doing dropping a nuke on their own country to better their own agenda. Why? Cos imho they
killed 3,000+ people to start a number of wars, and possibly a few others to come (iran? syria? N korea?).
Bear in mind, these people do not live in the same world we do. They are playing the world's biggest chess game. Everything they do is for some
ulterior motive. The only losers are us. Joe Bloggs on the street.
To them waiting a week/month etc is nothing to them - it will happen at some point to further their own agenda.
I was reading the thread about the news reports from the US yesterday - all about that dude Karr (sp?) - nothing about the iranian attack on a
romanian oil rig, nothing about about the plane crash in america.
'Look over here folks - heres something more important - why? Cos we tell you it is'
These nwo guys don't worry about having to scrap enough to pay their electricity bills, their mortgages, their gas bills aso.
Just to show my point:
They are sorted for life. Look at dubyas track record as a business man. Even though he run a number of businesses into the ground (arbusto for eg) he
still made money out of it. From his cronies. Where did that money originally come from? My guess is public shares - shares bought by honest hard
working folk trying to make ends meet and to have enough to spend the last 20 or so years of their life in comfort.
These guys look after one another, not the people who elected them.
As a self employed business man, I know for a fact, that if i ran my own business they way he did, no-one would bail me out. Why? Cos I woulda failed
and I'm not a member of the nwo and I don't have the contacts he does.
I don't make dumb-ass decisions without considering the long term effect. and i like to think of myself as reasonably intelligent.
Ultimately this is the same as the nwo i suppose, but on a much smaller scale.
Same with this prediction by AJ. He made the prediction - the nwo saw this as an ideal way to get rid of his credibility, and simply postponed the
event. Why? Cos to remove one of their most out spoken critics on a false prediction and then have the nuke later serves 2 purposes.
Killing 2 birds and all that...
Even reading this site would give them enough of a clue that enough people (both US based and outside) are on to them.
This is not a prediction, but my own personal belief is that something big will happen before Dubyas presidential departure date. It may be a nuclear
attack, it may be a case of 'oh look - we killed bin laden', it may be a complete stock market crash, it may be something we haven't considered
Whatever it is gonna be, you can bet it will only affect regular joe, and not those in charge.
And it will happen when we least expect it. Just like in chess.