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Iran's Helicopters

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posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 07:48 AM
Just watching some video on the news of Iran's war game exercises, how come they are flying american made Huey Cobras...why not Russian?

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 08:11 AM
they produce their own versions of the cobra with their own modifacations
since they have shown that they canb reverse engeer stuff that they have brought,
since they were supplied with the most high tec weapons systems from the US during the shah raign because of the threat from the USSR

they also get new choppers from china and russia so they have quiet a formidable fleet

[edit on 22-8-2006 by bodrul]

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 08:25 AM
thanks...I have been wondering about this for the last couple days.

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 03:19 AM
Here alone wondering about the iranian military industry, here is a guide complied at wikipedia

EDIT: forgot to add link

[edit on 23-8-2006 by chinawhite]

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 03:43 AM
Seems I can't connect right now, or their site is doen, but the CIA world fact book is a great place to get stats. So I used an alternative source to fill in the details.

CIA Factbook: Military Iran

See link name for map ref.
The Genesis of a Deep Penetration Raid

Current and Projected National Security Threats

Weapons of Mass Destruction Capabilities and Programs



Lessons Learned: Iran-Iraq War

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 04:04 AM
I just clicked and it seems fine now.

Or try this link

The main helicopter being produced is the Shabaviz 2061 and Shabaviz 275 which is their version of the Bell 212 and 206

Their is also the Panha 2091 which is either the cobra produced with parts manufactured by themselves or bought on the black market

The rest of the fleet are dated from the 70s when iran was americas Saudi arabia

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 04:21 AM

Originally posted by chinawhite
the 70s when iran was americas Saudi arabia

But, were they ever "our" Sauds....

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 04:32 AM
You didn't control or influence them but they acted as an export ground

I used Saudi Arabia as a example of a trigger happy spending society. Yes they made themselves bankrupt by buying the lastest military gear from america (and some from around the world).

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 04:37 AM
Well, the obvious thing is that every one is ramping and gearing up for large and extended military operations. When the big first and second world nations pick up the pace, the lower ones naturally fall instep too.

It could be that the media is covering more than they usually do, but there is a reason for it all no matter what any ways.

Scroll down for helos;
Iranian Ground Forces Equipment
Iran Airforce

[edit on 23-8-2006 by ADVISOR]

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 06:43 AM
Some of the above information is out of date.

So i will post some of there ground and air equipment which has not been mentioned above :

(you can also check out some helicopters here if you scroll past the other Iranian manufactured weapons. They are further down the page for helicopters) :

and also check out my "Iraninan missiles" signiture link for other iranian missiles.


posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 07:14 AM
Great deal Iqonx, guess the thread starter got way more than they asked for. Considering the fact we all provided details beyond helicopters. LoL

So in keeping with that tradition, of not going off topic, but providing info. The following leads to Iran, please be forewarned I opened the file and it is a large one. I opened Angolia first and I thought that was big, this almost froze my system up. Large text file, includes locs of interest.

National Geospatial-Intelligence

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by iqonx
Some of the above information is out of date.

So i will post some of there ground and air equipment which has not been mentioned above :

(you can also check out some helicopters here if you scroll past the other Iranian manufactured weapons. They are further down the page for helicopters) :

and also check out my "Iraninan missiles" signiture link for other iranian missiles.

Theres a ALOT of western( being german , french , british and american) munitions in there , that have probably been reversed engineered (copied) - btw the US have copied Russian kit before.

and yes they might not be bleeding edge - but i wouldn`t want to be on the receiving end of them as they will be used in the event of a war - and they are many years ahead of the Iraqi army was.

The US has a tracked `square mile removal service` the iranians have a wheeled model.

Is it me or does the Zolfaghar 3 remind me of a similar design? It smacks of Chieftan but also compares to the Challenger 1 - they both use the sme gun anyway!

And that to me IS a danger to the US ground troops - if the Iranians have made DU rounds or bought them for there 120mm guns then the US tanks are at serious risk. Heck even teh normal Chieften load hurts 560mm RHAa

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by Harlequin

Is it me or does the Zolfaghar 3 remind me of a similar design? It smacks of Chieftan but also compares to the Challenger 1 - they both use the sme gun anyway!

Yes its true.

The shah of Iran purchased Cheiftan tanks from Britain during the 1970's.

At the end (around 1979ish) he recived the last of the line tanks which where Chieftain Mk5(P)- FV4030/1, FV4030/2 Shir (Lion)1 and 4030/3 Shir 2 ordered by Iran. These where the tanks which containned technollogy which was later used to make the British Challenger 1 tanks.

So the Iranians basically have a challenger 1 tank minus chobom armour, "suspension" system, power plants(engine) and tracks while the targeting system and electronics are almost or are 100% identicle to the challenger 1 tanks.

What the Iranians did was for the zulfgar 3 tank was to use an improved MBT body of Russian design and possibly even there own design and then use British cheiftan/challenger technology of the turret and targeting/sighting systems with improved upgrades of Russian tanks to create a 3 way hybrid of British, Russian and Iranian technology topped of with ERA armour on top.

So all the zulfghar 3 tank needs is chobom armour and you have something which is just as good as a British Challenger 1 tank.


[edit on 23-8-2006 by iqonx]

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 10:34 AM
i know this is OT , but i`ve been dying to know , do the Iranian Chieften improved mk5 (basically a challenger in all but armour) and Mk3/3 and 5/5 have any of them been upgraded to ROMOR and have TOGS?

as origianlly they didn`t come with them (except the improved mk5)

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by chinawhite
I just clicked and it seems fine now.

Or try this link

The main helicopter being produced is the Shabaviz 2061 and Shabaviz 275 which is their version of the Bell 212 and 206

Their is also the Panha 2091 which is either the cobra produced with parts manufactured by themselves or bought on the black market

The rest of the fleet are dated from the 70s when iran was americas Saudi arabia

Damn, I never realised how much stuf they have, now I am not sure how much is operational, but a space program they have a freakin space program. That makes me feel real comfortable. thanks for the wikipedia is a little scary, I kind of equated thier military to be on par with pre war Afghanistan, boy was I wrong.

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 02:36 PM
When they reverse engineer sometyhing like say those Bell Helicopters I assume they dont pay any type of liscensing or royalty type of fee's so why doesnt the orginal company like Bell sue them in a world court?? are they just a rouge country that does whatever like N. Korea making knockoff goods and even counterfeit $100 US bills and nobody stops them

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 03:00 PM
The world court only deals with issue`s between governments and not companies or individuals.

so bell couldn`t use it to sue iran

and its not a copy - its a home grown version that just happens to look identical

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Harlequin
i know this is OT , but i`ve been dying to know , do the Iranian Chieften improved mk5 (basically a challenger in all but armour) and Mk3/3 and 5/5 have any of them been upgraded to ROMOR and have TOGS?

as origianlly they didn`t come with them (except the improved mk5)

I'm not exacltly sure about the answer to this. There used to be a member called Mehran who would know the answer but i haven't seen him post here for a while.

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by warpboost
When they reverse engineer sometyhing like say those Bell Helicopters I assume they dont pay any type of liscensing or royalty type of fee's so why doesnt the orginal company like Bell sue them in a world court?? are they just a rouge country that does whatever like N. Korea making knockoff goods and even counterfeit $100 US bills and nobody stops them

Well first of all there not exact copies becuase Iran doesn't do that. What they do is modify the technology to be improved and more advanced then the origanal versions they use the latest Iranian, Russian and Chinese technology to upgrade there systems.

Also they can't be sued becuase America also broke it's agreement with Iran. During the time of the Shah America promised to continue supplying spare parts and replacement equipment for the stuff they sold to Iran but after the Islamic revolution they put an arms embargo on Iran and stopped the Transfer of parts and repair technology to Iran going back on the deal they had with the country to provide spare parts.

So becuase of this and Iran having lots of American equipment in there armed forces they where forced to manufacture there own spare components for all the equipment they had of all western weapons in there military and becuase of this they basically eneded up copying 100% of the components internal and external so now they can also manufacture and sell the same weapons and aircraft.

Interestingly enough Irans helicopters look similar to American aircraft from the outside but have recived major internal rebuilds and upgrades making them into a uniqe helicopter which cannot be labled a "copy" becuase it also used electronics from Iran, Russia and China making it a different helicopter same with there tanks, APC, IFV, fighter jets etc....

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 04:34 PM
Seems that most of you need more information. That's why I will educate you some of you Americans

Iran has the third largest helicopter fleet in the world which includes Home made UH-1 Huey/ AH-1 improved copy.

PANHA 2091 has new set of avoinics and inventory of weapons.

global security is very outdated.

[edit on 23-8-2006 by Mehran]

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