posted on Nov, 4 2002 @ 08:44 AM
Wow, I have to admit there are some quite remarkable posts on this thread. Everything from Hebrew 101 to All Christians are fascists and must die.
This is pretty cool.
phunky, everybody has their own choice on the Bible, and Religion, I say read the Bible with an open heart, ponder it, then do as it says in James 1:5
Ask God. We can all tell you this and that, our point of views etc, but what good will that really do? Christ said "knock and it shall be opened"
many times, so, Ask Him in faith after giving it some thought and listen to your heart. Sounds absurd I know, but it's better than listening to the
"All Christians are worshipping Satan!" routine.
Oh yeah, be careful of those cults, be careful also what is defined as a cult, some will tell "Heh that man is in a cult!" And be WAY off the mark.
That's what we get for relying too much on our own brains instead of "revelation" from the One True and Living God.
Adios, que le vaya bien.