posted on May, 31 2010 @ 03:09 AM
I just found this site and this topic is old but going to reply anyways. Been reading through alot of the post on here, I myself have the same but
many more things that happen honestly. Told my brother in may not to go to iraq told him exactly how he would be hit by a roadside bomb but he didnt
believe me, well 3 months later he deployed to iraq and 3 days before he was due to head back stateside his convoy was hit by a roadside bomb, when he
made it stateside after a 2week stay in rammstien he told me it happened exactly how I told him it would he now believes the things that I can do this
just being one of many. I knew the day he was hit sound crazy but I could hear the screams of the children and women when the bus that was driving in
front of them was hit also, could feel the heat from the blast could feel the sand and then blacking out before waking up, the biggest thing I learned
from that whole thing is no matter how your for warned you can't change whats gonna happen believe me I tried like hell to change it but couldn't. I
also saw in a few of the post that this stuff happens 2 or 3 days before an event well that is not always true for me its been 3 days to 5years till
the coming event.
I have seen ghost since the age of 6 or 7 can see them, feel them, even hear them at times, andfeel their rage hatetread, an sometimes it annoys the
heck out of me but I've learned to deal with that whole aspect of my gifts I guess I'd say.
When I'm just about to fall asleep at times I can hear conversasions being carried on and can even pick out whole clear conversasions it sounds like
a whole auditorium filled with people talking all at once and slowly I can pick out the clearer and stronger conversasion's.
When I walk into a room or work or anywhere that I'm in close confines with people I can pick up on their emotion's which believe me drives me
crazy it's more irratating then anything else. Think of it this way it's like holding up a crumbleing dam till you cant hold it no more then it
comes crashing over you.
Another thing is I'm a very good masues (my spelling blows) but anyways when I doing someones back I can find the sore spots on their bodies
sometimes appears as black spots on their body sometimes feels like a intense heat coming from the spot I find but this thing I hate due to the fact
of everytime I do it, it makes my back hurt like crazy to the point of not being able to stand up straight for a few hour's this one really well
I know this sound's like alot of things for one person to be able to do but it's the truth belive it or not and been trying to figure out what most
of it is alot of people have said that basicly I'm hypersensitive which I don't know but what ever I've delt with these things since I was a child
now in my 30's and the things have only progressed. But for the most part I can control these things now.