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What I see both awake and asleep...

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posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 05:13 AM
If anyone else does this please tell me....
Ever since I was about 7 years old, I would see things in my dreams or when I was awake that would happen.
I used to come home and cry to my mom about it because I found it very disturbing. My mother does the same thing. I used to ignore it and couldnt really get a handle on what I was seeing or how to use the information till about 10 years ago. Here are some examples...
I knew that a friend of mine was going on vacation and for three nights in a row I drempt that they had car trouble and were broke down in a really bad place on vacation. Her daughter was crying and it was a bad situation. Well after seeing this for 3 nights in a row I finally told her about it. I said look, something is wrong with whichever car you are taking have it checked out. She kind of scoffed at me and I dont blame her, but I said use the information however you want. Heed it, ignore it, its all up to you. They had the car checked out and indeed there was a major engine problem that cost them over six hundred dollars to repair. She was a little freaked out but told me if I ever see anything again to tell her.
I told my exhusband to be careful driving home from the hospital and he said he would. I just couldnt get through to him that I had a bad feeling about the drive. He called me when he got home and said he was almost run off the road by a drunk driver.
Its just this kind of stuff. I know it sounds wierd. Wish I could control it but I cant. I just kind of go with the flow.
Thoughts anyone?

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 05:24 AM
It's not so unusual. Time is just another dimension that you (or your mind) can travel in. I've had numerous experiences myself, starting when I was about 15. It doesn't bother me.

You'll find that you usually dream about things that are important to you specifically. What happens to the neighbour's cat is of no concern to you. I also find that these dreams occur simultaneously to what is happening, a few hours ahead or a few days. Sometimes even months or years ahead. Don't be upset if you can't change certain things, either.

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 01:13 PM
My guardian angel-type entity often gives me visions of the future. This usually happens as I am waking up in the mornings. Then when the events happen I know what to do to make things turn out for the best.

I think these beings give us information that somehow relates to our personal lives only, like our friends and family. But sometimes they engage us in broader social or political scenarios by using the same tactics.

I don't think humans generally can gain control over this aspect of the higher self, although certain individuals may be equipped to handle such powers without becoming corrupted or making a mess of things.

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 01:31 PM
Kiwifish im on the same boat as you, around that age it was realy strong,

then it disapated, now im 16 getting it back, but i never
what happens is a idea pops in my head like "for somereason im ganna miss the buss" and then that day witch was friday, the buss was 1 houre late,

this sort of thing happends maybe 2 times a day, so i KNOW its not just a lucky geuss

i hat that it only gives me a genarol idea..

and i have over heard my dad mutter underhis breath "god damn it, i knew that was going to happen just a feeling"

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 01:36 PM
What your experiencing is precognition
When I was healing from my "Near Death" experience
There was a period where i had quite a lot of experience with this ....something were all capable of though many dont like to admit it

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 01:50 PM
Could this run in famely lines?

since my same thing seams to happen to my dad, and happens to me grr?

i never asked him kinda scared too..

just wish i could controle it like i could when i was a kid 6-11

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 02:24 PM
that are resided and relegated to the most subconscious portions of the mind when one revels in the physical world we live...

the funny thing, i think the world controllers are very much the same and very anti physical, being able to utilize such mental feats with ease...
while those in the system are imposed the past and controled within it...

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 02:25 PM
You've picked up a load of hormones, my young friend. You're probably up to the eyeballs with aggro, touchy emotions and sulkiness. If you want to be able to deal with those abilities you'd better start cleaning out your closet. Find out who you are and be VERY careful messing around with this stuff. My advice is not to try anything until you're 18.

Which you'll probably ignore.

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Lampyridae
You've picked up a load of hormones, my young friend. You're probably up to the eyeballs with aggro, touchy emotions and sulkiness. If you want to be able to deal with those abilities you'd better start cleaning out your closet. Find out who you are and be VERY careful messing around with this stuff. My advice is not to try anything until you're 18.

Which you'll probably ignore.

I don't understand your advice. L. Whom were you referring to?

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 03:02 PM
I hope its not me cos Iam over the age of 39

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 03:07 PM
i geuss he means me then

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 03:08 PM
i dream every night and have shared a few on really above top secret forum...
most recently, last night i saw a flood, where a neighbor caught some fish but the fish was tainted due to the flood water, of course this is not the extent of the whole dream...

in day i see symbols, nothing exist for no reason...

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 06:39 PM
I have these all the time.

Once, I dreamed someone asked me for my SSN. i went to go look for my card, but couldn't find it. When I awoke, I turned on the radio and heard about SSNs being stolen from the University of Texas.

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 07:04 PM
These are real abilities that I think many reading here will agree with.

Personally I have experienced dreams where the future was shown and came true, and when awake experienced dejavu from the same dreams. Or "knew" things about people who were far away.

If I am find I am thinking of someone then they are often in the process of trying to contact me, or are thinking about me. Happens on a daily basis.

Our brains are really some sort of filter and filter out much of what we consciously experience.

I wonder if its to keep us sane, if we really saw all that was happening, as in other entities here with us, or remembered precog dreams all the time, or dreams where we are in alternate realities if it wold impede with out ability to live in the "real" world.

So as a safety mechanism we filter it out.

I have worked with and spoken to people in the mental health profession who say that their clients often experience things that are real yet 'not real'. Can some mental 'illnesses' be damaged filters?

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 07:17 PM
only one can do such things...
and others merely follow that one...

so, in conclusion the idea of reality is imposed uppon persons by one, vs giving one an ability to percieve all that reality has,is,will be...

posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 11:24 AM
The younger you start the better...

i once watched a program about a group of kids that were trained to see with blindfolds. It was Trained. The children were able to read the covers of random magazines with blindfolds and coins on their eyes.
yesterday i was working at school and This girls asked me to help her with some sort of game.

It was made of 8 pieces of wood in the same cillinder shape and a piece of flat wood with holes in it that the cilinders fit in. The cillinders have al on the top a different collor, corresponding with the collors on the 8 holes in the flat peice.

So the game was to put the yellow cillinder in the yelloy hole. I gave the children blindfolds. and guess what? all the children in the class had minimally 4 collors chosen right. the topscore was 8. I made sure the blindfold was on good and turned the cillinders yup side down to make sure. I did the same test again. The second time the minimal score was 5 colors out of eight.

children learn fast and are verry perceptive. also they do not have the failure button becouse they dont understand that what they are doing is verry abnormal. these kids were about 4-5 years old.

Everybody has the precognision feeling, but my guess is we are missing out on something huge, something that anyone can learn. especialy children.

posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 02:45 PM
~Could it be something known as precognition? Or deja vu?

posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 04:08 PM
I think regular society conditions us out of any latent ability we may have... for a few individuals it can return full strength, but for the majority it's a sporadic kind of thing.

People with mental illnesses usually have several overt symptoms, the main one for this sort of thing being "disorganisation of thought" - ie plain not making sense. However, there are also those who can seem perfectly sane and yet are absolutely barmy. Psychologists use the DSM-IV criteria (a big, scary book that tells you what's what) to diagnose patients, but their diagnoses often differ... psychology is open to interpretation and abuse.

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 03:09 AM
I just found this site and this topic is old but going to reply anyways. Been reading through alot of the post on here, I myself have the same but many more things that happen honestly. Told my brother in may not to go to iraq told him exactly how he would be hit by a roadside bomb but he didnt believe me, well 3 months later he deployed to iraq and 3 days before he was due to head back stateside his convoy was hit by a roadside bomb, when he made it stateside after a 2week stay in rammstien he told me it happened exactly how I told him it would he now believes the things that I can do this just being one of many. I knew the day he was hit sound crazy but I could hear the screams of the children and women when the bus that was driving in front of them was hit also, could feel the heat from the blast could feel the sand and then blacking out before waking up, the biggest thing I learned from that whole thing is no matter how your for warned you can't change whats gonna happen believe me I tried like hell to change it but couldn't. I also saw in a few of the post that this stuff happens 2 or 3 days before an event well that is not always true for me its been 3 days to 5years till the coming event.

I have seen ghost since the age of 6 or 7 can see them, feel them, even hear them at times, andfeel their rage hatetread, an sometimes it annoys the heck out of me but I've learned to deal with that whole aspect of my gifts I guess I'd say.

When I'm just about to fall asleep at times I can hear conversasions being carried on and can even pick out whole clear conversasions it sounds like a whole auditorium filled with people talking all at once and slowly I can pick out the clearer and stronger conversasion's.

When I walk into a room or work or anywhere that I'm in close confines with people I can pick up on their emotion's which believe me drives me crazy it's more irratating then anything else. Think of it this way it's like holding up a crumbleing dam till you cant hold it no more then it comes crashing over you.

Another thing is I'm a very good masues (my spelling blows) but anyways when I doing someones back I can find the sore spots on their bodies sometimes appears as black spots on their body sometimes feels like a intense heat coming from the spot I find but this thing I hate due to the fact of everytime I do it, it makes my back hurt like crazy to the point of not being able to stand up straight for a few hour's this one really well bites.

I know this sound's like alot of things for one person to be able to do but it's the truth belive it or not and been trying to figure out what most of it is alot of people have said that basicly I'm hypersensitive which I don't know but what ever I've delt with these things since I was a child now in my 30's and the things have only progressed. But for the most part I can control these things now.

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 03:36 AM
I hear a voice that I cannot hear (if you know what I mean?). It offers me information on things which are worrying me.

It is only a few words - nothing major...

I have a company and we were being threatened with legal action by an ex-Director... we were about to settle and my 'voice' told me to wait.

I waited and he went away - other information surfaced which backed up my position. It happens a lot.

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