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The ExtraTerrestrial-Demon Theory

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posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 02:55 PM
It is a popular belief in Christian circles that any extra-terrestrial activity or related phenomena are manifestations of demonic spirits connected to Satan. What are your thoughts on this?

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 03:34 PM
no i dont beleive this because i dont beleive in souls,demons or hell but i do beleive when in the middle ages people said they saw demons that they were actually sightings of alien visitation

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 04:44 PM
Well, I have also heard the alternative that they may be angels...The Bible does state that angels are of a "fearsome appearance".

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by mr cryptoman
no i dont beleive this because i dont beleive in souls,demons or hell but i do beleive when in the middle ages people said they saw demons that they were actually sightings of alien visitation

In extraterrestrial terms, humans are demons.

A soul is nothing more than one's self... What you are that makes you who you are is your soul. That sense of glow and existence to one's self as one's identity is your soul. And when your body is no longer able to contain this identity is passes on like an electron passing on after a chemical or nuclear reaction. Think of Beta Radiation.

It passes on until it reaches a new nucleus to move around in a random manner, in sense that refers to reincarnation... A sole passes on from body until reaches a new materialize one.

But souls don't exist in the manner that humans often detail them in. I bet hearing such rubbish made you believe or convince you in some degree that souls must not exist at all. Since they are nothing more than human rubbish...

But the idea of a soul actually came from extraterrestrials, before then humans just thought of one another as food. A very sickening process that the extraterrestrial, mainly the Annunaki thought was disgusting and disturbing.

Possibly the reason why the extraterrestrials have been promoting religion was to keep us away from cannibalism, since it disturbed them to such a high extent.

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 03:00 PM
Been looking into this new "Unidentified" movie ( trailer video here here ) and from what I gather that is the basis of this story. The movie explains all the UFO & alien activity as demon stuff.

Personally, I think the aliens / demon theory is just a silly theory, if anything it could actually be disinfo put out by churches to protect the status quo.

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by ZoooMer
Been looking into this new "Unidentified" movie ( trailer video here here ) and from what I gather that is the basis of this story. The movie explains all the UFO & alien activity as demon stuff.

Personally, I think the aliens / demon theory is just a silly theory, if anything it could actually be disinfo put out by churches to protect the status quo.

I don't know about that entirely criminal extraterrestrials might be a factor that can be true evidence such wild claims.

But surely it would be wrong to suggest the same being mentioned as angels in the bible is the same thing as the demons. They are aware that the angels too in the bible were extraterrestrials now aren't they? I don't think so.

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by x daedalus x
It is a popular belief in Christian circles that any extra-terrestrial activity or related phenomena are manifestations of demonic spirits connected to Satan.

I think calling this a "popular belief" is significantly overstating the proliferation of this idea. I have traveled in many a Christian circle and have rarely heard people take that point of view. (Although, to be fair, I can't say that I've never heard it...)

Personally, I don't really see why a demon would need a ship to travel in. I guess I see demons and angels as existing in a dimension where time and travel are not applicable concepts.

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by Essedarius
I guess I see demons and angels as existing in a dimension where time and travel are not applicable concepts.

I agree... and futher, I think that if aliens indeed have "ships" and flying saucers, it's because A)We manifest them that way or B)We NEED to see them that way.

Historically, I think most alien sightings involve UFOs because it was/is assumed that humanity, in general, hasn't the ability to comprehend anything other than these beings coming from another 'place' in our universe when in truth, they might not exist in this reality at all and are interjecting themselves into our universe which is a concept that was at one time incomprehensible to our primitve minds, thus the need for us to A)invent or B)Have invented for us a physical means for these beings to "get here" when, like the previous poster said, time and space are not applicable to the relationship between us and them.

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by firebat

Originally posted by Essedarius
I guess I see demons and angels as existing in a dimension where time and travel are not applicable concepts.

I agree... and futher, I think that if aliens indeed have "ships" and flying saucers, it's because A)We manifest them that way or B)We NEED to see them that way.

Historically, I think most alien sightings involve UFOs because it was/is assumed that humanity, in general, hasn't the ability to comprehend anything other than these beings coming from another 'place' in our universe when in truth, they might not exist in this reality at all and are interjecting themselves into our universe which is a concept that was at one time incomprehensible to our primitve minds, thus the need for us to A)invent or B)Have invented for us a physical means for these beings to "get here" when, like the previous poster said, time and space are not applicable to the relationship between us and them.

Of you were alive thousands of years ago or just a few hundred, you would associate anything non-human or perhaps even some humans as being demons or maybe angels depending on your crazy structure of superstitious beliefs.

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Timeseer
If you were alive thousands of years ago or just a few hundred, you would associate anything non-human or perhaps even some humans as being demons or maybe angels depending on your crazy structure of superstitious beliefs.

My point was more that a "demon" or an "angel" probably wouldn't need a ship or craft to move around.... the beings that we attribute all these archetypes to are most likely from a realm where physical movement or the passage of time aren't even concepts that fit the physics of that reality.

Obviously, these "aliens" use ships and technology of some sort.... therefore, I think it's unlikely that they have the same power or existential significance of "angels" and "demons".

I think it's QUITE apparent that if I lived a couple hundred years ago, I might think an alien and/or UFO to be a demon..... but that's not what's being discussed. Some MODERN-DAY Christians still believe this. That's the point.

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 04:28 PM
I wouldn't call it a "popular" notion other then it may be often repeated by many uninformed (and often unintellengent or undereducated) because anything that "didn't come out the preachers mouth as being riaght must be the devil".

As a Christian though, I tend to actually lean this way, although I am not completely closed to the idea of aliens actually being extra terrestrials from another planet (no where in the Bible does it say God did not allow life on other planets, nor does it say He did either).

However; since I tend to subscribe to a dispensational premillenial tribulation scenario of Christian "end times" events, I think the idea of Satan using an "alien landing" or "first contact" to help initiate a world government for the AntiChrist is quite possible although not necessary or even probable. But I would look at any "first contact" or "disclosure" in this light before I actually considered THEM being "real" aliens.

Here are some links if you would like to look into this, and are open to "alternative ideas of "alternative ideas"" so to speak
. You wouldn't be at this site if you weren't! I would like to see some of your thoughts (whether you are Christian or Non Christian) on the second link especially.

I haven't gone to much over this one.

Last Chance Ministries has a website that is difficult to navigate and has tons of info on many Christian subjects. However I put this direct link because this is probably the best UFO/Alien connection with Christianity that I read and starts with Linda Howe's stories, who I beleive is big in the Ufology circles (although how series she is taken I am not sure). Make sure you click the "next" link at the bottom of the page on this one.

Later all!

[edit on 22-8-2006 by Sr Wing Commander]

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Sr Wing Commander
However; since I tend to subscribe to a dispensational premillenial tribulation scenario of Christian "end times" events, I think the idea of Satan using an "alien landing" or "first contact" to help initiate a world government for the AntiChrist is quite possible although not necessary or even probable. But I would look at any "first contact" or "disclosure" in this light before I actually considered THEM being "real" aliens.

I am, by NO means, a Christian.... but if there ever was an apparent alien "first contact" scenario, I would look at it with the same initial mistrust.... in that situation, one can't afford not to be a skeptic. There's just no way to tell for sure.

So I would hang out and watch, see if I could develop some sort of gut-feeling or instinctual thing to figure it out..... and I would ultimately go with that choice. Logic really plays no role in a decision of whether or not you "go with the aliens" because logically, they could be capable of clever deception, clever enough to fabricate anything that could concievably convince me of their benevolence in the first place.

And this is all speculation... you know, IF they actually exist.

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 05:32 PM
In refering to end times, Matt 24:24 (and other versus) warns of deceptions in the end.

"For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect."

There will be a deception as part of the end times, and I can UFO's being part of it.

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 05:32 PM
double bad!

[edit on 26-8-2006 by Sr Wing Commander]

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 05:55 PM
The question is:

Were people in the past mistaking aliens for demons, or are people today mistaking demons for aliens. Frankly, the aliens fit the descriptions of demons to a T.

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 05:57 PM

It is a popular belief in Christian circles that any extra-terrestrial activity or related phenomena are manifestations of demonic spirits connected to Satan.

I don't understand why anyone would make that connection.

I also don't think it could be a "popular" belief, I'm a member at quite a few forums where I do venture into the religious topics occasionally and have never heard that before until ATS.

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 10:21 PM

Well, I have also heard the alternative that they may be angels

I've seen a LOT of evidence behind this. I hang out on a board dedicated to out-of-body experiences, and people are sometimes told by their guardian angels that they'll be abducted. The angels know the date. When the person says he doesn't want to be abducted, the angel says "It'll be okay". So, the angels want the abductions to happen.

Also in near-death experiences. The angels involved talk EXACTLY like the aliens. Compare an alien communication with an angel communication and you'll see it - they talk using politician tactics, answering questions without actually answering them; both talk about manipulating the governments (aiming for a one-world government); both enjoy human suffering; both try to sound like everything they do is 'for the universe' when carrying out their sadistic desires; both act like humanity's rightful master; both are experts at manipulation and can make people want to kill their own kind; foremost, both talk about a Judgment Day wherein they kill off 90% of life on Earth and start their own race. (you really have to watch their words on this one because they make it sound like something glorious)

I've also read NDEs wherein the angels say they created USA themselves, having led Columbus here in order to 'bring humanity together' (a term they use meaning 'kill the ungodly ones and spread religion and government'). I later read some peculiar reports from Columbus; during the journey he saw a bright light shoot overhead, and his compasses were spinning out of control. Spinning compasses are a result of electromagnetic interference from an EMF ship's flight system.

The Gray form is evidently a disposable body used to move objects and interact with our resonance level. Angels are basically spirits, like us, and they can't abduct people in their normal angelic form (they'd just go through you), so it seems they create the Gray form and inhabit it like you would a human body, and with it they can drag you out of your house at night and have some fun with you.

Ironically some people think they can only avoid abductions through prayer. They also think the angels are their friends. Good old religious control.

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by Zareste
I hang out on a board dedicated to out-of-body experiences, and people are sometimes told by their guardian angels that they'll be abducted. The angels know the date. When the person says he doesn't want to be abducted, the angel says "It'll be okay". So, the angels want the abductions to happen.

Those are probably just demons disguising themselves as angels, and not the true guardian angels of those people. Remember, the devil is able to "appear" as an angel of light if he wants to. It's a disguise to deceive people.

Ironically some people think they can only avoid abductions through prayer. They also think the angels are their friends. Good old religious control.

The real angels will protect them from demons-aliens and all other evil beings. They have to be real angels though, and not just demons masquerading as angels.

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by x daedalus x
It is a popular belief in Christian circles that any extra-terrestrial activity or related phenomena are manifestations of demonic spirits connected to Satan. What are your thoughts on this?

Well, prove to me that the Christian religion is the one true religion, and then we can discuss your question.

This is because the concept of Satan is due to Christianity. Other religions don't have that.

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 09:50 AM

Those are probably just demons disguising themselves as angels

And of course we're talking about the angels serving under Jehovah, right? The ones who kill off civilizations for disobedience? Who want you to suffer for eternity if you don't follow them? Who led the Israelis to slaughter Palestinians for their land?

Just making sure we're talking about the good angels who kill everything in sight, and not the bad ones who gave primates the ability to think cognitively.

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