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So I went to see Nessie...

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posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 06:55 AM
Well ya never know... Alot of Nessie sightings have been early in the morning.... 6am or so.... She could be coming back after a night on the tiles

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 07:37 AM
There is, I'm afraid, no monster.

The famous photograph has been explained as a crop of a shot of an elephant swimming in the lake while a travelling circus was lodging nearby.

The myth was started / kept up by a local hotelier keen to drum up business (just like the myth of Beddgellert in North Wales - again a hotelier / never happened)

By all means visit and spend your money in the area but honestly there's nothing exciting down there, never was

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 09:45 AM
Alternatively, don't go to over commercialised Loch Ness at all!

You could always go to the much quieter (and far more dramtic IMO) Loch Shiel, which is also rumoured to be home of a beastie .... (click the link to wildlife on the left)

(I know Jim Michie who runs the boat on the loch and he has seen very large, moving, objects on his sonar ...... and no, he wasn't telling me that as a tourist

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by Strangerous
There is, I'm afraid, no monster.

The famous photograph has been explained as a crop of a shot of an elephant swimming in the lake while a travelling circus was lodging nearby.

The myth was started / kept up by a local hotelier keen to drum up business (just like the myth of Beddgellert in North Wales - again a hotelier / never happened)

By all means visit and spend your money in the area but honestly there's nothing exciting down there, never was

Oh really, Well I say you haven't checked your recources properly

The famous photograph, was not an elephant, photo was a hoax, everyone knows that. But the elephant story is just a possible explanation why people saw Nessie so much in the '30s.

Also, it's not like there's only 1 source of possible Nessie proof. There are lots of different pictures taken of a possible sea creature over the past years. I wouldn't believe in Nessie if there was only one blurry piece of evidence out there.

As for the River Ness...

When you guys came out with Inverness I started realizing also that it would be difficult for nessie to swim through there without being seen. I have also been in the city of Inverness and I can tell you, that river goes straight through the city centre...
Perhaps I can find a picture of the city centre, I think I have made a few of it.

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 11:20 PM
Fine believe what you want to believe.

Head on up there - be sure to take lots of money and get the locals to take you on Nessie tours, if you ask really nicely they may take you hunting for haggis too.

Also be sure to come and ask locally for more details of the mysterious beastie of Clapham South, London SW12 - we have one too, it lives in the pond in the common, for just a few hundred pounds we'll try and help you get a glimpse of it!

We live in a very small over-crowded country, there are no wildernesses / unexplored bits and hence no mysterious dinosaurs etc etc etc

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 12:17 AM
Just a few sources to support my view:

Neil Clark, curator of palaeontology at Glasgow University's Hunterian Museum, spent two years researching Nessie.

He said they could have been circus elephants, as fairs visiting Inverness would often stop on the banks of Loch Ness to give the animals a rest.

The trunk and humps in the water would bear similarities to some of the most famous Nessie photographs.

A BBC team says it has shown there is no such thing as the Loch Ness monster.
Using 600 separate sonar beams and satellite navigation technology to ensure that none of the loch was missed, the team surveyed the waters said to hide Scotland's legendary tourist attraction but found no trace of the monster.

Previous reported sightings of the beast led to speculation that it might be a plesiosaur, a marine reptile which died out with the dinosaurs.

The team was convinced that such an animal could have survived in the cold waters of Loch Ness, despite the normal preference of marine reptiles for sub-tropical waters.

(my bold)

Wouldn't want to be accused of obfuscation

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 09:00 AM
@ strangerous, I bet you can find just as much sources that confirm the thoughts of all the Nessie believers as well... But I won't.

And when I visited England, I didn't quite found that your country is over crowded. In fact, there was lots of nature. A lot more than I has expected. Especcialy in Scotland, Wales and The Lake District.

Maybe you haven't been out of the urban areas much? Or maybe I have had some luck and chose one of the few green routes for my journey?

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 11:03 AM

You sound like you don't wanna hear anything from anyone who believes (or knows) that Nessie and others exist... Then I must ask... What are you doing in the thread?

You're losing an ongoing debate...

Of course we all have our own opinions, but I just want to point out that the pictorial evidence available is not just photos of "humps and trunk". What about the numerous photos (and some video evidence) of long wakes with no boats in front of them etc. What about the pictures that are clearly in the middle of the loch! You must know how deep the loch is!

Do you really have SO much faith in an elephant that you believe that he can swim across the loch?!

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 02:11 PM
Be very interested in any proof any of you have.

So far I've seen none, and lots to suggest there is no Nessie

And @ my Dutch Friend I've visited most parts of the UK - probably more than you, the only wierd things we have here are scorpions, wallabies and the odd puma on the loose.

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by Orla
What about the numerous photos (and some video evidence) of long wakes with no boats in front of them etc.

this is a well know standing wave phenonemon , known as a seiche


posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 03:14 PM
Nice pics, they definately give you an idea of the atmosphere there at the loch.

I spent my honeymoon next to Loch Ness years ago and it was amazing.

One day i spent about 10 minutes filming what i thought was the famous "neck and head" sticking out of the water near the shore......till i realised it was a big branch with a wake behind it lol

Whilst we were there i went to talk to a south korean guy who was sat there with a multitude of different video and still cameras. He said he works back home for 9 months of the year then comes to Loch Ness to watch for the moster for the remaining 3 months! He was convinced it was out there.

So next i had a bit of a chat with the guy who runs the tourist information place next to the Loch and i asked him if he reckoned there was anything in the loch. He said a few people had claimed to have seen something in there, but he had'nt. All he said was that it was "a good tourist attraction though" as he jokingly stroked his cash register.

The guy who ran the burger van next to the loch was a good laugh, he said the only monster he'd seen swimming in the loch was his mother in law!

We tried to meet the guy who lives in the old camper van on the side of the shore next to the loch, we found his van but he was'nt in. Apparently he saw the monster once and gave up everything to go live on the loch in the hope of seeing it again.

So nothing seen but some interesting chats with the locals and a gorgeous place to stay. Definately has to be seen to be believed. Oh yeah, and if you are tempted to go treking round the loch whether it be on foot or in a car, be prepared for a long journey as it's something like 26 miles long.


posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 03:53 PM
Yes, its a long journey!

But I plan to go there someday.... I know you think that it could go there anytime, me being from Ireland and all... But sher... college sucks in that respect!

posted on Oct, 14 2006 @ 11:11 AM
Well I have only been there one day, but it sure was a lovely day.

The moment we arrived is was really astonished by the size and beauty of this loch. I have also visited Urquheart Castle, that lies next to the Loch, that was also very nice to see.

Must say that I have also asked some people is they had ever seen the monster. But noone really did. One of the men I a small pub there told me you'd need a lot of whiskey if you wanted to see that beastie!

It kind of suprises me that so many people that live right next to the lake have never seen the Loch Ness Monster. It made me wonder if Nessie is out there or not, maybe not anymore?

Or maybe the villagers never take the time to visit the lake?

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 06:00 PM
So wouldn't that make you tend to believe in Nessie more....

Wouldn't you think that if it was just a hoax, that all the villagers would want in on it and say that they always see Nessie cos they live there?

posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 10:12 AM
Yeah, that could also be true, that they don't need to make fake advertising cause they know that the real thing is actually in there.

That's a very good thought

posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 11:10 AM
YAY!!!! I had a good thought

But seriously though!!!!

It's easier to believe that because they've lived there all their lives, they don't take notice of Nessie anymore, they probly just all want to live in peace, so to speak..... They are just leaving her alone, and she is leaving them alone..... Ya know?

posted on Nov, 3 2006 @ 12:04 PM
I have spent many days on the shores of loch ness because I live there, I have never seen anything I could say was nessie. I have seen some strange movements on the water that I cannot explain but would not push them as "sightings".
I have fished loch ness a few times and belive me there are plenty of eels to have for lunch if needed.
Drive round the loch and you will soon realise that we do not push Nesie on anyone, sure there are small souvineers in the small local shops and the loch Ness exhibition centre in Drumnadrochit but other than that it is not the "Nessie Vegas" that people think it is. To be honest locals can sometimes get really tired with all the tourists that block the narrow roads around the area during summer and do not fake nessie sightings just to bring in tourists like some people suggest.
If I had solid proof that nessie did exist I do not even know if I would make it public, we have already had maniacs try to dynamite the loch and dump massive traps into it to prove a point. If it was proven that Nessie did exist it would make matters worse in the local area, the place would be even more over-run with scientists and crazys trying to catch what possibly could be an endangered species.

It is also commonly thought that Loch Ness could be connected to the sea by undrground caverns and caves, the northern tip of the loch is only a few miles from the Moray Firth which leads to the North Sea where there have been sightings of a Sea serpent.

Im not trying to make people belive or not belive in the Nessie story, I couldnt care less what others think. I just think that people should be open minded to the possibilities that there are many things we share the earth with that we have not discovered yet.

Can we say there is definately not a God because we have no hard evidence? It depends on your own personal opinion.

Do I belive she exists?..... Maybey

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 05:49 AM

Originally posted by Oakley

It is also commonly thought that Loch Ness could be connected to the sea by undrground caverns and caves,

only by bloody idiots who have zero grasp of physics or geology , and are unable to read a topo map

the surface of loch ness is 16m above sea level

there cannot be a simple tunnel connecting the two bodies of water - if there was the loch would be drained down to sea level

this is not rocket science - nor is this the first time this fallacy has been adressed

maybee a pretty picture would help ?

the top diagram shows the topograph between the loch and the eas

the bottom diagram shows the only way you can connect two bodies of water of different levels

neither are to scale

and there is no way that a natural cavern fitting this critera can exist in the great glen

and no way an " unatural " or created one could have escaped notice . [ leaving aside the question of how it was created ]

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 03:25 PM
That was a very interesting piece of information there...


The diagrams and stuff were helpful too

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