posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 03:03 AM
Originally posted by mr cryptoman
angels are not real they were described in the bible and the bible is the biggest bunch of baloni ive ever know... and the mothman can be explained
scientifically via alien or unidentified species dont place it up their with stupid religious folklore...
Do you have any hard evidence, testimonies, or proof to validate what you just said, or are you just talking out of your rear-end? (Ats doesn't allow
And I'm sorry, but when one thinks of a winged, white, and bipedal figure, doesn't an Angel make more sense than an alien? In order for your claim
to be correct in assuming its just an alien flying around, you would have to create an entirely new alien race, planet, galaxy, and validate your
point with reasons for Sentient Beings to come to Earth for the sake of flying around construction sites. The last time I checked, a good argument
doesn't involve making up new species to support your claim.
And fyi, sorry to break it to ya but Angels exist. No, im not talking out of faith nor religious conviction. My father suffers from a severe disease
that deteriorates his cerebellum, causing a complete loss of balance and partial speech. 2 years ago, he was practicing to walk inside of a shallow
swimming pool. Long story short, he lost his balance and fell forward, submerging his head underwater. If you know my father, youll know that it would
be impossible for him to lift himself back up to a standing position. I can't explain what happened next, but If i have to call it something, it
would be a miracle. His body was suddenly lifted and dragged to the side of the swimming pool where he caught the side and regained his balance. I
dont want to make this sound too long, but my father claims that he saw a pair of legs apparate in front of him and strongly pull him.