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ATS: Are secret services reading it?

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posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
Is it true that all internet posts go through the NSA computers at Ft. Meade before they go anywhere else?

if 'ft. meade' can be a metaphorical place, then, yeah, but signals have to actually travel through wires, and if the whole internet was bottlenecked at ft. meade, it would be noticable.

i believe that ANY 'target' signal could be re-routed to first go through ft. meade, or that ft. meade could be the central database for echelon, carnivore, omnivore, et al., but i find it unlikely that all internet traffic goes there first.

i find it highly likely that the phone companies have given special access to the secret services, and that they can set up a PC anywhere at anytime for the purpose of monitoring one hundred percent of the web traffic at that node.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 12:31 PM
Carnivore was an "at the ISP" device, a laptop that was jacked into a switch.

These days, though, you don't have to do that. The switches and routers are required to be able to divert copies of traffic to a third party in order to satisfy CALEA. So if they want your traffic, all they have to do is ask the ISP for it. Theoretically it takes a court order but these days all it might take is a harsh letter.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by risitar

Originally posted by bothered
Everything these days is looked at.

How about this: You're insane.

There are many angry people in this world and I guess I'm one of them. I do humbly apologize to all those who I offended.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust
The only interest the secret service, in America, has with aliens is how much they charge to cut the lawn and clean the house.

You just said it. They are not interested in aliens, therefore are not interested in Paranormal, therefore ATS is not being watched. Nor are the members. Why? Because nobody is interested in anybody having special mental capabilities as the secret services don't even know what it is.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 02:26 PM
Yep, I've no doubt that the site is monitored by various groups for
even more varied purposes.

Perhaps the government(s) watch/read ATS and actually get ideas
for stuff from here, which is surprisingly democratic.

And hey, maybe aliens choose those special few hudred who get to
be flown away when the Earth dies. (Though I doubt that.)

I gotta say, if a person gets to monitor the site, they've got one of
the cushiest jobs ever, just sitting and reading.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by risitar

Originally posted by risitar

Originally posted by bothered
Everything these days is looked at.

How about this: You're insane.

There are many angry people in this world and I guess I'm one of them. I do humbly apologize to all those who I offended.

I take nothing anyone says very seriously these days. I don't consider it slander, but rather taking a stab.
It doesn't bother me because I can look beyond what someone says, and determine that their considerations are not well placed.

Side Note: Insanity passes, like any other disease. Don't consider your place in this world any more or less stable.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei
I gotta say, if a person gets to monitor the site, they've got one of
the cushiest jobs ever, just sitting and reading.

Think of the money such organisations have.

I think they will have some kind of machine scanning throught the sites and delivering the hot matches or keywords it has been told to look for back to the man sitting at his computer. Most of it drivel I suspect but it must be far easier than allowing someone to sit going through endless sites.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by Knights
I think they will have some kind of machine scanning throught the sites and delivering the hot matches or keywords it has been told to look for back to the man sitting at his computer. Most of it drivel I suspect but it must be far easier than allowing someone to sit going through endless sites.

Maybe not as ATS insulates itself from such devices with many a typo and gramatical error.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by WolfofWar
Yeah, its scanned, as there has been material posted that has been requested by the government to have been removed (due to classified leaks and such)

Can any mod qualify this statement? I'm under the impression that the gov't really couldn't give a rats bottom about what transpires here. I mean really its mostly speculative information at best.


posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 06:54 PM
My question would be who has joined the club of say pushing buttons to a point of slight action?

Next question is is the converse good enough to require attention of an actual person or just a gov spider for obvious keywords,key phrases,sentance charecteristics of people of kind interest.

Fan clubs favorite branch

[edit on 20-8-2006 by masonite]

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 06:58 PM
I'm sure like corporations, there are people whose job it is to seed info. and try interpret the response.
The reactions here to news would be of most interest, I would think.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by brill

Originally posted by WolfofWar
Yeah, its scanned, as there has been material posted that has been requested by the government to have been removed (due to classified leaks and such)

Can any mod qualify this statement? I'm under the impression that the gov't really couldn't give a rats bottom about what transpires here. I mean really its mostly speculative information at best.


I believe he's refering to a few years ago someone posted the phone
number to a facility that was run by the gov. and told them to ask
about something, and the gov. asked us to remove the phone number
from the site.

Oh, and yeah I know, I'm not a mod, but it (the gov. thing) has happened.

[edit on 8/20/2006 by iori_komei]

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei

I believe he's refering to a few years ago someone posted the phone
number to a facility that was run by the gov. and told them to ask
about something, and the gov. asked us to remove the phone number
from the site.

Oh, and yeah I know, I'm not a mod, but it (the gov. thing) has happened.

[edit on 8/20/2006 by iori_komei]

i can back that up. i dont remember the thread, but i quoted his post in a reply and included the statement with the number in entire post was deleted. which was probably the right move, considering that it was (supposedly) a pentagon number.

considering the number of people who claim to be government employees and military members with security clearances, i have no doubt that this site is monitored if for no other reason than to insure that we dont inadvertantly slip with something we aint suppose to say.....i've almost done it myself a few times.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 07:28 PM
I know for a fact that many different people in different agencys read these forums, but mainly just for entertainment. They are friends of mine, and of course I will not name any names. I'm sure if something that is a threat to national security ever comes up, they will spread the word, and take the correct action.

It is a lot easyer than you people might think. Every moderator, and administrator on these forums have that ability to see the IP address's on all users posts. I know for a fact that the NSA have very well trained people that could very quickly gain access to the administrator, and moderator user names and passwords with brute force programs, and quickly peak at the posts that contain the targets IP address, without being detected. Then with a simple host lookup, they can find the ISP of the IP, and with a warrant they can obtain the targets account billing info, which will contain their home address. Or they can simply edit the posts in question.

Also, all internet traffic does NOT first go to NSA, because that will cause a bottleneck in speed. Although, they do have the means to simply clone all packet information as it is being sent to its destination, and divert that cloned info to their servers. Almost like picking up a telephone and listening in on the converstation already in process.

[edit on 20-8-2006 by LAES YVAN]

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 12:30 AM
Has there been any accounts of members being arrested or just vanishing off the board. The later being directed at established members of this board for some time.

Not to go off topic but the phone number thing made me wonder. Does the government have specific prefixes or maybe even area codes only for government offices,etc. I always wondered what type of phone number would go direct to the president,etc.

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by masonite
Not to go off topic but the phone number thing made me wonder. Does the government have specific prefixes or maybe even area codes only for government offices,etc. I always wondered what type of phone number would go direct to the president,etc.

I know during the Cold War drama, there was a Red phone between the President and the Kremlin that was a live connect. It was always on, and all you had to do was pick up the phone and it alerted the other side. This was done for emergencies and to prevent something like a military maneuver from being interpreted as an act of war.

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by masonite
Has there been any accounts of members being arrested or just vanishing off the board. The later being directed at established members of this board for some time.

Not to go off topic but the phone number thing made me wonder. Does the government have specific prefixes or maybe even area codes only for government offices,etc. I always wondered what type of phone number would go direct to the president,etc.

Don't know about the first part.

But from what I ubnderstadn the president does'nt have a phone
number persay, there's a more public number that links to a
relations person in the White House, and calls are directed to the
phone on his desk.

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by Thymus
I think we might have a chance to ever know that this particular website is being watched?

Is it possible that the CIA or other national forces are interested in this website for any reason?

Very unlikely... at least in a professional capacity. As a curiosity/keep up with the news, maybe, but not as in a "let's spy here."

Let's face it... there's very little original material here. If you're a spy agency, what we've posted is old news, and since we don't seem to have a huge cadre of spies here, it's not worth it to them to look for "leaks" here.

Information is valuable only when it's confirmed. They get their information from original sources; not from sites that quote websites that have been up for months.

Secret services may be spying for example on a certain person claiming to be an alien, and some virtual evidence prooves it... like documentary, or simply things no others should know about.

Actually, the FBI is (apparently) contacted constantly by people claiming to be aliens. They seem to focus their efforts more on crimes than on claims of "I'm from Regulus 4."

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by brill

Originally posted by WolfofWar
Yeah, its scanned, as there has been material posted that has been requested by the government to have been removed (due to classified leaks and such)

Can any mod qualify this statement? I'm under the impression that the gov't really couldn't give a rats bottom about what transpires here. I mean really its mostly speculative information at best.

We get the occasional ping from .mil (military) sites, but they generally turn out to be casual. We get military people joining the site occasionally.

I had a subscription (briefly) to Jane's Defense Weekly (which DOES have a lot of CIA/military/FBI/etc subscribers. ATS and other sites like it are far behind the facts, here.

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 06:06 AM
I guess that if the phone number thing actually did happen, it easy to say that ATS is being watched, maybe not on a 24/7 basis, but let's say a weekly scan or something.

This might be an even more interesting question, are there any FBI/CIA agents that are members of ATS, and join in these topics?

[edit on 21-8-2006 by NoSuchAgency]

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