posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 10:30 AM
Economies?,living standards?.
How about this:
-Increased Control of the money supply.
-Increased DEPENDENCY on unnecessary luxuries.
Never mind the fact that the oil will be gone inside of 50 years,the price of it will never go down....
So now we have a huge amount of the population of this planet dependent on what is piped into their house to heat it,water and other necessities are
unavailable without sufficient income to pay for them,and the price always keeps going up,but wages generally do not keep up with the cost of
living,unless of course you are in a position to vote yourself a pay-raise.
Refusing to sell goods?,Well,that's called martial law!.
How far do you think the cost of living will go up against the incomes of the population before the standard of living starts dropping?,well dudes,it
is already happening.
You will not get social security if you are under 25 years old if the economy doesn't recover by 2007,it will be gone by 2012, it is a simple
transference system in which those who work pay for those who are retired or disabled, and those middle class jobs going overseas won't be coming
So if unemployment is high,who will keep the system up?.
Every year there are MILLIONS of people who become taxpayer age,yet taxes keep going up for everyone,everywhere,including those who are retired on
fixed incomes.
They will gain complete control through deprivation,and dependency on luxurious,lazy ass lifestyle will be the determining factor of just when this
will happen.
If you think life is good,you will have nice memories of a past,when you weren't poor,or you will be one of the rich who step on those who don't
>America is a country of gluttons,soon to be a third world country.<
The Missing Ingredients?=
Want- vs -Need and Knowing the difference.
You are being lied to and you refuse to accept it.
The thing no one seems to fathom is that they will not be allowed to have control over anything soon.
You really don't anyway and never have.
Go back to sleep.