Could you please explain what is on the video? Maybe give a short little summary for those of us un able to watch videos - at work - and won't be
able to watch until I am at home in like 7hrs?
He comments on the article in the NYT about GWB's fav historian writting the thoughts about Aug. 22. I will post the link in a min. to the article.
Also mentioned are 11 egyptians that reached US soil with no passports etc however its nothing. Glen Beck was just blabbing stating the media
wouldn't show them since they are from egypt versus England and the networks are trying to be PC which I disagree with. The networks could give a
flying F and I can tell you 11 Egyptians are not a threat.
Thanks Masonite. I to do not think the Egyptians where or are going to be a threat. Though if something does happen they can always say that these
Egyptians showed that terrorist really could get into the country and that the Gov was not responsible... im just rambling..