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Controlled Demolitions in Action

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posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by svenglezz
First I personaly feel we should talk about WTC 1 and 2 NOT No. 7......

Yeah ok lets just ignore probably the only building that Larry Silverstein himself said was a controlled demolition. The only building that didn't get hit by a jet, and still fell out of the sky perfectly straight down. You know what happen on 9-11? A classic magicians trick. Let me wave and dazzel the audience with my right hand (WTC1,2), so with my left hand, I can hide the trick. (WTC7)

WTC 7 is the weakest link of all of 911, it will tell you by itself that the official story's were incorrect.

You see, the official story of 1 and 2 is the jet's initial hits blew away the fireproofing on the structural steel. Which is a giant lie. So what happen to the fireproofing on WTC 7?

That fact still stands, no steel building on the face of this Earth has ever collapse because of fire. WTC 7 was built to withstand the hit of a Boeing 707, but NIST and FEMA say a small piece of debris made it collapse? Knowing how on Earth anyone can believe that is just out of my range of gullibility.

B.T.W. Being able to make shapes on AutoCAD does NOT mean you are an engineer. I have been using AutoCAD, 3DStudio Max, and Maya, AND mostly SolidWorks for years, and I do not claim to be a structural engineer, yet I have the ability to create a house from the foundation to the roof. Even if you did create a model, which someone already did, it will be impossible and a waste of time to use it to describe how the buildings fell, because you simply do not know what happen to the structure. NOBODY DOES. The only people who even have a slight clue to exactly what happen to WTC 1,2,7's steel structure are dead. Anyone else is just guessing.

So.. first you say this...

Originally posted by svenglezz
First I personaly feel we should talk about WTC 1 and 2 NOT No. 7......

And then you say this in the same post...

Originally posted by svenglezz
....but if we don't discuss we never find the truth....


[edit on 25-8-2006 by LAES YVAN]

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Vushta
You're appearently incorrect.

Apperently not, that web page has nothing to do with WTC7. My main focus is why WTC7 went down, because I am certain it was a controlled demolition. If WTC7 was a controlled demolition, it almost certainly discredits anything NIST, FEMA, or anyone says about the rest of 911's story, which include WTC 1 and 2.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
This is why I never mentioned the courses I studied in school.

Because you don't have sufficient knowledge in this field, and you knew we would ask questions that you couldn't answer. That is why.

Originally posted by esdad71
How do you friends in the service feel about you serving a country you do not trust or beleive in?

I don't know, how about you ask them? You are making the assumption that I am the only one in service that doesn't believe the official story... I can guarantee that assumption is incorrect. B.T.W. I trust and believe in this country, I just don't trust and believe in the official story.

Originally posted by esdad71
Can you tell us what unit you are/were in or is it top secret?

My exact Unit Identification Code (UIC) is classified for personal reasons, but I am in 1 of 9 known NSWS.

Originally posted by esdad71
Tell me, what can you derive from that?

I already said, you are too afraid to not believe the initial 911 story's.

Originally posted by esdad71
I graduated from college in Florida, and did graduate studies there and in NY. That is all you need to know. I mean, have you never met someone who changed a major, or had dual majors? This happens, and it happens quite often.

Alright then, so it is safe to say you do not have a creditable background in this subject.

Originally posted by esdad71
You didn't say weeks, the official story did. The fires burned for months. Of course it was smoldering and it was hot. It was like a metal compost pile if you think about it. It is rare for a natural thermite reaction, but it could have occured. This however does not prove use of thermite to bring the towers down.

But this is great evidence:

...and so is the evidence from a piece of metal pull from ground zero that was put in lab tests and came back with traces of evidence that thermite was involved.

Originally posted by esdad71
When the WTC was built, it did not need to adhere to code in this day and age would have never been approved to be built.

Can you please provide your source for this outrageous claim?

Originally posted by esdad71
ALso, The designer never made that statement.

Oh really? You just lie one after another don't you..
Civil Engineering Magazine

Leslie E. Robertson, the engineer of the Word Trade Center complex and the director of design for Leslie E. Robertson Associates in New York City, says that the wind loads on the buildings dictated their structural design, and that fact worked in the buildings’ favor on September 11. “The towers were designed to withstand a 707—a low-flying and slow-flying jet airliner,” Robertson says. “So now people ask, ‘Well, if they were designed for a 707, why did they stand up under the impact of a 767, which was traveling much faster and carrying far more fuel?’ The reason is that the towers were built using one basic overriding criterion: the wind.” Robertson’s design was the first for a high-rise structure ever to undergo wind tunnel tests, and the results produced a stiff, redundant structural design.

The comment about a 707 being slow-flying and 767 being faster is wrong..

Boeing 707 Mass: 148780kg Cruising Speed, 621 mph (1000 km/h) # of Engines: 4
Boeing 767 Mass: 136078kg Cruising Speed, 540 mph (870 km/h) # of Engines: 2
Boeing 757 Mass: 104326kg Cruising speed, 540 mph (868 km/h) # of Engines: 2


Originally posted by esdad71
Let me ask you a question LAES YVAN, where do you get the background to assert the claims that you do

I am a United States Navy SEAL, and have been trained in various types of demolition. This topic, is about demolition. My view of WTC 7 tells me it was a controlled demolition.

Originally posted by esdad71
and to tell me that i am not correct in my beliefs?

You are not correct in your beliefs.

esdad71 you still have NOT provided any of your information about your beliefs from independent resources. I would like to see your information from people other than NIST, FEMA, and ASCE, who are all funded by the government.

Its like asking the coach of a football team to referee the same game his team is playing. It will be a biased outlook of the game.

[edit on 25-8-2006 by LAES YVAN]

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
Did you read the report? Stop looking at pictures and read something for a change.

All of NIST's, FEMA's and ASCE's damage reports are all based on evidence from PICTURES.

Building Conditions

Data for building conditions has been expanded and enhanced
through photographs, video, and interview records:
- Debris Impact from WTC 1 and WTC 2
- Observed and Reported Fire Locations and Times
- External Signs of Collapse

Source: NIST

[edit on 25-8-2006 by LAES YVAN]

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 10:50 PM
congratulations, you did a little research. He is quoting someone else. Besides, I thought you were talking about the person who designed the building, Minoru Yamasaki.

Also, the only evidence you offer is that everyone who knows thte real story is dead. How convienant for you. If you feel that you do not want to believe any part of the official and private investigations from NIST, FEMA and the ASCE, fine. I have said this before. I could give two turds less. The sooner you accept that there are people out there trying to kill us, you might sleep better.

University of Florida and NYU. Nothing to hide, just personal stuff you truly do not need ot know for this conversation. I studied this subject. I can design a building, to code, from foundation to showing the CAT 5 cable for the hi speed internet. That is all I stated. I never claimed to be a SE, only someone who studied it.

Oh, I also think you are bull#ting about bieng a SEAL. If you were, you would know that this could not have been a demo with the training you should have received. Also, you know who actually did this because I am sure you have to know at least one guy killed by people tied to AQ or an offshoot faction. Are you MI-6 on another board?

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
congratulations, you did a little research. He is quoting someone else. Besides, I thought you were talking about the person who designed the building, Minoru Yamasaki.

I've done more research than you can imagine.

Minoru Yamasaki was the architect, not a structural engineer. If you had ANY experience with creating a real building, you would know the extreme difference between an architect and structural engineer. I can sum it up for you since you don't know the difference. An architect draws, and visually designs the building. The structural engineer actually designs the buildings structure, and makes sure it stands, and can hold its weight.

The structural engineer of the WTC's is Leslie Robertson. Also, Minorus Yamasaki died in 1986, thats about 15 years before 911.

Originally posted by esdad71
Also, the only evidence you offer is that everyone who knows thte real story is dead. How convienant for you. If you feel that you do not want to believe any part of the official and private investigations from NIST, FEMA and the ASCE, fine. I have said this before. I could give two turds less.

NIST is funded by the government. FEMA is funded by the government. ASCE's report is co-written by FEMA. As soon as you can provide evidence that supports your claims that don't come from government funded reports, your claims might hold water. I have read all "official" reports before I thought it was an inside job. The "official" reports left me with unanswered questions, and when I did my own research I found I wasn't the only one looking for more answers.

Originally posted by esdad71
The sooner you accept that there are people out there trying to kill us, you might sleep better.

I've been face to face with those people trying to kill us. I have been shot at, by those people who are trying to kill us. I have talked to a few of those people trying to kill us. I still sleep like a baby.

Originally posted by esdad71
University of Florida and NYU. Nothing to hide, just personal stuff you truly do not need ot know for this conversation. I studied this subject. I can design a building, to code, from foundation to showing the CAT 5 cable for the hi speed internet. That is all I stated. I never claimed to be a SE, only someone who studied it. showing the CAT 5 cable for hi speed internet? huh? Is this your attempt to sound like you know what you are doing? You failed.

Originally posted by esdad71
Oh, I also think you are bull#ting about bieng a SEAL. If you were, you would know that this could not have been a demo with the training you should have received.

I am not BSing. You can test me if you wish. Please, tell me how I would know WTC wasn't a demo? Actually I know the exact opposite, since I have been trained to take out high and low rise steel buildings, and other various buildings.

Originally posted by esdad71
Also, you know who actually did this because I am sure you have to know at least one guy killed by people tied to AQ or an offshoot faction.

Sure I knew a guy killed by people tied to Al-Qaeda or just angry insurgents. His name was Marc Allen Lee. I knew other people killed in Iraq, and Afghanistan, but not on a full name basis, just by nick names. How would that mean I know who was behind 911?

Originally posted by esdad71
Are you MI-6 on another board?

I'm only a member of ONE board and that is AboveTopSecret. I don't have time for others.

[edit on 25-8-2006 by LAES YVAN]

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 12:55 AM
Not worth it...

[edit on 26-8-2006 by esdad71]

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
Not worth it...

Thank you come again....

To further this topic, I provide this...

Former Mayer of New York, Mayor Rudy Giuliani, had his office in WTC 7. Here on a live phone call, he says he was warned before hand, that WTC 7 was going to collapse. How did he know?

That and Larry Silverstein knew WTC 7 was going to be "pulled".

hmmmm.... interesting...

Also... the bomb sniffing dogs that permanently worked at the WTC's were removed.

The World Trade Center was destroyed just days after a heightened security alert was lifted at the landmark 110-story towers, security personnel said yesterday.

Daria Coard, 37, a guard at Tower One, said the security detail had been working 12-hour shifts for the past two weeks because of numerous phone threats. But on Thursday, bomb-sniffing dogs were abruptly removed.

"Today was the first day there was not the extra security," Coard said. "We were protecting below. We had the ground covered. We didn't figure they would do it with planes. There is no way anyone could have stopped that."

Funny how none of this was in the NIST, or FEMA reports.

[edit on 26-8-2006 by LAES YVAN]

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 01:14 PM
You keep posting things I have read, and are coincidental and fit into a conspiracy theroy. Good for you. Sorry to hear you don't trust your government. Have a nice day. Like I said, I know my side of research, you feel yours.

Opinions are like a**h***, everyones got one. HAve a nice day.

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
You keep posting things I have read, and are coincidental and fit into a conspiracy theroy. Good for you. Sorry to hear you don't trust your government. Have a nice day. Like I said, I know my side of research, you feel yours.

Opinions are like a**h***, everyones got one. HAve a nice day.

Coincidental? Face it, there are more facts of an inside job, than there are facts that it wasn't a inside job.

The very very very sad part about your "belief", is that you believe a report that states:

"NIST has seen no evidence that the collapse of WTC 7 was caused by bombs, missiles, or controlled demolition."

THEN they state this:

- Two 6,000 gallon fuel tanks supplying a pressurized line possibly contributed to fires; tanks
were found to be damaged by debris and empty several months after collapse.

Really, two 6,000 gallon fuel tanks will never be considered a "bomb" now would it..

If they don't think 6,000 gallon fuel tanks can be bombs, I wonder what they would think about a small slice of C-4?

I'm not saying someone used the fuel tanks as a way to bring down the buildings, but I am saying, NIST went great lengths to make sure you wouldn't even consider WTC to be an inside job. Even if they did find evidence of bombs/missiles/CD, do you "believe" they will tell you?

[edit on 26-8-2006 by LAES YVAN]

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 09:04 PM
Correct, they were not bombs, and would not be considered bombs since it was for fuel storage. What exactly are you getting at with the question?

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 04:15 AM
If someone planted a liquid bomb, NIST wouldn't tell you. Simple as that.

[edit on 27-8-2006 by LAES YVAN]

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 11:20 PM
Well this has been a great thread with a lot of good replies all around.
I'd like to propose some things i am thinkin about this situation, and the whole consipirocy thing as i just finish watching "triple cross: bin laden spy in america" on nation geographic.

Remeber the 1993 WTC bombing? well, do you think this was part of the conspirocy as well? like leave a paper trail that they have tried to hit the building before? i dont know, im really torn because honestly people on both sides of the ball have evidence in their favor.

My question, is why wait? why wait 8 years between the first attack to bring down the towers? IF this was part of a gov conspirocy, why wait so long to do this deed?

Ok...and also, what did/does the government gain by attacking themselves and bringing down the buildings. Lets not forget a lot of law enforcement, EMT, and other state employed people died on 9/11. Why sacrifice people of your own government? granted cops arent the same thing as CIA agents, but still...why hurt the hive you know?

And what has the government gained as a whole? How did 9/11 benifent the american people? We have insane gas prices, started an 8 year war that has crippled our ecomony to the brink of collapse, and totally washed away any trust or respect that forgein nations have for us. I honestly don't see how the USA gov benefited from 9/11.

And how do you explain all the militant musilms in iraq, iran, lebanon, and various other places in the ME? Are they secretly employed by the US gov to? What im trying to say, is that people cant have it both ways. You cant have 9/11 as the governments fault, but still have real terrorists out there. Either all the terrorists are working together, or there's no conspirocy that the gov is really trying to gain power by attacking themselves.

Do you think they gov planned 9/11 so that bush could go to iraq and kick out saddam? Thats hellishly selfish....

I dunno.....something is seriously screwed up in the world right now, and there are a lot of guilty people out there, of that i am certain. I dont think we are being told the full story about the current times we are living in, and i belive there is a dark shadow hanging over the world as we speak.

I could go on, but my 4K character limit is getting close to being up. so lets just answer the questions:

What would the US gov gain, by slaughtering it's citizens, and destroying one of the US's most famous land marks?


how can we explain the 93 bombing and the other attacks by al quadea around the world?

posted on Aug, 28 2006 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by Spawwwn
My question, is why wait? why wait 8 years between the first attack to bring down the towers? IF this was part of a gov conspirocy, why wait so long to do this deed?

They are patient.

posted on Aug, 28 2006 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by Spawwwn
Ok...and also, what did/does the government gain by attacking themselves and bringing down the buildings. Lets not forget a lot of law enforcement, EMT, and other state employed people died on 9/11. Why sacrifice people of your own government?

Shock effect. It rilled up the american people and spured them to goto war. The American people are amazingly slow to do much of anything. They needed another pearl harbor to wake up the sleeping giant.

And what has the government gained as a whole? How did 9/11 benifent the american people? We have insane gas prices, started an 8 year war that has crippled our ecomony to the brink of collapse, and totally washed away any trust or respect that forgein nations have for us. I honestly don't see how the USA gov benefited from 9/11.

9/11 gave them the excuse they needed to lower interest rates to historic lows. With a reduction of higher paying manufacturing and technical service sector jobs, people who have been downsized have been looking for ways to maintain thier standard of living. It is no secret that owning real estate has been the choice of people seeking to gain wealth.

With a lowering of interest rates, the resulting run on real estate and the out of control price increases in homes was predictible. Now they have locked a great many people into financial bondage and real estate values are falling nation wide as people start to realize that we as a people don't have the income to support the payments.

They need the American government to collapse under its own burocratic and financial weight, and create a worldwide recession (Maybe depression) in order for them to install thier worldwide government (Reference the New World Order)

[edit on 28-8-2006 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Aug, 28 2006 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
congratulations, you did a little research. He is quoting someone else. Besides, I thought you were talking about the person who designed the building, Minoru Yamasaki.

I'm under the impression that Yamasaki is an architect? Since when do architects design the structural integrity of buildings? That would be Robertson....i.e. a professional structural engineer. Please, if you don't want structural engineers on your arse, quit saying architects design buildings (yes they design what they want the building to look like, but in the end, only the structural engineer can sign off on the design structurally).

posted on Aug, 28 2006 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by Griff
I'm under the impression that Yamasaki is an architect? Since when do architects design the structural integrity of buildings? That would be Robertson....i.e. a professional structural engineer. Please, if you don't want structural engineers on your arse, quit saying architects design buildings (yes they design what they want the building to look like, but in the end, only the structural engineer can sign off on the design structurally).

That's what I tired to tell him..

Minoru Yamasaki was the architect, not a structural engineer. If you had ANY experience with creating a real building, you would know the extreme difference between an architect and structural engineer. I can sum it up for you since you don't know the difference. An architect draws, and visually designs the building. The structural engineer actually designs the buildings structure, and makes sure it stands, and can hold its weight.
The structural engineer of the WTC's is Leslie Robertson. Also, Minorus Yamasaki died in 1986, thats about 15 years before 911.

It's funny all this time he claims to be involved in structural engineering, yet he doesn't know the difference between an architect and a structural engineer lol.

posted on Aug, 28 2006 @ 10:01 PM
My apologies, you are right, architects are nothing more that artists with lofty ideas. I was speaking of the design of the buildings which led to a unique structure to be designed and then implemented by someones ideas. Geesh, sorry.

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 01:15 AM
Architect's and engineers, huh.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 04:07 AM
It turns out NIST still isn't sure about what took down WTC 7, and they are going to further the investigation to see if bombs were the cause.

Funny esdad71 is using NIST reports as his main argument, and even THEY aren't exactly sure.

I bet anything they will lie again, and say they didn't find evidence. I don't see how they can investigate something that has been gone for 4.5 years. They will have to guess with photos and videos, like they did the first time.

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