posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 09:21 PM
I don't know if lucid dreaming accounts for much, but here is a little story that happened a little over a month ago:
I was asleep and began hearing a loud, mechanical hum getting closer. It was the most unearthly thing I have ever heard - I thought one of the air
conditioning units in my apartment complex was getting ready to explode.
The next thing I know, I hear the words "This is it - the end of the world" inside my head, and prepared for the inevitable.
I was "picked up" outside of my body (my spirit or conciousness?) by a strange being, no more than two feet in height and with greyish green skin,
and it began spinning me around in a circle like a rag doll.
I reached out and grabbed the creature where one would normally tickle someone in the ribs, and felt nothing more than rubbery gel skin (no bones to
speak of).
The being looked at me distastefully, and the next thing I knew I was back in my bed, waking up in a panic.
I've never had any dreams or experiences like this before, and it unnerved me to no end. I'm not easily frightened.
Whatever it was, it was the closet thing to an abduction I have ever experienced, or ever hope to!