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The Whole Solar System is Undergoing Global Warming.

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posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by RedGolem

Originally posted by Sir Solomon

Basically I wondered if maybe there had been an increase in the energy that was being put out by the sun.

Actually I saw on a pbs program that the sun has been dimming. This was based on measherments used to determin the amount of watter needed for food crops, and my the amount of evaporation as meashered from a water sorce. This was blamed on the particales in the atmospher.

I also saw this program it was calleed Global Dimming, and it wasnt the sun dimming it was that there was more dust and pollutant particles in Earths atmosphere that actually was slowing down some of the global warming.

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 10:53 AM
I'm not convinced that global warming is a totally man made phenomenon either. Especially when we have drastic climate changes in the fossil records.

As far as the middle ages go, it was not global warming then, it was a mini Ice Age. This was caused by a relatively low period of solar activity.

So climate does change, and do so within a human lifetime.

However, Im sure human activity does play a part in certain factors of climate change.

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 11:00 AM
Well, as long as we keep on putting more planes in the air to increase the amount of Global Dimming, I think the Earth will be alright.

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 11:12 AM
I think this effectively ends the peseudo-scientific "global warming based on pollution theory"

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 11:16 AM
For me as well, thus far, I've concluded that it's more of a natural occurence, and of course, human activity (dumping chemicals into the atmosphere) is a catalyst to speed up this process and that it doesn't help either.

It's interesting however to hear of other planets going through the same cycle, very interesting..

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
I think this effectively ends the peseudo-scientific "global warming based on pollution theory"

How is this statement true?

Global warming on Earth is sped up by the pollutants that we do produce.

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 11:25 AM
Yeah that’s what I think too, we’re not helping but it’s not totally our fault or doing. Climate changes from time to time, it has happened in the past, and human activity was not the reason for it. And I don’t think that global warming is a permanent thing, without the natural factors our contributions wouldn’t be so noticeable. So I think things might go back to a normal stable climate, but this could take centuries, or millennia.

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 12:21 PM

"You have voted Muaddib for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month."

I have been beating this drum for a while and I always get shushed or ignored (in the real world - well, I live in LA so as real as it can be out here).

There is just such a narcissistic attitude regarding global warming and if you think that there may be something more going on than just what we are doing you are instantly a slave of corporate interests.

I am personally all for conservation - I recycle fanatically even though it is a pain to drive to the recycling center (I live in an apartment and they don't have a recycle dumpster). I limit the house to light only in the room I am in, I have a strict limit on the amount of TV I watch and I walk to work or ride my bike as often as is feasible. Just because I don't believe that humanity is contributing to Global Warming doesn't make me a bad person!

Thank you again!

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 12:52 PM
Great research, thanks. But don't blame the "environmentalists" because there are numerous scientists out there that are saying GW is definitely contributed to by humans. It may well be that our human actions are what is tipping the balance.
How can our planet not be influenced by 7 billion people living on it and all the fumes CO2 emitted from our cars, etc.? When you add the disappearing forests such as the Amazon, you've got far too much CO2 to say that what we humans do has nothing to do with GW. Everything is inter-related.

Your research does not include the consideration that humans may at least be contributing greatly to GW and making it worse than it would normally be. Our solar system is a very complex thing with many variables in it.

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 01:13 PM
What I've noticed, and I remember reading this on another thread, is that it seems that the sun has gotten brighter over the past few years. I don't know if it's just my eyes going bad, I really don't think so as I still have 20/20. But now days I can't even go outside without sunglasses or else my eyes burn bad even when I look down at pavement. And man when it snows and the sun comes out, now I know snow is white and white reflects sunlight, but every year it gets worse and worse for me. I remember walking out side last Janurary with some friends, as soon as we opened the door, the 4 of us cringed bad and had to shut the door again because the snow was so bright. What the heck is going on?

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 01:26 PM
I agree Forestlady,

Also, many of the changes our planet is going through are more serious than just the rising temperature and smog. The melting of polar and sub-polar ice at three times the normal rate, the die-back and die-off of our forests and wetlands and the increase in coral reef and beach erosion are all attributable to our output of not just co2 emissions but numerous other chemicals being dumped into our worlds air and water.

No one wants to admit that we are responsible for slowly killing our planet but which is better, to admit our part in the problem and try to fix it or remain in a state of denial until it's too late to do anything? Just something to consider.


posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 01:38 PM
I don’t see extraordinary climate activity as definitive proof that we’re behind it. Ok the poles are melting, well thousands of years ago they extended all the way down past northern US. And Africa used to be a jungle, among countless other changes. We weren’t responsible for those yet they happened, why? Because geological and climate changes happen naturally and there is nothing we can do about it. If the earth can naturally cool down, well I'm thinking it can naturally heat up.

[edit on 17-8-2006 by WestPoint23]

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by pavil
I have always wondered about the Sun's output and how it effects everything.

The info on Pluto however might be misleading in some ways as Pluto's orbit is highly elliptical, much more than any other planet. It actually is the eight planet in distance to the sun at some points in it's orbit. If Pluto has been comming closer to the Sun the past few decades (one single orbit of the sun takes 248 years), I would expect an increase in temps, pressure ect., even without any extra solar output.

According to the information in the link provided, Pluto is warming up more, even though it is orbiting away from the Sun. Which i would think would point out that the cause of warming in the solar system, is not the Sun.

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 01:50 PM
Muaddib, most of this is old news The Whole Solar System is Undergoing Global Warming thing has been around for awhile and it shows in your first 4 links
as do the graphs....

December 08, 2003
September 20, 2005
22 April 2004
October 9, 2002

It's been a fact, for some time now that the Solar System has been going through and proceeds to go through cycles of warming and cooling.

But, with respect to humans causing GW. Anyone can play geoscience to suit their own needs. Many graph biasing "ideals" have come and gone thanks to political ideals, ....

You can not discount the environmentalists, you need to play devil's advocate to understand them. Humans may indeed influence and multiply the effects of global warming, although humans are not the cause of GW.

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
As far as the middle ages go, it was not global warming then, it was a mini Ice Age. This was caused by a relatively low period of solar activity.

So climate does change, and do so within a human lifetime.

However, Im sure human activity does play a part in certain factors of climate change.

You are partly right Skadi, I should have explained that I was talking about the period from the 9 th century to the 14th century when the climate became unusually warm. The Little Ice Age started around 1300 when the world cooled dramatically.

Middle Ages were warmer than today, say scientists
By Robert Matthews, Science Correspondent
(Filed: 06/04/2003)

Claims that man-made pollution is causing "unprecedented" global warming have been seriously undermined by new research which shows that the Earth was warmer during the Middle Ages.

From the outset of the global warming debate in the late 1980s, environmentalists have said that temperatures are rising higher and faster than ever before, leading some scientists to conclude that greenhouse gases from cars and power stations are causing these "record-breaking" global temperatures.

Last year, scientists working for the UK Climate Impacts Programme said that global temperatures were "the hottest since records began" and added: "We are pretty sure that climate change due to human activity is here and it's accelerating."

Middle Ages were warmer than today, say scientists
By Robert Matthews, Science Correspondent
(Filed: 06/04/2003)

Claims that man-made pollution is causing "unprecedented" global warming have been seriously undermined by new research which shows that the Earth was warmer during the Middle Ages.

From the outset of the global warming debate in the late 1980s, environmentalists have said that temperatures are rising higher and faster than ever before, leading some scientists to conclude that greenhouse gases from cars and power stations are causing these "record-breaking" global temperatures.

Last year, scientists working for the UK Climate Impacts Programme said that global temperatures were "the hottest since records began" and added: "We are pretty sure that climate change due to human activity is here and it's accelerating."

This announcement followed research published in 1998, when scientists at the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia declared that the 1990s had been hotter than any other period for 1,000 years.

Such claims have now been sharply contradicted by the most comprehensive study yet of global temperature over the past 1,000 years. A review of more than 240 scientific studies has shown that today's temperatures are neither the warmest over the past millennium, nor are they producing the most extreme weather - in stark contrast to the claims of the environmentalists.

The review, carried out by a team from Harvard University, examined the findings of studies of so-called "temperature proxies" such as tree rings, ice cores and historical accounts which allow scientists to estimate temperatures prevailing at sites around the world.

The findings prove that the world experienced a Medieval Warm Period between the ninth and 14th centuries with global temperatures significantly higher even than today.

They also confirm claims that a Little Ice Age set in around 1300, during which the world cooled dramatically. Since 1900, the world has begun to warm up again - but has still to reach the balmy temperatures of the Middle Ages.

Here is another link which covers some of the warming and cooling trends that Earth has gone through.

You can also do a search on "Middle Ages global warming" and you will find a lot more information.

[edit on 17-8-2006 by Muaddib]

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by XPhiles
Muaddib, most of this is old news The Whole Solar System is Undergoing Global Warming thing has been around for awhile and it shows in your first 4 links
as do the graphs....

Those articles point to the fact that this information has been around for a while, but it "doesn't make it old news" as a lot of people nowadays think that global warming is "something new".

I used to be one of the people who thought human activity was contributing to global warming, but apparently the evidence says otherwise.

Dumping chemicals in the oceans, and dumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is obviously not good, but how can anyone say that "mankind is making global warming worse" when it has been demonstrated that there have been periods in the past when global warming has been worse, and has happened faster than what we are seeing today?

[edit on 17-8-2006 by Muaddib]

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 02:20 PM
While I don't believe that humanity is the sole cause of the global warming itself, perhaps more like 30-50% is because of us.
However, I don't think that using other planets as comparisons
is a good iddea considering we don't know even half as much as
we know about our own.

And besides, even if we're not responsible for al og lobal warming,
we're still responsible for one of the largest die-offs in history,
we ourselves ahve made many animals and plants extinct,
take for example the DoDo, we hunted the poor thing into extinction.
In more modern times we're fishing certain fish species near to endangerment/extinction, and the chemicals we produce and don't
dispose of properly cause very bad things for the environment as well.

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 02:21 PM
A few weeks back i was checking up some stuff on the siberian death valley when i came across the Galactic Core.

First off here some information about the Galactic Center.

Now to Dr. LaViolette.Here some information about him.

Also worth checking is this post " Clarification of Question by citizena-ga on 07 Nov 2004 22:37 PST" about halfway down the page.

To summarize La Violette's findings and the sequence of his discoveries:

1979: Galactic Explosion Hypothesis: At the time that La Violette
begins his research, most astronomers agree that the core of our
galaxy is relatively quiescent and should remain so for tens of
millions of years. La Violette, having cracked the zodiacal
cosmocreation cryptogram, does not agree. According to the starscript,
he interprets that an immense explosion occurred at the center of our
galaxy thousands of years ago. Moreover, the story that unfolded
suggests that the core of our galaxy enters a cyclical explosive phase
during which intense winds of cosmic ray particles are released
equivalent to the energy released from five to ten million highly
energetic supernova explosions.

Now his

What it basically says is that Galactic core explosions occur about every 13,000 - 26,000 years for major outbursts and more frequently for lesser events.

Today, tomorrow, next week, next year. . . sometime in the coming decades. . . our planet could once again be hit by an intense volley of Galactic cosmic rays. It will come cloaked and hidden from us, until the very moment it strikes. We live on the edge of the Galaxy's volcano. Knowing neither the time, the magnitude, nor the severity of the next eruption or its impact on our environment, we stand unprepared to deal with this event, much less anticipate its arrival.


What makes this whole theory intresting is that it ties in with the Hopi predications on 2012 and their theory of 5 or 6 ages which in turn coincides with these outburst cycles,also various theories of the end of the world tie in nicely to this theory.

So what do you guys think of this ? Sure sounds intresting indeed

What also ties in to this thread is the heat waves we have been facing the last several years, each year is breaking the heat record, this in turn points to the theory that the wave along with the dust is causing temperatures to rise like they are doing.

[edit on 17-8-2006 by Fett Pinkus]

[edit on 17-8-2006 by Fett Pinkus]

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 02:47 PM
Well researched, and I never noticed that before. Thanks for the info!=)

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 03:05 PM
with the the solar warming maybe icecaps will melt places, an bring life ,if it doesnt evaporate

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