posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 03:29 PM
Oh, agend agenda agenda.
I'm quite suere some sects do.
Just like I'm absolutely positive that some evolutionists do, too. Disproven for centuries: Still debates over how much of it was accurate and how
much of it was lie...since things like vestegial "gills" grow into ears
and were never meant to be gills.
Original drawings still
used in textbooks at the college level.
The debates about Lucy not being our ancestor due to Homo Erectus bones being found in the same layer and been argued about since the 80s (against it
being an ancestor by the ones who found it, no less), but it was used in textbooks as the biggest link between monkey and man as late as 2001/2002 as
an ancestor.
As both sides can point to liars and charlatains, let them duke it out in public, and let people make their own decisions based upon what both spout
as least at the collegelevel, where people are suposed to have brains in their heads.
That's not really done right now. One side has the upper hand and whenever the other side gets a toehold, the "winning team" screams bloody
They are theories, not laws. Calling them overblown names changes nothing but their names.
Laws are predictable, neither Evolution (with it's dead ends and mutations galore) or Creation (with a God outside of the laws so much that he MAKES
the laws) are truely testable, as they all happened in the past, and we can't recreate them (no new made species by natural selection, breeds yes,
species, no) and (we ain't God, so we don't truely create something from nothing, we build upon previous existing material).
bah, am already tired of this.