posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 05:00 PM
Mark 13:22 "For false Christs and false prophets shall arise, and show signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the very elect."
Hmmmm...Why would they put such a topic as "Jesus' marriage to Mary" on PrimeTime television???? Ok oh ye children of conspiracy, Ya'll
should know this one. What is the aim of the TV networks??? (or more so those controlling these networks) Come on, it's to conform public opinion. To
persuade the public into believing something, %99 of the time, a lie....especially on PrimeTime. Now think, why would this message be such a Hot topic
all of the sudden?? especially in the living rooms of familys across America? Well other than degrading Jesus Christ and the Word of Our Lord, there
is a far bigger plan in affect. In order to present an otherwise somewhat "shocking" story to the public, it needs to be played out in a way where
it gives everyone the chance to play the "Hmmm....I wonder if..." game. After some time, the topic gets a little older, less shocking to the public
(Mostly those not Christian in this case) and tends to form a group of "belivers". If you notice there is No Scriptural evidence for this, other
than Mary wanting to give Jesus a hug before he went on hs way....(I would)
No Peeps, the reason for this is far more sinister. Think now to what theyre trying to get us to think about, and eventually to accept. That Jesus
Christ had Children with Mary, therefore making a bloodline of Jesus Christ. A Holy Bloodline. Notice now that the knowledge was only known and kept
secret by our favorite friends, the "secret societies"....Hence Messianic legacy, Masonic temple, illuminati, on and on. You all know that they
have a plan.
(not to get of topic here but)...But the thing is, its hard for many of you to see the full agenda because of your lack in faith in Christ. Belive it
or not he has all the answers for you. You dont have to go sit and meditate on your breathing for four hours or contact spirits beings to find unity
in the univerese to "see through the illusion that is life"...Trust me, i was a Buddhist, very into my practice. GUess what...Its a tirck of the
devil to get you to look away from Jesus.....You dont go to heaven on merit alone, or from working out your karma, by saving yourself becuase you are
your own god (if that was the case, would the world be like it is now?). It's from allowing Christ to be your personal saviour. John 6:47 "Verily,
verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life."
ANYWAY, back to TOPIC.....The agenda is this....To set the stage for the coming of Antichrist.(Note:antichrist, not anti Buddha, or anti Isis) In
order to do soo, the world must be united under a single empire, for there to be GLOBAL CONTROL. Most of you know this., Hence the Masonic lodge
taking over (including all branches and sects...Illuminati, etc.....) They belive in opening up to mans true consiousness, through occult and
spiritual studies. Yes, the same school of thought tha is "sweeping the nation"....New Age, enlightenment, Unity of the ONE Spirtit. These arent new
ideas, Very old.....The same groups are Pushing there thought on socitey, yes even many of you have fallen for the lie. Think about it.....You Belive
in the same spiritual ideas as the Masonic Lodge and the Illuminati(Pick up a good book on Freemasonry and its Ancient Mystic Rites). An yes some
claim to be Christian, but obviously only kidding themselves, or just using a front.
What is the common trend in all there ideas...UNITY WITH THE ONE. Hence New World Order.
Now back to "Jesus' Bloodline" (which doesnt exist) The Higher Ups in the Lodge....noteably the 30 and 33rd degree masons, the honchos, are
completly demon possessed...Think about it, they move up in the lodge by ritual initiation......(pretty much they get possessed by more powerfull
demons) and These demons manipulate them to work in the physicla world. These demons, ruled by Satan, are here for one Destroy mankind
and enslave them in hell.....specifically Christians...They really heate 'em.....Thats why Gods prayer and his commandments are not really
acceptiable in society any more, since Satan now has an upperhand.
In order for Antichrist to arrive on seen, they need Us to belive that there is a Holy bloodline in existence. Thats why The show was put on
primetime....they want EVERYONE and their grandma to see it. From this position, eventually they'll get many of us to belive that theyv'e found
someone with the strain of Bloodline in them (The True bloodline here folks is of Satan). This man comes to the world scene to "Rescue us" with
peacefull compromise, and showing us many wonderfull, supernatural acts. He's The Christ, (antichrist) the Messiah to save us from whatever Make
Belive threat they have people beliving in at that time. When in fact He is the threat.....But many will follow him,
Matt 24:4 "Take heed that no man decieve you" This is what your Illuminati is all about, and antichrist will spring from the 13th illuminati
bloodline........And from studying scriptue, you'll learn he'll come from the revived Roman Empire (Britain) ......Royalty...WINDSORS......We all
knew they were snakes....right? take heed everyone, Matt 24:13 "But he that shall endure to the end, the same shall be saved"
God be with you ALL