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Bush - Stoned? Drunk? Medicated? Retarded? Presidential Tester for the Pharmaceutical Industry?

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posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
Do you suppose someone could be scrambling him? I know that there are weapons designed to interfere with the thought processes of targets, to cause disorientation, confusion, even to the point of dictating certain emotions like fear and anger.

I'm more inclined to believe that if he is being 'controlled' it would most likely be drug based. Pure speculative theory of course.

I'm not clued in to the technical points of the weapons you mention (acoustic devices?) , but to me that would suggest influence from another nation? Not an inside 'job'?

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 02:50 PM

The president is human.

Do you have a source to back up that claim?

He is under a lot of pressure. He is not the most eloquent of speakers. He is does not have the most polished presentation.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with the American people being desirous of a well-spoken, intelligent, capable leader. To suggest otherwise is ludicrous. If a grapefruit happened to get elected thanks to the efforts of powerful friends in the swing states, would you tell us all to stop pointing out the fact that the president had no brain, could not speak, and tasted good with sugar?

I guess that would be a case of me being insensitive to the physical limitations of the president...

Yet, he has led our nation during the most difficult times of our history.

I love this...

All this talk about 'staying the course', with no mention of the direction. Yes, he's a leader. But where is he leading us - that's what counts, no?

Roosevelt's physical challenges were treated with compassion and respect. Now, every move a president makes and every word he says is recorded and played back ad nauseum.

I've heard it said that Roosevelt wouldn't have gotten elected if there had been widespread access to television. It's probably true, but I'm sure things have changed enough to allow for such an eventuality.

But really it's immaterial. Nobody here is drawing attention to Bush's ears, or legs, or his smile, we're talking about his brain. You know, the thing he needs for decision-making.

This is be basest, cruelest sort of criticism that I can imagine and it speaks very poorly of those who engage in it.

Remember that the next time you're unlucky enough to find yourself on a tour bus with a blind driver.

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne

The president is human.

Do you have a source to back up that claim?

I rest my case.

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 03:17 PM
Here are some links to previous discussions on this topic. Thanks to Majic for digging these up.

You rest your case without answering any of the questions raised? My little joke was based on the oft-repeated claims that Bush is some sort of alien/reptilian/hyrbid/clone/robot/hologram. No matter, take it as you please.

There are acoustic weapons, but I think they're more designed to make people uncomfortable, inducing pain; a device intended for use in dispersing crowds. The technology I'm thinking of is based on microwaves, IIRC. I'll try to find the related threads so you can check them out - I know that it's been discussed here as well.

Here ya go, some fun stuff on this thread:

More fun with microwaves:

Even more fun with microwaves:

(Edit: Spelling and to add links)

[edit on 15-8-2006 by WyrdeOne]

[edit on 15-8-2006 by WyrdeOne]

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
This is be basest, cruelest sort of criticism that I can imagine and it speaks very poorly of those who engage in it.

This is my point and you proved it exquisitely. What more needs to be said?

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
This is my point and you proved it exquisitely. What more needs to be said?

Well, I'd sure like to hear what more people have to say on Bushs' behaviour, and the link to possible mind control/illness/intoxication/stress/overwork/etc.

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by melem
Well, I'd sure like to hear what more people have to say on Bushs' behaviour, and the link to possible mind control/illness/intoxication/stress/overwork/etc.

Well, please make sure you read my original post in its entirity. I will add that I have seen nothing that would indicate that the man is other than normal. Of course, if all you watch are comedy programs and his impromtu comments, you might conclude that something is wrong, but as I have stated, if our lives were video taped and left to the comedians and the biased to edit, we'd all look other than we'd like to be seen, as well.

[edit on 2006/8/15 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 04:00 PM

[Bush] led two wars (won both times)

Bush led two wars and won both? Wow...where have I been? Which wars are you talking about that A. Dubya led and B. Dubya won

Thank you....I need some serious clarification here!

We made it through the heat of the Cold War without going into total nuclear annihilation with these bozos at the wheel:


Kennedy was no bozo....I thought you were a subject matter expert??

[edit on 15-8-2006 by Excitable_Boy]

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 04:07 PM
He's gonna be even more whacked out each day that passes because he knows Tecumseh's curse is hanging over his head. The curse hasn't been wrong in over a hundred years which leads me to believe it's some sort of ritualistic thing. He knows it's coming and it's making him loco. He's gonna end up sitting in a pigeon cage in his underwear tripping out like Chris Tucker in Friday.

I would bet that Bush is on a steady dose of anti-anxiety and anti-depression medication.


posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 04:12 PM

He was born directly into an Illuminati family

The Bush family are hardly Illuminati.

They might be in the pocket of the Illuminati...but they most certainly are not themselves Illuminati!!

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 04:23 PM


Err, Kennedy and Johnson were both heavy-duty hawks.

In fact the Democrats were arguably more interventionist than the Republicans until the post-Vietnam era, when they saw the electoral writing on the wall and tried to mutate into the "peace Party".

It was in this period that the crowd we now call "neocons" moved from the left to the right.

[edit on 8/15/06 by xmotex]

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 04:28 PM
I can totally appreciate that the president is under stress, and under pressure, and isn't responding well... or any better than other people would in same said situation...

so lets take that out of the mix... its really subjective, and immaterial to the discussion...

lets talk about his behavior at the G8... that is all the evidence we need...

we as citizens really need to know if he was on drugs, or drunk, or merely tired...(or whatever)
becuase his behavior towards the worlds leaders was downright embarrassing

you dont stand at podiums and talk about roasted pig ad nauseum...
you talk about the world and its problems, and the solutions being discussed... even Gore knew that... hell, even Saddam knew that...

you dont rub the shoulders of the German Chancellor no matter how much she looks like Laura Bush from the back... that was outrageous... and showed that the man didn't have a clue where he was, or what he was doing...

I am just so glad he didn't try to kiss her...

the standoffish behavior of the MSM bespeaks the leash that holds them, becuase that kind of behavior from Gore would have made for a primetime media hanging...

but all in all... I feel sorry for Bush... because I really feel that he is merely an overstressed puppet...
and from previous threads, we have decent evidence that the "football" was removed from his grasp shortly after he took power... so we are safe for now...

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
Presidents are not shielded as they once were. Roosevelt's physical challenges were treated with compassion and respect. Now, every move a president makes and every word he says is recorded and played back ad nauseum.

No one here could stand up to such scrutiny, especially if our enemies had access to everything we said and did and could exploit such to suit their own agendas at will.

This is be basest, cruelest sort of criticism that I can imagine and it speaks very poorly of those who engage in it.

[edit on 2006/8/15 by GradyPhilpott]

Please, do not equate Roosevelt's phsyical handicap with Bush's deliberate choice to fry his own brain.

No one here could stand up to such scrutiny?! Are you joking? I'd say 75% of the posters on ATS show 100% more intelligence and wit than our dear Prez. I'd say 98% of the posters on ATS aren't habitual drunks or heavy narcotics users and it's probably even higher than that. I'd say we, as a whole, stand up QUITE WELL to the scrutiny we're applying to Bush.

I find it quite amusing that you find the need to defend Bush as if we're hurting your feelings by criticizing him... just like the other brainwashed sheep that Bush and co. have twisted around their fingers.

You think our criticism is cruel? Not as cruel as the thousands of people who have died, MAINLY because of Bush and the idiotic decisions he's made during his disasterous run as President.

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Dr Love
I would bet that Bush is on a steady dose of anti-anxiety and anti-depression medication.


In all fairness though, Bush isn't the only one. Most of those in Washington are on a steady dose of some medication or other....the majority of them on the kind that comes in a bottle. (WINK)

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by SkyWay

Originally posted by Dr Love
I would bet that Bush is on a steady dose of anti-anxiety and anti-depression medication.


In all fairness though, Bush isn't the only one. Most of those in Washington are on a steady dose of some medication or other....the majority of them on the kind that comes in a bottle. (WINK)

In all fairness, Bush should be held to a different standard. He's is the commander in chief of the strongest and most advanced military in the world. He makes the decisions, supposedly, for the world's only super-power. He has access to the proverbial "button" and the way things are going on in the world today, we CANNOT afford to have a drug-addicted alcoholic with severe mental health issues running the show.

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 04:46 PM

You think our criticism is cruel? Not as cruel as the thousands of people who have died, MAINLY because of Bush and the idiotic decisions he's made during his disasterous run as President.

Amen! I'd give you a WATS if I had any left.

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.....If someone wants the office of president, they are going to have to take the criticism that comes with it. You can't run a country and not get is the right of everyone to state their opinion of what the president is doing, whether good or bad.

We are not a dictatorship in the United States where we can be thrown into some scummy prison or killed for speaking our minds against our government. It is our right. When thousands of our troops are being killed for no reason, we have a right to criticize it. When the man who is supposedly making the decisions (we all know that someone else is pulling the strings) regularly appears to be medicated or intoxicated we have a right to be concerned. Especially given the power the man has.....he holds the lives of a lot of people in his hands.....and if he isn't all there upstairs and should be wearing a helmet when he steps outside, then something should be done about it!!

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
I don't think Bush is drunk, on drugs, retarded or any of the things you mention. I think this is the way he is.

I think he's not comfortable with power. I think he dislikes the spotlight. He's not a great speaker, at all. He has limited charisma. He has a daddy who shoes it is not possible for him to fill.
He appears ill at ease in front of crowds, in addition to being a poor public speaker. This causes him to do strange things as well as make many faux paus. His sense of humor doesn't transfer well to us.

Bottom line:
He's in way over his head.

This I think is a very good observation!! There is a very small chance that Bush and I share the same ancestor over 10 generations back(Fairbanks). Crowds and public speaking do the same thing to me. I also come up with some very strange mis-speaks at times. Poor Mr. Fairbanks, whoever you are, it may be all your fault.

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 04:55 PM
Oh, and by the way. I am not a Bush fan at all. I thought I should say that before the members of this forum try to come and get me for something I am not guilty of.

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by firebat
...[W]e CANNOT afford to have a drug-addicted alcoholic with severe mental health issues running the show.

I agree one-hundred percent. That's why I'm so grateful that George W. Bush is my president. You should be, too.

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 05:18 PM
Deleted by poster

[edit on 15-8-2006 by firebat]

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