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Meaning of the word AMEN

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posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by Essedarius

Hey Bud, the thing to think about is that, Many religious or so called christians say the word not knowing what it actually means. I wonder how, many of them would think differently about it if they knew that it is the name of a egyption god and not from the christian god. That might invoke further thought into other meanings of these teaching in the bible or other religious books. With all of these secret societies in the world, this whole thing of this religion could be a hoax. The one's that are laughing the loudest are the one inside the cults or societies directing the masses of people using religion. Some of these self rightous people use these books to portray themselves to be better than others therefore this is thier excuse to relieve thierself of all guilt and to brainwash thierselves into believing that what they do or have done to further thierselves in thier lifetime is ok because the masses of people have been brainwashed into believing that this is the "norm" or excepted way of things to be. And since we are a lazy people, why should we put out any extra effort to investigate and verify the things we do and if they are just. I live with this phoniness everyday with the people I am around at work. They say and use quotes from the bible but never ever truly try to live up to the ideals of the teachings of the story of Christ. If you sit back and have patients with these people sooner or later the true behaviors will appear and the phoniness of thier use of religious terms will be dimissed. I think people such as yourself aready know this but you think that you are smart enough to play the game and win at it so you believe you have mastered it, or you have been directed by others or even yourself to contribute to the smoke and mirrors of it all. As the events unfold and more and more people loose thier so called faith , it will be easier for everyone to see the lies of it all. And the ones who think they have control of the game will become more ruthless and demented and resort to even more extreme tactics to advance thier agenda, maybe you belong to this group or think that you are safe and won't be affected by it, we will just have to wait and see, yours truly, HOPEFUL

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 06:48 PM
GRS Mead had some interesting things to say on this subject:

As far as I can discover from the most recent works of reference, "Amen" is considered by scholars to be a pure Hebrew word. It is said to have been originally an adjective signifying "stability," "firmness," "certainty," which subsequently became an interjection, used first of all in conversation, and then restricted to the most solemn form of asseveration; as, for instance, in oaths, and, in the temple ritual, in the responses of the congregation to the doxologies and solemn utterances of the priests and readers.

According to the Portuguese reading of the vowels it is pronounced Âmên (the vowels as in Italian). The Greek transliteration is Amên.

In Revelation (iii. 14), Christ is called the Amen: "These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true Witness."

We are told that in the great synagogue at Alexandria, at the conclusion of the reader's doxology, the attendant signalled with a flag for the congregation to respond Amen.

This use of this sacred utterance was taken over by the Christian churches; so that we find Jerome writing: "Like unto celestial thunder the Amen re-echoes."

It is well know that Hebrew and Aramaic are exceedingly rich in loan-words from other languages. I have, however, never seen it yet suggested that Amen may be a loan-word. I would now, with all submission to Hebraist specialists, make this suggestion, for Plutarch in his treatise On Isis and Osiris writes (ix. 4):

"Moreover, while the majority think that the proper name of Zeus with the Egyptians is Amoun (which we by a slight change call Ammôn), Manethô, the Sebennyte, considers it His hidden one, and that His power of hiding is made plain by the very articulation of the sound.

"Hecatæus of Abdera, however, says that the Egyptians use this word to one another also when they call one to them, for that its sound has got the power of 'calling to'.

"Wherefore when they call to the First God--who they think is the same for every man--as unto the Unmanifest and Hidden, invoking Him to make Him manifest and plain to them, they say 'Amoun!'"

Ammôn or Amoun is usually transliterated directly from the hieroglyphics as Amen. We thus learn that in Egypt Amen was a "word of power," indeed the chief "word of power" in general theurgic use.

We cannot suppose that Hecataeus, in his History of Egypt, intended us to understand that the Egyptians shouted it after one another in the street. It was rather used as a word of magic, for evoking the Ka of a person, or as the chiefest of all invocations to the Invisible Deity.

The exact parallel is to be found today in the use of the "Word of Glory" (the Pranava), Om or Aum, in India.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by Eleleth
In Revelation (iii. 14), Christ is called the Amen: "These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true Witness."

This passage actually seems to infer that the Amen is an entity in and of itself, at least by my meager interpretation!

This use of this sacred utterance was taken over by the Christian churches; so that we find Jerome writing: "Like unto celestial thunder the Amen re-echoes."

Re-echoes..............and re-echoes...........and re-echoes.

I wonder what celestial thunder is.

"Moreover, while the majority think that the proper name of Zeus with the Egyptians is Amoun (which we by a slight change call Ammôn), Manethô, the Sebennyte, considers it His hidden one, and that His power of hiding is made plain by the very articulation of the sound.

Zues, eh? That is taking it back, isn't it? What I take from this paragraph is somehow that something is hidden and by using the Sound of the Word the hidden is no longer hidden.

I wonder if it is speaking of Sound as Manifestation of the hidden, but what is it that hides?

"Wherefore when they call to the First God--who they think is the same for every man--as unto the Unmanifest and Hidden, invoking Him to make Him manifest and plain to them, they say 'Amoun!'"

I guess this passage works with the description above from the last paragraph quoted. I can see why it would be said at the end of a prayer in this context, "invoking Him to make Him manifest and plain to them" could be a way of expecting to claim a prayer request.

It was rather used as a word of magic, for evoking the Ka of a person, or as the chiefest of all invocations to the Invisible Deity.

Is this a dual meaning in one sentence or is it saying that the Ka is equal to the Invisible Deity. Are we talking holy spirit type of meaning?

The exact parallel is to be found today in the use of the "Word of Glory" (the Pranava), Om or Aum, in India.


Thanks, Eleleth for posting up that. I admit when I first read the material you presented I passed it over as "same ole'" but when I can back and spent some time with each paragraph I saw some gems sparkling. It is easy to do that when there are multiple ideas listed together, on the other hand the repeating pattern found in the multiples can be valuable when looked at together.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 09:00 PM
In conjunction with Christ as the "Amen," I can point out that Ammon was foremost a ram-deity, and that in Revelations, Christ is none other than the lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

And if we are allowed to speculate wildly, we might also suggest that the Ram of Mendes is Jesus Christ himself--that is, Osiris.

[edit on 23-2-2009 by Eleleth]

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by Eleleth

This requires some "thought" so I will save a response.

We have the Ram also as Aries, thought by some to be the birthday of Christ (april) and also Pan, which was half goat.

I will be back on this.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by interestedalways
reply to post by Eleleth

This requires some "thought" so I will save a response.

We have the Ram also as Aries, thought by some to be the birthday of Christ (april) and also Pan, which was half goat.

Yes, there is some definite astrological significance there, with Aries transitioning into Pisces (the fish being, of course, the principal symbol of Christianity).

I should also mention that this page seems to show that Baphomet = Yahushua (Jesus). Some have said that Baphomet is Sophia through application of a similar cypher, but as Jesus and Sophia were considered syzygies, it is natural that they should be on some level interchangeable.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 12:36 AM
Good Posts so far. I have been researching the word for a couple of years and the word is of Egyptian origin. I am not sure why the word is not attributed to the Egyptians instead of the Hebrew. It is obvious concealment of the truth.

The word Amen is the name of a Divine Person with the Jews, and it seems the Second Person; for so on those words in Prov, viii. 30, "Then was I by him as one brought up with him" they observe, do not read Amon, the word there used, but Amen; and a little after, Amen, they say, is the notoricon, or sign, God the faithul King ; they make Amen to be one of the names of the second Sephira, or number in the Cabalistic tree, by whom the Second Person in the Godhead seems to be designed: and they say that the word Amen, by gematry (or numerically) answers to the two names Jehovah, Adonai.

Amen - In Hebrew is formed of the letters AMN = 1,40,50 =91, and is thus a simile of "Jehovah Adonai" = 10,5,6, 5 and 1,4,50,10=91 together; it is one form of the Hebrew word for "truth". In common parlance Amen is said to mean "so be it". But, in esoteric parlance Amen means "the concealed ". Manetho Sebennites says the word signifies that which is hidden and we know through Hecataeus and others that the Egyptians used the word to call upon their great God of Mystery, Ammon (or "Ammas, the hidden god") to make himself conspicuous and manifest to them. Bonomi, the famous hieroglyphist, calls his worshippers very pertinently the "Amenoph", and Mr. Bonwick quotes a writer who says: "Ammon, the hidden god, will remain for ever hidden till anthropomorphically revealed; gods who are afar off are useless". Amen is styled "Lord of the new-moon festival". Jehovah-Adonai is a new form of the ram-headed god Amoun or Ammon (q.o.) who was invoked by the Egyptian priests under the name of Amen.

The Theosophical Glossary (1918)
H. P. Blavatsky

Obviously, this verse in Isaiah is referring to the Egyptian God Amen. However, most translations do not use Amen ... they substitute "God of truth" instead.

Ammon (Eg.), One of the great gods of Egypt. Ammon or Amoun is far older than Amoun-Ra, and is identified with Baal. Hammon, the Lord of Heaven. Amoun-Ra was Ra the Spiritual Sun, the "Sun of Righteousness", etc., for-" the Lord God is a Sun". He is the God of Mystery and the hieroglyphics of his name are often reversed. He is Pan, All-Nature esoterically, and therefore the universe, and the "Lord of Eternity". Ra, as declared by an old inscription, was "begotten by Neith but not engendered". He is called the "selfbegotten" Ra, and created goodness from a glance of his fiery eye, as Set-Typhon created evil from his. As Ammon (also Amoun and Amen), Ra, he is "Lord of the worlds enthroned on the Sun's disk and appears in the abyss of heaven". A very ancient hymn spells the name "Amen-ra ", and hails the" Lord of the thrones of the earth. Lord of Truth, father of the gods, maker of man, creator of the beasts, Lord of Existence, Enlightener of the Earth, sailing in heaven in tranquillity. All hearts are softened at beholding thee, sovereign of life, health and strength! We worship thy spirit who alone made us ", etc., etc. Ammon Ra is called "his mother's husband" and her son. (See" Chnoumis " and" Chnouphis " and also Secret Doctrine I, pp. 91 and 393)' It was to the" ram-headed" god that the Jews sacrificed lambs, and the lamb of Christian theology is a disguised reminiscence of the ram.

The Theosophical Glossary(1918)H. P. Blavatsky,M1

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 12:59 AM
In An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary - E.A. Wallis Budge - shows these glyphs for Amen.

This is the the main way that the word is represented in hieroglyphs.

This is the root of the word.

The root - mn is composed of the glyph for the game board. This is the most interesting part and I am suprised that nobody has mentioned this yet.

The game board identified by the sign -

is the ancient game called Senet. Senet is the oldest game known to man. The basic object of the game is to be "born again" or "resurrected". If you land in the water .... you are taken back to the cross (ankh).

The glyph for water -
is the water that Christians are trapped in.

Check out this site for more on Senet. If you are smart you will see the relationship the game has to Christianity (which by the way ... was outlawed by the Church).

[edit on 25-2-2009 by CaptainInvisible]

[edit on 25-2-2009 by CaptainInvisible]

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 02:43 AM

Bonwick quotes a writer who says: "Ammon, the hidden god, will remain for ever hidden till anthropomorphically revealed; gods who are afar off are useless". Amen is styled "Lord of the new-moon festival". Jehovah-Adonai is a new form of the ram-headed god Amoun or Ammon (q.o.) who was invoked by the Egyptian priests under the name of Amen.

Excellent! And Jehovah-Adonai can easily be linked to Adonis, via the Semitic root ADN.

More difficult is to link Aten, which was "vocalized as Aton, Atonu, Itni, Itn, and Adon." But, as usual, the Wiki editors (zealots?) will not let us have any fun:

Other scholars and mainstream Egyptologists point out that there are direct connections between early Judaism and other Semitic religious traditions.[45] They also state that two of the three principal Judaic terms for God, Yahweh, Elohim (meaning roughly "the lofty one", morphologically plural), and Adonai (meaning "our lord", also morphologically plural) have no connection to Aten. Freud commented on the connection between Adonai, the Egyptian Aten and the Syrian divine name of Adonis as a primeval unity of language between the factions;[36] in this he was following the argument of Egyptologist Arthur Weigall, but the argument was groundless as 'Aten' and 'Adonai' are not, in fact, linguistically related.[46]

Now, I have looked at the very page in the book cited here for this "groundless argument," and nowhere is it directly asserted that this is "groundless." I am unable to see if he does so elsewhere in the book. The statement that there is "no connection to Aten" is not given a reference at all. But this is another debate in itself.

Now, why did Akhenaten so pointedly abolish worship of Amon-Ra in particular? I have not read this anywhere, but I would suggest that it was because Akhenaten--fanatically declaring that he was "the only intermediary between Aton and his people" and "The Unique One of Re"--the Only-Begotten Son of the Sun--viewed himself as God anthropomorphically revealed. Thus, Amon was no longer "hidden."

[edit on 25-2-2009 by Eleleth]

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by mrwupy
Here I thought it was associated with the ancient God Amen Ra. Here is a link and some egyptian history on the word:

The word or root amen, certainly means "what is hidden," "what is not seen," "what cannot be seen," and the like, and this fact is proved by scores of examples which may be collected from texts of all periods

Amen and Amen Ra

Looks like I need to dig a little deeper


Thats what i read, theres usually a pagan source

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 05:42 PM
In reading the last few posts I am finding connections that lead, again to the system of awakening the minds eye, or activating the pineal.

For instance

The Hidden God, who is in heaven. If the kingdom of heaven is within, then it seems that it is .............well...............Within the body/mind/spirit of Man.

Amoun-Ra, Spritual Sun

Again, the mind's eye, the spiritual sun. Enlightenment. To *see* I am the truth the light and the way.

Conceal, to be hidden.......................The truth is Within. Hidden Within.

And the vibration of the word AUM which sounds very similar could be vibrational frequency to facilitate pineal function, along with other things of course.

Just brainstorming here.

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 09:42 PM
Amen means lierally "Let it be" or "it is sertain" or both in Hebrew. But many people have connected it to the Egyptian name Amon, the name of an Egyptian sun- and fertility deity who was "Lord of truth, father of the Gods, maker of men, creator of all animals, Lord of things that are, creator of the staff of life."

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by Neo Christian Mystic
"Lord of truth, father of the Gods, maker of men, creator of all animals, Lord of things that are, creator of the staff of life."

Would you care to describe your understanding of the staff of life?

Would it not be considered Hidden?

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 06:12 PM
In Old English and into Middle English the word "sothlice" was used more often than Amen to end prayers, with the sense of "let it be so."

St Augustine had a fine statement about the "Amen" as an answer to "Corpus Christi" when receiving communion where he said "Let you Amen mean "so it is" to the sacramental Body of Christ, and "let it be so" to the mystical body of Christ as the Church." [my paraphrasing].

As far as its possible origins in other ancient religions I always accept that as being totally fine and in keeping with reason's long search for its Origin which was ultimately manifest in the Incarnation of God in Christ. The 19th Century Vatican Council asserted that it was indeed possible for people to discover God through reason where revelation was absent and I believe that so many of the early religions, and indeed in many of the religions of today, do manifest that journey towards the truth.

I did my dissertation on the similarities between Osiris and Christ which goes way beyond the stories themselves but also the ritual. The similarities between the Rite of Osiris at Abydos and the Roman Catholic Triduum are startling - though again I don't see this as a problem. I'd love to "publish" that section of my work somewhere on ATS, but it would be a huge post - perhaps if a Mod were interested they could facilitate it, I do think many would be interested.

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by Supercertari

I would love to read more about your connections or ideas of Osiris and Christ....interesting.

So many want to relate Horus to Christ....but I think you are on to something much more with the Osiris relation. Never really thought about it...but...interesting.

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 06:59 PM
I have heard that it comes from Amen-Ra, the Egyptian god of the sun.

Similarly, the Arga-Noa, the ancient Egyptian festival of rain, is the origin of "Noah's Ark."

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways

Originally posted by Neo Christian Mystic
"Lord of truth, father of the Gods, maker of men, creator of all animals, Lord of things that are, creator of the staff of life."

Would you care to describe your understanding of the staff of life?

Would it not be considered Hidden?

I guess the staff of life is the staff we often see in relation to gods etc. as seen on the piccy below:

I have always seen this staff as a clock or a sundial, combined with a compass. But the head of the staff looks like an alien shot out of Giger...

[edit on 1/3/2009 by Neo Christian Mystic]

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 03:03 AM
reply to post by interestedalways

And the vibration of the word AUM which sounds very similar could be vibrational frequency to facilitate pineal function, along with other things of course.

and what do you think that frequency might be? Any references to it yet?

The Rife Frequency makers suggest 662hz to stimulate the Pineal.
They also reference 20hz here..

If you can figure out that frequency then you may be able to artificially induce '___' release... thereby causing Wake Induced Lucidity.

I'll keep looking and let you know if I find anything.

Great reading by the way. Thank you, as Always Interesting, InterestedAlways.

Peace and LOVE to you

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 09:34 AM
You probably refer to a frequency which harmonates with the frequency of the earth and everything we know, the so called Schuman-resonance. At any given time the world around us hums at a steady frequency of about 7Hz. Until Hitler demanded that all third Reich's orchestras and recordings should tune the A note in 440Hz, most orchestras used 432Hz. 432Hz harmonates with the Schuman frequency, while Hitlers note doesn't. Nevertheless, most musicans today tune their instruments in 440Hz not 432Hz. It is theorised that Tesla among others have made earthquakes through modulation of sound or in other words radio frequencies, in relation to the Schumann resonance, making the earth vibrate violently because of an effect between two or more differently resonating sources.

[edit on 20/5/2009 by Neo Christian Mystic]

posted on Dec, 24 2010 @ 04:47 AM
America = Ame rica. = the Reich of Amen.

Enter America, you see statue of liberty. Stateu of liberty is lucifer. Lucifer/Amen-Ra Contection.

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